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Entering 6th grade 6th grade remaining must test again in Nov. Entering 7th grade HIGH SCHOOL AHEAD ACADEMY (HSAA) TIMELINE CURRICULUM PLANNING JunAprMarFebJanDecOctSeptAugJunNovMay.

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Presentation on theme: "Entering 6th grade 6th grade remaining must test again in Nov. Entering 7th grade HIGH SCHOOL AHEAD ACADEMY (HSAA) TIMELINE CURRICULUM PLANNING JunAprMarFebJanDecOctSeptAugJunNovMay."— Presentation transcript:

1 Entering 6th grade 6th grade remaining must test again in Nov. Entering 7th grade HIGH SCHOOL AHEAD ACADEMY (HSAA) TIMELINE CURRICULUM PLANNING JunAprMarFebJanDecOctSeptAugJunNovMay 12 Months October 27th they will test. If successful, they are promoted to 7th grade. 7th grade curriculum begins on November 1st. October 27th they will test. If successful, they are promoted to 8th grade. 8th grade curriculum begins on November 1st. Begin 7th grade curriculum; 6 months of instruction Promoted to 8th gr. Begin 8th grade curriculum; 6 months of instruction Promoted to 9th gr. If 6th grade is successful, promoted to 7th grade; 5 months of instruction. If unsuccessful, remain in 6th grade Promoted to 7th Gr. or required Summer School 7th grade remaining must test again in Nov If 7th grade is successful, promoted to 8th grade; 5 months of instruction.If unsuccessful, remain in 7th grade Promoted to 8th Gr. or required Summer School Failed October 27th test. Will receive 1 month accelerated instruction and test again on November 29th. If successful, they are promoted to 7th grade. 7th grade curriculum begins on December 1st. Failed October 27th test. Will receive 1 month accelerated instruction and test again on November 29th. If successful, they are promoted to 8th grade. 8th grade curriculum begins on December 1st.

2 . HISD MODEL FOR ACCELERATING OVERAGE MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS The Houston Independent School District has approximately 1,900 middle school students who are overage by two or more years. In order to ensure these young men and women are successful, we must create various options to accelerate them and give them a chance of obtaining a high school diploma. HS Partnership District-Based School -Based SCHOOL-BASED intervention is designed to address the issue of overage students at the campus level. Following a model similar to “grad labs” at the high school level, each middle school will have 1-2 recovery centers for 20 students each. Students will receive instruction via computer and assisted by a full-time teacher and tutor. The teacher will work with the students to accommodate a double dose of instruction in reading and mathematics. The students will take one elective to be determined by the campus. Students would be able to accelerate at their own pace after completion of online courses and with teacher recommendation. The school-based intervention could potentially serve approximately 1400 students. DISTRICT-BASED and led intervention is a system-wide approach designed to accommodate our overage 6 th and 7 th grade students, who for whatever reason would not be successful if kept at the campus level in their acceleration efforts through the recovery centers. These students would be full-time students at the High School Ahead Academy. These students would receive instruction via classroom teachers and will receive a double dose of instruction in reading and mathematics. Students would be eligible to receive two years of instruction in one year to include a summer school component. Entering 6 th grade students upon successful completion would attend 8 th grade back at their home middle school. Entering 7 th grade students upon successful completion would attend their home high school or the high school of their choice. The district-based intervention would serve approximately 400 students. HIGH SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP is designed to accommodate our overage 8 th grade students, who being on a high school campus would provide the needed motivation to be successful in their acceleration efforts. These students would be full-time middle school students for the first semester and upon successful completion would become high school students the second semester. These students would receive instruction via computer and assisted by a teacher and tutor similar to the efforts in the school-based intervention. The teacher and tutor will work with the students to accommodate a double dose of instruction in reading and mathematics. Approximately ten (10) campuses strategically located around the district would serve approximately 200 students. The students would be transported to the high schools using existing transportation options.

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