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African American Heritage By Ebone Johnson ED 417 Dr. Helms Ohio Social Studies Strands First Grade Power Point Lesson.

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Presentation on theme: "African American Heritage By Ebone Johnson ED 417 Dr. Helms Ohio Social Studies Strands First Grade Power Point Lesson."— Presentation transcript:

1 African American Heritage By Ebone Johnson ED 417 Dr. Helms Ohio Social Studies Strands First Grade Power Point Lesson

2 Table of Contents American Heritage & People in Societies People in Societies World Interactions Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Democratic Processes Decision Making and Resources Science,Technology, and Society

3 American Heritage & People in Societies This strand includes aspects of the past that help to make American people unique among the peoples of the world, while at the same time recognizing what they have in common with others.

4 American Heritage Activities Create a year round calendar filled with African American Holidays and celebrations. In groups have students research one African American holiday or celebration and present that occasion at a festival celebrating African American history. Create a timeline of historical African Americans and what they did in history. Compare the current culture of African Americans to the cultural practices of the past. Invite an older African American into the classroom to talk about their life and how it has changed over the years.

5 African American Heritage Websites,6709,97217,00.html a website dealing with African American history an African American quiz and game site 4818%2C00.html?yah a website filled with information on African American heritage a website of different African cards and gift ideas a website with information on African American culture

6 People in Societies This strand recognizes that the United States and the world encompass many different racial, ethnic, and religious groups.

7 People In Societies Activities Create a classroom Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the African American culture with another cultural group. Research the different religious practices of African Americans. Have a “Day of Culture” in which students would dress, eat, sing, and dance the African American culture. Discuss the diverse background of African Americans. Create a kinte clothe class quilt.

8 People in Societies Websites Information on the population of African Americans An A-Z listing of notable African Americans information on Black history different African games to reinforce cultural facts and knowledge information on African American athletes

9 World Interactions This strand explores the links people make around the world as they attempt to address common problems.

10 World Interactions Activites Make a map of Africa, color, and then cut apart to create a puzzle. Get a map of the world and trace a possible path the slaves might have taken to get from Africa to the Unted States. Get a map of the world and color all the places that African Americans come from. Discuss current events in the world that have a great impact on the lives of African Americans. Discuss how African Americans are viewed and treated in other parts of the world.

11 World Interactions Websites a black history website a black history website information on Nelson Mandela /exhibits/african/intro.htm/ a mosaic of African American art and culture maps of Africa

12 Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities This strand focuses on decisions individuals and societies make, addressing wants.

13 Citizenship Activitis Discuss the civil rights movement and the impact it had on the lives of African Americans Research and report on Rosa Parks Discuss how Rosa Parks had a great impact on the Civil Rights movement Talk about boycotts and how they relate to today’s society Act out a common day version of the bus boycott, and discuss actions that could be taken in today’s world.

14 Citizenship Websites a biography of Rosa Parks information on the bus boycott information on the bus boycott information on civil rights information on Rosa Parks

15 Democratic Process This strand examines the principles of democracy and explores the extent to which government reflects those principles.

16 Democratic Activities Discuss laws that they have in Africa Compare and Contrast African laws with the US laws. Discuss the laws that were made that had the greates impact on African American lives. Discuss what would happen if some of these laws weren’t made Bring an African American politician to the classroom to speak.

17 Democratic Websites information on African Americans in the news c/pages/buckman/timeline/kingframe.html black history information black history information background history of black history a civil rights timeline of information and people

18 Decision Making and Resources This strand focuses on the context for exmaning those activities that are part of an adult’s public life.

19 Decision Making Activities Make a chart of inventions made by African Americans Discuss whether these inventions are still used today, and how useful they are In groups have students come up with a resource for African Americans Have a discussion thinking about what would the world be like without African Americans Create a diversity collage

20 Decision Making Websites explore Africa through interactive games and stories learn about jazz music learn about the black newspaper learn about black stamps a kids look at black history

21 Science, Technology, and Society This strand covers the contributions of the scientific world and addresses the ever- changing world we live in.

22 Science Activities Create a word search using countries from Africa Play mancala Research an invention made by African American and recreate invention to share with class Research the family tree of an African American Compare the African Americans family tree to the family tree of a person of another culture

23 Science Websites information on African American authors make a word search puzzle famous African American inventors famous African American inventors famous African American inventors

24 CONCLUSION The activities in this power point are for the first grade level. These activities are meant to be spread out in a thematic unit lasting at least a few months. The purpose of these activities is to incorporate African American heritage into the classroom, year round, not just Black History Month.

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