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European Federation of Geologists The role of geology In Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs)

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Presentation on theme: "European Federation of Geologists The role of geology In Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs)"— Presentation transcript:

1 European Federation of Geologists The role of geology In Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs)

2 European Federation of Geologists 1985 – EIAs required Directive 85/337/EEC on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment 1997 Directive 97/11/EC amending Directive 85/337/EEC. EU EIA Legal Framework

3 European Federation of Geologists In an EIA what are the benchmarks of acceptability ?  Member States’ laws and regulations including those transposed from EU Directives  International conventions  Regional conventions

4 European Federation of Geologists The EIA Process – main stages in blue Notification Screening Scoping Studies EIA report Review of report Consultation Consent Monitoring & audit EC guidance on EIA process - Authority informed Is an EIA required ? What should the EIA cover ? Detailed study of impacts Submission of study findings Is the report adequate ? Statutory authorities & others Project go-ahead Verification of impact predictions                  

5 European Federation of Geologists What is a “geological perspective” and how can it help in studies of environmental impact?  The structure and distribution of rocks and soils  The hydrosphere  The biosphere It is a viewpoint based on understanding the present and past state of the earth and the processes which produce changes in :-

6 European Federation of Geologists Geological Processes Physical Environment Habitat - Ecosystem eg mountain building, erosion & deposition eg hillslopes, floodplains, rivers, estuaries, sea eg forests, grasslands, wetlands, beaches, seabed, coral reefs Geological perspective on the environment

7 European Federation of Geologists How do we develop a geological perspective on the environment ? Studies of the geological past  Help understand today’s processes  Help understand today’s environmental changes  Help predict environmental changes in the future Data collection  Systematic longterm monitoring  Isolated project specific monitoring Research  Basic study of systems and processes  Focussed applied study of specific issues

8 European Federation of Geologists Examples of geological information used in EIAs  Geological maps  Report on site inspection  Records of any local mining and quarrying  Records of any local groundwater extraction  Existing borehole records  Aerial photos  Seismic records  Local sites of special geological importance

9 European Federation of Geologists Examples of important geological factors in EIAs  Human beings and their property might be affected by  Landslides, earthquakes, radon from bedrock, undermining, eroding coasts  Soils, important economically and in conservation, include  Peat/Fens, beaches, cultivated topsoils  Water, a vital resource, is found in many varied geological settings  Aquifers, karst areas, rivers, lakes, estuaries, seas  Landscape features, include areas where geological processes are active  Mountains ranges, gorges / valleys, waterfalls, seashores & cliffs, caves  Natural material assets are limited and require careful management  Rock & minerals above and below ground, marine sand & gravel  Cultural heritage areas frequently comprise geological features  Sites of special scientific interest, archaeological sites including mining

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