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Presentation on theme: " A Cultural Heritage Portal. Bring to Light the Value of Cultural Heritage Hans Michelsen Central Library Consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Cultural Heritage Portal. Bring to Light the Value of Cultural Heritage Hans Michelsen ( Central Library Consultant Track B: Digitization B204 Preserving History Denmark

2 Why Local History 2.0 ? Web 2.0 is here and ready for use: It can provide valuable user services such as: Easy access to digitized docs, pictures etc. Easy combination of text, pictures, podcasts, videocasts etc. Enabling Learning Creating Content The Internet is a democratic device: –enables people to create, share and use content and to enhance cultural ‘conversation’ –dissemination is easy –it is popular –it is interactive

3 Using a Librarian's 2.0 Manifesto to get focus on the users (by Laura Cohen 2006) We should ● Meet the users both online and in physical spaces ● Experiment and not wait until something is perfect before releasing it ● Allow users to contribute content in order to enhance their learning experience. Demonstrate how they can be used ● Get our users involved in using the applications, listening to their feedback ● Make our users aware of the new services (marketing)



6 The Light Operation ● The LIGHT Operation, EU INTERREG IIIC programme, has focused on promoting cultural heritage and strengthening its contribution to regional development. The main stated goals of LIGHT were to: ● * strengthen the cultural identities of the participating regions * raise public awareness of cultural resources ● * support the regions in better exploiting their cultural heritage for educational, tourism and other regional development purposes on the Internet. * establish networks of relevant institutions, in particular libraries, museums, archives and cultural sites.

7 Partners LisbonBologna VeriaRoskildeBékés Light homepage

8 ● Cultural Heritage Portal ● By cultural heritage we mean every kind of historical activity that has left a mark for the present days. Cultural heritage is thus also a term for the present day activity. All kinds of historical items will be found on the site that is stories, places to visit, maps, and links to related places.

9 ● Roskilde LIGHT wants to – - support local identity – - support and encourage cultural tourism – - make institutions and associations cooperate – - give easy access to the sites


11 Music o A genre based introduction to the musical life in Roskilde focused on the historic events. Art o A guide to art in Roskilde – museums and art in public spaces. Sport o An introduction to different kind of societies, associations, clubs and their work. Nature o Description of some of the most important sights in the natural surroundings of Roskilde. Cultural institutions o Cultural institutions in Roskilde – divided in sub groups. Locations o An introduction to different locations in Roskilde. Individuals o A list of important individuals in the history of Roskilde. It opens a description of the individual’s life. Timeline o 8 Themes - Structure of the site

12 Three projects (MoU) The Local history Archive Documents and photos The Cathedral Royal Burials The Diocese Library The Library of Peder Soerensen – a renaissance vicar Three projects

13 Roskilde Cathedral 1170s 1995 UNESCO World Heritage List 22 Danish kings (one queen) are buried in the church.

14 Royal burials in the Cathedral Link til kongebegravelser

15 Virtual tour By clicking the subjects you are guided to –Texts –Links –Deep searches in the library catalogue You will get a deeper understanding of the monuments

16 Visens Venner – presentation (Friends of the Song) Presentation by the song association ”Visens Venner”. Telling the story behind the picture

17 Tell the story of YOUR Roskilde WikiMapia (Google Maps) We invite citizens to write a story of the city or about their own quarter/house og even an important event in the area

18 Crossword puzzle or Quiz

19 The next project: Digitizing Hude’s Roskilde

20 The Danish Picture Database

21 Roskilde Libraries

22 Roskilde Library in figures 83.000 inhabitants 583.000 inhabitants in the counties 430.000 items in stock 1.250.000 total lending 480.000 visits to the library 425.000 visits to the homepage 60 PC’s: public with access to the Internet and databases More than 15.000 participants to the cultural arrangements in the library 103,9 fulltime staff

23 Roskilde is known for The Sea Stallion of Glendalough 100.000 visitors a year

24 Roskilde

25 Links ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

26 The End ● Hans Michelsen ● 2007

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