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2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Monitoring Indicators for Cultural World Heritage sites ICOMOS Discussion points.

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1 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Monitoring Indicators for Cultural World Heritage sites ICOMOS Discussion points

2 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Periodic Reporting Process Periodic Reporting for Europe & North America has highlighted the need to: – monitor progress and changes over time in WHSs In the Guidance for Part II of the Periodic Reporting process, the main aim is said to be: –… “to obtain an assessment of whether the World Heritage value(s) for which a property was inscribed on the World Heritage list is(are) maintained over time.’

3 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year New Operational Guidelines ‘common elements of an effective management system could include ….a cycle of planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and feedback” And asks State Parties to include in nominations: –“key indicators proposed to measure and assess the state of conservation of the property, the factors affecting it, conservation measures at the property,

4 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Sites are inscribed on the WH list if they: Are of OUV Have a Statement of OUV Have Authenticity and Integrity Have a Management Plan or Management System that: –Identifies threats & vulnerabilities –Puts in place processes to: Sustain OUV Monitor & evaluate success in sustaining OUV

5 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year What needs Monitoring Monitoring is needed to show if OUV is being sustained To monitor OUV we therefore need to monitor management processes to see how successful they are

6 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Cultural WHSs Sites are living evolving places Management is part of daily practice Carried out by a wide range of stakeholders Often with no overall management system Collaborative or traditional management set out in a Management Plan

7 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year For some cultural sites there are a few clear management objectives related to projects –Where there is a defined output and timescale e.g. major conservation projects Construction of visitor facilities For majority of cultural sites Mangement challenges are related to managing change on a daily basis Dont know what threat may arrive tomorrow Need to have responsive management

8 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Managing change: Involves multiple stakeholders Plethora of smallscale projects Decisions to guide direction of change –Avoid unwanted consequences –Deliver optimum benefits Through responsive processes

9 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Action plans in Management plans for cultural sites often include: Production of strategies e.g. –Visitor management –Risk preparedness –Tall buildings –Use of local materials –Training of craft skills

10 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Management processes are the key to successful conservation Management Plan often identifies those processes –Whether traditonal or modern management In order to deliver sustainable managementnt –Where heritage underpins development –Where opportunities can be taken

11 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Where things go wrong Often because lack of process to deal with threats Threats may be related to complex socio- economic systems Need to set site into wider context Manage interaction with its setting

12 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Invovlement of stakeholders is essential in most cultural sites Includes local communites May include indigenous populations Young people Should be multi-disciplinary

13 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Management needs to be related to knowledge Of OUV How this is related to tangible attributes Of processes that drive the site Of people involved in it Of intangible values

14 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Monitoring For living, developing, cultural sites Monitoring needs to be on-going & responsive Monitoring that reports impacts of change – positive, negative, neutral – valuable More valuable are ways of showing how successful management has steered things in right direction

15 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Cultural sites more complex than many natural sites –Where there are clear objectives to be acheived over time –Success can be tracked by managers who have some direct control over the process Limitations of ‘tracking’ process –activites relating to people, local communities, visitors, management planning All of these relate to cultural sites

16 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Careful to avoid to simple objectives in order to have measurable indicators Can have sites where fabric is well managed –No involvement of local communities –Threats to setting –Erosion of sense of place –Lack of benfits to locals –Heritage seen as stopping development

17 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Indicators Most cultural sites Managed locally Within a national protective framework Both of these need to be in place Need indicators for both

18 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Monitoring Indicators Quantative National protective framework Basic data – similar to natural sites Qualitative Success of local responsive management Measuring process not the product The product - sustaining OUV

19 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Qualitative Indicators Such indicators have not yet been developed Three site managers in the UK are curtrently working on this Will set out what indicators need to address

20 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Qualitative Indicators Pre-conditions for good management: –People –Values –Knowledge Sustainable management processes Clear agreement on shared benefits

21 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year People: Management structure Collaborative arrangements How are stakeholders involved Local communities Indigenous people Young people Professional advice: expertise

22 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Values: Articulating OUV What it relates to on the site –Tangible –Intangible Other values

23 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Knowledge: Context for management – wider environment Inventories Conservation records Traditional skills Know-how Oral knowledge/traditions

24 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Sustainable management: Decison making processes –National support Supportive strategies Harnessing opportunties Conservation & preventative conservation processes Fostering development Deal with threats

25 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Sustainable management: Overall strategies Involvement of major external funding agencies Resources

26 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Benefits: Sustaining OUV can bring direct and indirect benefits To local communities, visitors etc Who benefits How do they benefit Who chooses

27 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Monitoring Indicators for Cultural WHSs Quantative:  Suite of indicators – some pre-filled Qualitative:  People 7  Values 4  Knowledge 6  Sustainable management 9  Benefits 2  Total:28

28 2nd meeting WH Periodic Reporting Reflection Year Thank You!

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