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WORKSHOP PLANS ULANBEK TURDUKULOV ITC. 18/1019/1020/1021/1022/10 Introduction WMS MS4W PostgreSQL training Maintaining PostgreSQL/P ostGIS DB Using PostGIS.

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Presentation on theme: "WORKSHOP PLANS ULANBEK TURDUKULOV ITC. 18/1019/1020/1021/1022/10 Introduction WMS MS4W PostgreSQL training Maintaining PostgreSQL/P ostGIS DB Using PostGIS."— Presentation transcript:


2 18/1019/1020/1021/1022/10 Introduction WMS MS4W PostgreSQL training Maintaining PostgreSQL/P ostGIS DB Using PostGIS MapServer /PHP Group project assignments Presentation group projects SCHEDULE

3  Introduction  Schedule + practical issues  Client/server architecture of web mapping service  PostgreSQL/PostGIS  Installing  Basic SQL training  Intro to PostGIS objects and queries 18/10

4  Maintaining Spatial DB  Referencing  Inheritance  Rules  Triggers  Views  Privileges  Assignment: Creating a sample PostGIS DB  Implementing partitioning  Implementing user checks 19/10

5  Assignment presentations  Mastering PostGIS  PostGIS with MapServer  OpenLayers  Examples of combinations  Assignment: Creating a web interface  For implementing SQL queries  For point and polygon insert into PostGIS DB 20/10

6  Assignment presentations  Review of what was not clear  Assignment:  Creating a complete DB structure for one of the departments of NEA  Creating a complete web interface (authorization /insert/ update /view) for one of the departments of NEA 21/10

7  Assignment presentations and discussion  Review of the workshop and project planning  Meeting users? 22/10

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