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Poetry Assignment #1 You are to write a minimum three stanza poem with four lines each. Your poem must have a subject. It must have end rhyme and internal.

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Presentation on theme: "Poetry Assignment #1 You are to write a minimum three stanza poem with four lines each. Your poem must have a subject. It must have end rhyme and internal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetry Assignment #1 You are to write a minimum three stanza poem with four lines each. Your poem must have a subject. It must have end rhyme and internal rhyme. In addition, you must include examples of alliteration, assonance, one simile, repetition, one metaphor, and onomatopoeia.

2 Poetry Assignment #2 For this poem you are to write a free verse poem. The poem can take on any theme or subject but it must be clear what message the poem is trying to convey. For a free verse poem your options are limitless and please be creative. At the minimum you must include an illustration. It can be as simple as a picture from the internet or a drawing. The poem can be the drawing itself!

3 Grasshopper by e e cummings

4 Grasshopper. Who as we look up now gathering into a T, he leaps arriving to rearrangingly become grasshopper.

5 Free Verse Examples -of-free-verse-poems.html -of-free-verse-poems.html 0writing/poetry/terms%20and%20poems/sha peexplantion.htm 0writing/poetry/terms%20and%20poems/sha peexplantion.htm

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