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What impressions do young people have of librarianship as a career? Attracting young people to the profession Sarah Newbutt The Grammar School at Leeds.

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Presentation on theme: "What impressions do young people have of librarianship as a career? Attracting young people to the profession Sarah Newbutt The Grammar School at Leeds."— Presentation transcript:

1 What impressions do young people have of librarianship as a career? Attracting young people to the profession Sarah Newbutt The Grammar School at Leeds Barbara Sen The University of Sheffield

2 Idea for the research Response to Library Workforce Survey 2005 – UK study 56.6% of workforce aged 40-59 6% of workforce aged between 60-69 Over half of people who work in libraries are soon to be reaching retirement age Not enough young people are coming into the profession to take their place Similar problem in USA and Australia IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009

3 What does this mean? Staffing Crisis Need to recruit young people Barriers To people entering the profession A Need for Solutions What we can do to attract more young people into librarianship IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009

4 Quotation– Ard et al (2006) “In the eyes of many youth, maybe librarians lack the glamour of…other disciplines, or perhaps people with more life experience have had more opportunities to develop a deeper appreciation of the nature of library work.” IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009

5 The literature Problems identified: Perceptions of the profession, libraries and librarians - stereotypes Lack of careers advice Misunderstanding of what the librarian’s role entails Lack of awareness of the scope of libraries, i.e. most young people only have experience of school, academic or public libraries. Misunderstanding of the skills and qualifications needed IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009

6 Overview of the issues IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009 Staffing Crisis Need to recruit young people Barriers To people entering the profession A Need for Solutions What we can do to attract more young people into librarianship

7 Research aims To discover young people’s impressions of librarianship as a career To identify what barriers there are to young people entering the profession To explore what appeals about librarianship as a career choice IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009

8 Two questionnaires Young People 19 respondents Age span 18-24 14 female 5 male Roughly 50:50 split students/in employment Jobs ranged from teachers, IT, sales, ice cream van driver! Librarianship Students 16 respondents 4 aged 18-24 years old 11 were aged 25-39 years old 1 was over 40 years old 1 no answer All had some library experience across a range of sectors IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009

9 Results of the questionnaires IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009

10 Barrier: Misunderstanding of the librarians’ role IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009 “SHOUT at people!” “Put books back on shelves” “Researching" “Till work” “Managing staff and resources”

11 Barrier: Lack of awareness of where we work IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009

12 Awareness of the librarians’ roles Librarianship students’ perceptions: All librarianship students felt they had an increased awareness of the role of librarianship work since taking the MA Librarianship course, including an increased awareness of different sectors and job titles Many were surprised at the emphasis placed on information technology and information literacy IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009

13 Barrier: Young people’s use of libraries IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009

14 Respondents use of libraries Young People 73.7% had used a public library 57.9% had used a school library 52.6% had used a college or university library Librarianship Students 100% had used a public library 46.7% had used school library 100% had used a college or university library IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009

15 Barrier: Appeal of the profession 15.8% said they had considered becoming a librarian because of their love of books 2 of these respondents knew people who worked in libraries (42% of the respondents knew people who work in libraries) 84.2% had not considered becoming a librarian because: “Boring/wouldn’t suit my interests” “Lack of careers advice“ “Already decided on a different career” “Seems an unintellectually challenging job” 5 of these respondents admitted they did not understand what the job entails. One specifically highlighted “… not a lot of information given on the job at school or careers advice.” IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009

16 Appeal of the profession to librarianship students IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009 RankReasonScore 1 Based on prior experience of working in libraries/wanting professional development 9 2 Passion for working with/meeting/helping public/users/new people 9 3 Passion for reading 7 4 Interest in education 5 5 Based on experience of using libraries 3 6 Based on university degree experience 3 7 Mix of skills – interesting and varied 3 8 Important job 2 9 Money 2 10 Natural curiosity – suits personally 1 11 Research 1 12 Sociable and Creative lifestyle 1

17 What librarianship students said... IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009 “I wanted a job that would be interesting and varied” “I was influenced by people I met who were librarians” “I think that reading and..access to knowledge.. Are two very important things, and the opportunity to be involved in this seemed to good to pass up.”

18 Perceptions of librarians Librarianship students’ perceptions: Learned more about librarians from the course Fellow course mates had changed their perceptions or librarians and future librarians Aware of stereotypical images “Boring people who wore cardigans” Stereotypes didn’t deter them from entering the profession. Positive self perceptions as librarians of the future. IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009

19 The Barriers Invisibility of the profession Negative stereotypes Qualifications required Poor careers advice Lack of job opportunities Money - low salaries IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009

20 The Barriers: What one librarianship student said IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009 “When you’re younger (and often older!) you want to do a sexy job that pays a fortune…It’s hard to sell librarianship on these grounds.”

21 Comparison of perceived barriers Young People Stereotypes Poor careers advice Already decided on a different career (lack of awareness of librarianship?) Not challenging/not intellectual Wouldn’t suit personality Librarianship Students Stereotypes Poor careers advice Lack of awareness Qualifications Lack of job opportunities Money – low salaries IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009

22 Where did librarianship students want to work? The course had opened up options or changed their minds about opportunities 40% had changed their preferred sector choices completely “The library world is my oyster. I’ll see what grabs me.” IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009

23 Summary Key issues

24 What attracts people to the profession? Love of books and reading The variety of the job Wanting to help users Positive influence from library professionals Plenty of opportunities to engage with these, e.g. customer service, reader development, team work, varied projects IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009

25 Barriers to young people Stereotypical image of librarians – particularly regarding age Lack of awareness of the roles of librarians Lack of education about career opportunities in libraries IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009

26 Conclusions The findings of this study supported evidence from the literature that: Library stereotypes persist There is a lack of careers advice Libraries lack visibility for many young people IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009

27 Possible solutions for discussion Self-promotion Leading by example Increase awareness Increase visibility Marketing and promotion Engagement with Web 2.0 technologies New buildings, improving library environment Banish negative stereotypes IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009

28 On a positive note - The library students surveyed hadn’t been put off by the stereotypes they had encountered Saw themselves differently And where enthusiastic about their new careers and the difference they could make in the profession IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009

29 Any Questions? Or please contact me at a later date: IFLA Satellite Meeting Bologna 2009

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