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CSSE 533 – Database Systems Week 1, Day 1 Steve Chenoweth CSSE Dept.

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1 CSSE 533 – Database Systems Week 1, Day 1 Steve Chenoweth CSSE Dept

2 2 We’ll look at…  Your goals for the course  Course syllabus  Course schedule  Books  Data mining material  What we’ll do at meetings  What environment we’ll use (Mike’s)  Initial goals for PostgreSQL  What we’ll do at our second meeting

3 3 Your goals for the course Suggestions (see also next page):  Learning about the two database systems  PostgreSQL  MongoDB  How these relate to your work  Learning about data mining  How these topics all relate to other projects you are doing / want to do  Project scope you’d consider doing

4 4 What you said (Jan 20 emails) Jon:  The areas that interest me with respect to Database Structures are as follows;  The areas that interest me with respect to Database Structures are as follows;  Database Design as it relates to Big Data and Machine Learning  Are these relational or flat mutually exclusive tables?  What are the suggested high performing designs with respect to the domain of machine learning and big data  PL / SQL | Stored Procedures  I did some PL/SQL in college but would like to see what the latest trend is with regard to stored procedures and the like for this space.  That’s all I can think of at the moment but didn’t want it to escape my head. Mike:  I’m on board with learning more about stored procedures. I’m very familiar with a lot of the details surrounding them, but I really only wrote them myself way back as an undergrad. So that sounds like a fun itch to scratch.  I suppose that, at the moment, I don’t have anything in particular that I’d like to learn about just yet. I’ll speak up if anything comes to me.

5 5 A few quick questions  What is Interactive Intelligence’s current use of both these databases?  How are they (you) doing data mining now?  Can you latch onto whatever the internal user groups are for these?  Can you get them interested in whatever project you would like to do?

6 6 Course syllabus  Main goal – make it a chance to learn moe about database systems you care about  And learn about using them for data mining  Left open – what the assignments would be, and when due  Happy to take suggestions  Let’s look it over

7 7 Course schedule  I divided into –  Week 1 – figure out what we want to do  PostgreSQL – four weeks  MongoDB – four weeks  Data mining embedded in each of these  Week 10 – Project demos & lessons learned

8 8 Books  Both are handy dandy O’Reilly’s  Both are useful for practitioners who have a larger role, like needing to do some systems admin work.  Both assume you already know basic stuff like SQL.  We could either:  Have reading assignments? Or,  Just use them as references?

9 9 Data mining material  There’s lots all over the Internet.  Basically, it’s a combination of:  The Machine Learning stuff we did last term, and  Using database systems like these two, to get the data, and  If you have really huge data, using tools like Hadoop to run algorithms on many machines at once.

10 10 What we’ll do at meetings  Talk about the DBMS of interest.  Talk about how it can do data mining.  See demos of things you want to show.  Discuss issues and progress on projects.  What we’ll do each week – see next slide 

11 11 What we’ll do at meetings, cntd  What we’ll do each week –  For each DBMS, I divided the 4 weeks into these parts:  Learning to use it –  Try things and ask questions and make plans  Working on it with real data  See if you could get data you like to be formatted for something you want to do.  Applying it to data mining  Try applying some program or query to it.  Applying it to your project  Show how you could actually get something of value.

12 12 What environment we’ll use (Mike’s)  Maybe tonight and/or Thursday are an intro for the PostgreSQL installation?  Plus see what happens when we all try to use it at the same time!?  Other considerations?

13 13 Initial goals for PostgreSQL  Your goals for using this DB  What’s special about it, as you see this  (We’ll talk next week about what’s special about it as the world sees it.)  Thursday – How it might fit with your project?  Other learning goals for it?

14 14 What we’ll do at our second meeting  More details about your likely project.  Where it stands – e.g.,  Do you have data ready to try loading into some schema on either DB?  What in particular might be doable as an exercise in using PostgreSQL?  More initial demos?

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