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A step-by-step tutorial by Henry Liu Auckland City Libraries Make a start Chinese Digital Community.

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Presentation on theme: "A step-by-step tutorial by Henry Liu Auckland City Libraries Make a start Chinese Digital Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 A step-by-step tutorial by Henry Liu Auckland City Libraries Make a start Chinese Digital Community

2 What is it? An online community created by the New Zealand Chinese Association (NZCA) and Auckland City Libraries. Web address:

3 Chinese Digital Community Why create it? To preserve the heritage of the Chinese people living in New Zealand To provide future generations with an online archive about the Chinese who lived and contributed to the development of New Zealand To share Chinese culture

4 Chinese Digital Community Who is it for? Those who wish to provide, share and store information on the website that is related to New Zealand’s Chinese heritage. What can you do? Join for free Contribute in the form of a –Topic (e.g. text article, personal story) –Document (e.g. pdf) –Link –Audio –Video –Image Discuss (i.e. add comments) Create groups (it’s possible to set group information for members only so it’s not viewable by the public)

5 Chinese Digital Community How to use the website? Basic use – browse as a non-registered user. Advanced use – contribute as a registered user.

6 Basic use Browse as a non-registered user

7 Open your web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox), type “” in address column, then press Enter

8 Here is the CDC homepage. You can see Featured, Tags…

9 Besides Featured and Tags, you’ll see also Latest 5 topics, links to Auckland City Libraries and license settings on the homepage

10 Browse featured items on the homepage

11 Just click on the box to see the ‘Going Bananas Conference’ item

12 You’ll see the ‘Going Bananas Conference’ topic plus related links and images

13 Browse by tags

14 Tags are labels given to articles, images, videos, etc. Try clicking on the “Harry Fong” tag

15 You’ll see a list of all topics (i.e. articles) tagged with “Harry Fong”

16 Browse by category

17 Click on “Browse”

18 Here are the categories. Click on what you’d like to browse, e.g. Sport & Recreation

19 Click on the title for more details

20 If you want to look at photos, just click on the thumbnails

21 The default size is medium. But you can also check out the small, large and original options.

22 Search the website

23 Otago You can search the website. Try typing “Otago” in the search box, then click on “Go” or press Enter on your keyboard.

24 You’ll see a list of results related to Otago. Scroll down to see rest of page.

25 Click on the title to read the full story

26 Here’s the full story plus related links and images

27 Summary of basic use Browse featured items Browse by tags Browse by category Search the website

28 Advanced use Register for free

29 Click on ‘Register’ to sign up

30 Fill out the form, scroll down to continue

31 Choose a preferred license. You can read more about each license by clicking on ‘View license’. Selecting the default setting means people are allowed to download, alter and distribute your stuff as long as they credit you and use the same license as yours. Type in the security code. Tick this box to agree to the terms and conditions. Click on Sign up.

32 Now you’ve signed up successfully, your name will be displayed here.

33 Add items and edit

34 Click on “Add Item” to contribute.

35 Click on drop down arrow, then click on what you’d like to add, e.g. image.

36 Select a privacy setting. Type in the title of your image. Scroll down the page.

37 Write a brief description of the image. Select the privacy setting for your image. Scroll down the page.

38 Add tag(s). Upload image. Click on dropdown arrow, select a category, e.g. Social Life & Customs.

39 Click on drop down arrow, select sub- category e.g. Events & Festivals

40 Scroll down the page.

41 The default setting for location is “on” and “Auckland”. But you can drag the red balloon to another location on the map or switch this function off by ticking this box.

42 Select a preferred license setting. Selecting the default setting means people can download, alter and distribute your stuff but they’ll have to credit you and use the same license as yours. Now click on Create.

43 Here is the image you’ve just uploaded. Uh-oh, typo! Word should be spelt “launched”. Click on ‘Edit’ to make changes.

44 Scroll down the page. You’re now in editing mode.

45 Make your change. Scroll down the page.

46 Click on ‘Update’ once you’ve finished editing.

47 Typo has been corrected. You can also edit other people’s stuff – as long as you sign in first.

48 Group Created by people with common/similar backgrounds or interests.

49 Click on ‘Groups’ to join a group

50 Click on “Request membership”

51 You’ll be emailed once your application has been approved

52 To create your own group, click on ‘Add Group’

53 Then select one of two group profiles

54 1) Give your group a name, e.g. ‘Chinese Librarians’ 2) Select one of three options to set who can add, edit items, e.g. only group members 3) Scroll down

55 1) Select one of four options to set joining policy, e.g. Request Membership. 2) Click on “Create” to create your group.

56 Success!

57 Discussion

58 You’d like to say something about an image you’ve found. Click on “Discuss” to add your comments.

59 1) Give your comments a title 2) Write your comments here 3) Add tags 4) Scroll down to see rest of page

60 Set categories, location (e.g. I ticked the box to ensure “don’t record a location”) and don’t forget to ‘Save’

61 Comments were added successfully!

62 Summary of advanced use Sign up Contribute: * Add items (topic, image, document, audio, video, link) * Edit (correct or modify your and others’ contribution) * Discuss/comment Group: * Join and create

63 Some useful links Help About

64 Thank You Comments and suggestions welcome: Edited: January 2010 Created: August 2009 Click to view it again.

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