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 To identify we follow our duties  To analyse how they compare to religion  To evaluate whether duties and religion interlink.

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Presentation on theme: " To identify we follow our duties  To analyse how they compare to religion  To evaluate whether duties and religion interlink."— Presentation transcript:


2  To identify we follow our duties  To analyse how they compare to religion  To evaluate whether duties and religion interlink.

3  Why should we obey authority?  Government  Conscience  Religious leaders  Written laws  Police  Teachers  Sacred texts (holy books) Is it just because if we don’t….?

4 Duty is what you are expected to do. This can be because of a contract you have entered into e.g I promise to empty the dishwasher and in exchange you will give me pocket money. Or something you have to do because of religious beliefs. e.g as a Muslim I have to pray 5 times a day. Its one of the 5 duties (pillars)

5 Religious laws e.g Do not take blood, Do not mix meat and dairy in a kosher kitchen. Secular laws e.g Do not murder Do not drink and drive Both e.g Iran’s laws are laws based on the Quran and the Sunnah (=Shariah law.)So their religious law IS the law of the land.

6 Shariah law courts and indeed Jewish law courts called (Beth Din) have been making decisions in this country for many years. There is no conflict with the law in Britain. Muslims and Jews with religious concerns go there with problems about divorce, money disputes. Remember you can get a religious divorce but you must also get a civil one too.



9 Around the room is information about the 5 K’s. You must go around the room and find the information you need to complete your sheet. When you have all the information you must discuss whether these requirements are religious requirements, personal duties or both.

10 Write as many keywords as possible Write two questions you would like answered Write 3 things you have learnt or been reminded today.

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