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ICT in Education Readiness
Measuring ICT in Education Readiness Ki-Sang Song (Korea National University of Education) Heeok Heo (Sunchon National University) and Hyeonwoo Lee (Sang Myung University)
Contents Purpose of ICT in Education readiness measurement
Existing works of indicator development Extended ICT in Education indicators Further plan
ICT in Education Readiness and
ICT Readiness and Education
Countries with pervasive information infrastructures that used ICT applications possessed advantages of sustained economic growth and social development Adoption and implementation of new technologies are essential to survival and growth of economy in general Strong consensus of applying ICT in Education due to the positive effect on individual empowerment Government decision-makers are keen to assess the impact of policies adapting ICT in Education Measurement instruments are needed aiming to measure the readiness of ICT in Education across countries
Development & Application Goal of ICT in Education
Individual development Educational reform Social and Economic growth Development & Application ICT use in education
Indicators for Readiness Measurement
To monitor and assess the levels of ICT use in education The output and impact Financial and human resources investment Access to education, participation and progression Enables government to set, measure and achieve realistic goals for effective ICT application in education To provide customized supports in educational excellence To provide e-Learning consultancy guidelines
Readiness Measurement for Policy Makers
Demonstrate accountability to funding source Establish mid-and-long term sustainable Education policies For Policy Makers Establish and share budgets properly Compare the domestic situation with global trends Analyze the Impact for adapting ICT into education
Readiness Measurement for Education Practitioners
Get feedback from students after using ICT in education Implement ICT policy at each school level For Education Practitioners (Principals, Teachers) Reduce the ineffectiveness and improve ICT use in education Monitor and evaluate performance of students Prepare useful educational materials
Lessons from the Consultancy
To the extent that countries aim to achieve educational goals, they need to measure their progress, successes and problems For policy makers, there is a paucity of comparable data between countries on the availability, access, use and impact of ICT in education at the national level Putting in place and implementing relevant policies, strategies and plans need to develop suitable indicators to guide the application of ICT to meet needs Need Indicators for measurement of the readiness of ICT in Education Developed scientifically and systematically for effective consulting to countries want to implement ICT in Education
Limitation of Existing Indicators
Existing indicators for ICT in education are mainly focusing on policy, infrastructure, curriculum, and HR development It is recommended to develop an extended indicator that covers whole scope of ICT use in education without disregarding national socio-economic context through integrating existing indicators for ICT in education Need to develop indicators to be measurable globally, comparable and measured in various domains of ICT in education Need to design indicators Not Just Numbers, but useful to extract the meaning for consulting to countries want to implement ICT in education
Extended ICT in education indicators
Scope of ICT in Education
ICT in Education: Teaching and Learning with ICT to familiarize students with the use and workings of computers, and related social and ethical issues. Core elements Curriculum Objective, Contents, Assessment Teacher Learner Teaching-Learning Materials Supportive elements Policy Educational Service Infra- structure
Elements of ICT in Education
Readiness elements Teacher Understand the characteristics of ICT, and possible to facilitate learner’s learning activities with ICT Learner Use information resources with critical and collaborative manner with other people for learning Curriculum National standardized educational object, contents, and assessment with ICT Educational Policy Law, budget, institutions for fostering ICT in education Educational Information Service The networked service system for helping communication between teacher and learner, and assisting the utilization of educational contents Infrastructure Computers, contents, facilities required to teacher and learners for teaching-learning process
Educational Purposes and Readiness of ICT in Education
Radio TV Computer A/V Equip. Internet Digital toy Digital devices Improving creativity, learning capabilities Providing learning opportunities Purpose MDG/EFA 21st century skills Major Infra Readiness factors Infra Human resource oriented Curriculum Pedagogical issues Infra oriented Policy Finance Human resources Contents Policy Finance Infra Impact to learner’s skill and attitude Assessment strategies
Bottlenecks of ICT in Education
High appreciation, but low availability in ICT ICT training in public education, but lack of qualified teachers ICT equipped in schools, but lack of educational resource and contents Various international assistance, but little sustainability in education Master plans in educational reform, but lack of effective and efficient strategies
Cross-National Readiness Assessment
Indicator to measure specific country’s status of ICT in education Reflecting regional/ cultural/ financial characteristics of regions Basic indicator for comparable data: Quantitative Regional Level Global Level National Level Quantitative + Qualitative Need not only Quantitative Data but also Qualitative Data to effectively consult countries to apply ICT in education for each Nation’s Development Plan KERIS EXTENDED INDICATROS
Framework of KERIS Extended Indicators
Context Input Process Products Outcomes/ Impact Socio-economic and cultural status National development goal Implementation of national vision into education Economic growth Personal empowering 21st century skills ICT penetrated society Policy Vision/plan/law Budget Develop detail action plan Set up responsible organizations Documents Strategies Organizations Budget allocations E-government E-learning Future schools Infra Spec. Training Implementation H/W S/W Networked society Human resources Curriculum Training plan Opportunities Qualified teachers Technical staffs High order thinking skills/ performance Capacity building ICT literacy Integrated curriculum Teaching with ICT ICT integrated teaching and learning New pedagogy Pedagogy integrated with ICT Collaboration Cognitive capabilities Contents Educational resource Training developer Sharing mechanism Teaching and learning contents Usage Online services Identify users and service Develop target services EMIS Providing teaching/learning materials Impact Equity Learning opportunity
Extended ICT Education Indicators for Readiness Measurement
Socio-cultural readiness Policy readiness Infrastructure Educational resource readiness Curriculum readiness Human resources readiness Online service readiness Impact/Usage/ Equity
Domains of the Extended Indicators
Context – Input – Process – Products/Outcomes/Impact Educational policy Administrative service ICT use in education indicators Policy Infrastructure Human resources Educational resources Service Impact Usage Equity Social, cultural and economic status Educational resource Socio-cultural context Content development Economic structure Infrastructure Partnerships Human resources Educational system Professional development Technological development
Segments of Extended Indicator in 2009 [1]
Policy Segments of Extended Indicator in 2009 [1] Domain Sub domain Indicator UIS Policy Laws/ regulations/ policy Existence of laws related to ICT in education ED9 Existence of policies related to ICT in education Existence of national regulations or incentives for ICT in educational institutions Existence of ICT plans in local education development plans? Existence of ICT plans in institution plans Existence of ICT literacy certification Budgets Allocation of budget for ICT in education to nation education budget Average public current expenditure on ICT in education per learner ED22 Proportion of expenditure on ICT in education ED55
Segments of Extended Indicator in 2009 [2]
Domain Sub domain Indicator UIS Infra- structure H/W Percentage of schools with a radio used for educational purposes Percentage of schools with a TV used for educational purposes Percentage of schools with multimedia equipment used for educational purposes ED29 Percentage of schools with computers Percentage of schools with computer room Learner-to-computer ratio in schools ED4 Average number of computers per educational institutions ED32 Percentage of all computers available for pedagogical purposes ED35 Percentage of student-owned computer for pedagogical purposes ED34 Percentage of all computers available for administrative purposes ED51 Ratio of educators to computers in schools Existence of plan to maintain and renew ICT equipment Presence of national requirements for ICT H/W S/W Operating System of computers most widely used in schools Percentage of schools with computer assisted instruction ED24 Percentage of schools with Internet assisted instruction ED25 Number of audio-visual materials available in schools per General learners Percentage of educational institutions offering distance education program ED54 Names/types of software used in institution ED30, ED30bis Internet access Existence of a local area network (LAN) Internet access speed Internet fee Percentage of schools with Internet access ED5 Ratio of student-to computer connected to Internet ED31 Average number of computers connected to internet per educational institutions Communication tools Percentage of schools with a website ED50 Percentage of schools providing an account to all learners ED52 Percentage of schools providing an account to all teachers ED53 Fundamental infra Percentage of schools with electricity EDR1 Percentage of schools with telephone communication facility ED3
Segments of Extended Indicator in 2009 [3]
Domain Sub domain Indicator UIS Human Resources Teacher Percentage of teachers who use ICT in education ED40 Percentage of teachers trained to teach basic computer literacy ED38 Percentage of teachers trained to teach any subject using ICT ED39 Percentage of trained teachers using ICT facilities for teaching Ratio of learners-to-teachers of basic computer literacy ED43 Ratio of learners-to-teacher using ICT to teach ED44 Percentage of school staffs trained to use ICT in education Preparation of institution school staffs with an address IT specialist Ratio of school-based ICT coordinators to the number schools offering any ICT assisted instruction ED12 Percentage of Institution has an ICT advisor/technician? Training opportunity Proportion of training center for ICT in education Existence of Financial support for ICT training Existence of ICT training program
Segments of Extended Indicator in 2009 [4]
Domain Sub domain Indicator UIS Curriculum National standards for ICT use in teaching and learning Description of ICT use in teaching and learning ED9, ED9 bis Specifications of ICT-based model of teaching and learning Amount of time to use ICT for teaching and learning in classrooms ED13, ED14 Conditions of physical environment for ICT use in schools prescribed in national standards Existence of national curriculum documents focusing on ICT use in education ICT literacy Presence of a prescribed curriculum on ICT literacy Proportion of learners enrolled in grades where computer skills are currently taught (for ISCED 1-3) Cyber ethics Presence of cyber ethics education in schools Proportion of learners enrolled in grades where cyber ethics are currently Service Teaching and learning support service Existence of e-portal service Institution providing teaching support materials for teachers Institution providing learning support materials to students or parents Existence of ICT centers for community training purposes Educational administrative information Percentage of institutions that provide access to their ICT infrastructure for the community
Segments of Extended Indicator in 2009 [5]
Domain Sub domain Indicator UIS Educational Resources Development of educational resources Status of systematic development of digital educational resources Quality assurance mechanisms for digital educational resources Sharing and distribution of digital resources Status of distribution of digital educational resources in schools Average number of subscriptions of distributed digital resources per educational institutions ED31 Status of sharing and distribution educational resources through standardization Impact Impact measurement Existence of ICT in education impact measurement Students outcome Promotion rate of learners in grades receiving ICT-assisted instruction (by gender, by type of institution and by grade) ED 46 Promotion rate of learners in grades not receiving ICT-assisted ED 47 ICT-assisted instruction performance ratio (by gender, by type of institution and by grade) ED 48
Segments of Extended Indicator in 2009 [6]
Domain Sub domain Indicator UIS Usage Utilization of infra Computer Usage time by learners in schools Computer Usage time by teachers in schools Utilization of curriculum Average ICT use by learners for learning purposes Average ICT use by educators for academic purposes Utilization of on-line digital teaching and learning service Average frequency of on-line service use by learners Average frequency of on-line service use by teachers Utilization of ER Utilization of digital educational resources in school learning Equity Gender Presence of national ICT equity policy Proportion of female and male teachers who can teach learners about ICT literacy Proportion of female and male learners who can access to ICT as pedagogical aids Proportion of female and male educators who have completed the required hours of professional development Proportion of female and male educators who use ICT for academic purposes (Average hours per week) Proportion of learners enrolled by gender at the post-secondary non tertiary and tertiary level in ICT-related fields ED7 Proportion of learners who graduated last academic year by gender at the tertiary level in ICT-related fields ED42 Proportion of learners enrolled by gender at tertiary level in distance education program ED 45 Region Proportion of schools with ICT-assisted instruction in rural areas ED 26 Special needs Percentage of learners with special needs who have access to ICT
Segments of Extended Indicator in 2009 [7]
Domain Sub domain Indicator UIS Social, cultural and economic status Socio-economic Populations Gross National Income (GNI) Vision and plan for national development Existence of national development goals and plans Mapping of national vision and development priorities with respect to education National educational goals and plans Finance Percentage of education budget to national total budget Educational budget per student Percentage of ICT in education budget to national education budget ICT in education budget per student Source of ICT in education budget in school School system Educational administration system Existence of organizations in charge of ICT in education Decision making structure of the school level Existence of institutions to support national education development goal organizations
Further plan
Tasks Underway in 2009 Development of indicators target to countries of Asia-Pacific region for consulting of ICT in education Expanded Indicators – UNESCO UIS + EXTENDED INDICATORS Pilot test to 6 Asia-Pacific countries in Nov. 2009 Thailand, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, Malaysia, Vietnam Working group workshop in Oct , 2009 Data collection in Oct. 28 – Nov. 30, 2009 In-depth country status reports of ICT application in education to aim educational and socio-economic development in Dec. 2009 Further revision for reliable measurement tools for readiness, and analysis methodology development
Future Direction Development of Extended Indictor for
Establishment of Readiness Measurement for ICT use in Education in global and national levels Possibly used for ICT in education consulting purpose Expanding measurement of impact for ICT use in Education Policy, infrastructure, educational contents, standardization, curriculum, educational information service, HR development, and administration infrastructure EIRI by KERIS OECD’s Education at a Glance 2007 Literature Review such as Education System & Policy and Education Learning Outputs ICT in Education Indicator by OECD Computer & Internet Access ICT Usage of Teacher & Student in School Infrastructure of ICT use in Education Level of ICT Skills of Student by UNESCO UIS Development of Extended Indictor for Measurement ICT Use in Education Readiness Building international consensus Necessity for sustainable management of indicator for ICT use in Education Recognition of Impact of ICT use in Education Cooperation with Nations and International Organizations Reasonable management of scope of ICT use in Education Bridging digital divide of ICT use in Education
Ki-Sang Song, Ph. D.
Thank You ! Ki-Sang Song, Ph. D.
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