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CSE 690: GPGPU Lecture 11: Projects, Papers Klaus Mueller Computer Science, Stony Brook University.

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1 CSE 690: GPGPU Lecture 11: Projects, Papers Klaus Mueller Computer Science, Stony Brook University

2 General Graphics

3 Raytracing Pioneering paper on this topic (2002)  “Ray Tracing on Programmable Graphics Hardware” by Purcell et al.  “Raytracing on a Stream Processor”, Purcell’s PhD dissertation at Stanford

4 Raytracing “GPU-Based Non-Linear Raytracing” by Weiskopf et al.  should also present the original paper by Groeller and the paper by Pharr “Rendering Complex Scenes with Memory-Coherent Ray Tracing”  simulates rays undergoing forces in dynamical systems, astrophysics, black holes

5 Sub-Surface Scattering “GPU Algorithms for Radiosity and Subsurface Scattering” by Carr et al.  also present original paper “A practical model for subsurface light transport” by Jensen at al.  compare with CPU approach in “Interactive Subsurface Scattering for Translucent Meshes” by Hao et al.

6 Radiosity “Radiosity on Graphics Hardware” by Coombe et al.  should also present Keller’s “Instant Radiosity” paper  and “The Ray-Engine” by Carr and Hart  and “Real-Time Global Illumination on GPU” by Nijasure et al.

7 Photon Mapping A technique to achieve global illumination  “Photon Mapping on Programmable Graphics Hardware” by Purcell et al.  new paper: “Simulating Photon Mapping for Real- time Applications” by Larsen et al.  should also present the original photon mapping paper by Jensen et al.

8 Volume Rendering

9 Standard Volume Rendering “Acceleration Techniques for GPU-based Volume Rendering” by Krueger and Westermann  present background on volume rendering  earlier paper “High-Quality Pre-Integrated Volume Rendering Using Hardware-Accelerated Pixel Shading” by Engel et al.

10 Advanced Volume Rendering “High-Quality Two-Level Volume Rendering of Segmented Data Sets on Consumer Graphics Hardware” by Hadwiger et al.  should also present the original paper on two-level volume rendering by Hauser et al.  and “Hardware-accelerated high-quality filtering on PC hardware” by Hadwiger et al.

11 Unstructured Grids “A Fast High Accuracy Volume Renderer for Unstructured Data” by Moreland and Angel  present background on unstructured grid rendering and summarize the highlights of these papers: “Hardware-based view-independent cell projection” by Weiler et al. “High-quality unstructured volume rendering on the PC platform” by Guthe et al. “Hardware-Assisted Visibility Sorting for Unstructured Volume Rendering” by Callahan et al.

12 Signal and Image Processing

13 Transforms "The FFT on a GPU” by Moreland and Angel “GPU-based Frequency Domain Volume Rendering” by Viola et al.  also overview the original paper of “Frequency domain volume” rendering by Totsuka and Levoy “The Discrete Wavelet Transform on a GPU” by Wang et al.

14 Images, Textures, and Sound “Fast and Accurate Color Image Processing Using 3D Graphics Cards” by Colantoni et al.  “GPU Image Inpainting via Texture Synthesis” by Chong  “Tile-Based Texture Mapping on Graphics Hardware” by Wei  “Computation of room acoustics using programmable video hardware” by Jedrzejewski

15 Image-Based Flow Visualization “3D IBFV: Hardware-Accelerated 3D Flow Visualization” by Telea and van Wijk  the first paper: “Image Based Flow Visualization” by van Wijk “GPU-Based 3D Texture Advection for the Visualization of Unsteady Flow Fields” by Weiskopf and Ertl

16 Segmentation and Computer Vision

17 Segmentation with Level Sets “Interactive Deformation and Visualization of Level Set Surfaces using Graphics Hardware” by Lefohn  earlier segmentation paper: “Fast Volume Segmentation With Simultaneous Visualization Using Programmable Graphics Hardware” by Sherbondy  medical application paper: “GIST: An Interactive, GPU-Based Level-Set Segmentation Tool for 3D Medical Images” by Lefohn

18 System and API Issues “A Streaming Narrow Band Algorithm: Interactive Computation and Visualization of Level Sets” by Lefohn  touches on CPU-GPU load balancing and memory management Other papers:  “Brook for GPUs: Stream Computing on Graphics Hardware” by Buch et al.  “Shader Algebra” by McCool et al.  “Scout: A Hardware-Accelerated System for Quantitatively Driven Visualization and Analysis” by McCormick et al.

19 Image Analysis “Generalized Distance Transforms and Skeletons in Graphics Hardware” by Strzodka and Telea  also summarize the Siggraph paper by Hoff “A graphics hardware implementation of the Generalized Hough Transform for fast object recognition, scale, and 3D pose detection” by Strzodka et al.

20 Computer Vision “Computer Vision Signal Processing on Graphics Processing Units” by Fung and Mann  Mediated Reality Using Computer Graphics Hardware for Computer Vision by Fung et al. “Using Multiple Graphics Cards as a General Purpose Parallel Computer : Applications to Computer Vision” by Fung and Mann The OpenVIDIA project: Parallel GPU Computer Vision

21 Computer Vision (cont’d)

22 General Purpose Computing

23 General Scientific Computing “SIMD Optimization of Linear Expressions for Programmable Graphics Hardware” by Bajaj et al. “General Mathematics in Graphics Hardware” by Trendall and Steward “Using Modern Graphics Architectures for General- Purpose Computing: A Framework and Analysis” by Thompson et al. “GPU Cluster for High Performance Computing” by Fan et al. “Parallel Computing with Multiple GPUs on a Single Machine to Achieve Performance Gains” by Gulde at al.

24 Visual Simulations “Visual Simulation of Ice Crystal Growth” by Kim and Lin  “Simulation of cloth” (see nVidia demo)  “Benchmarking and Implementation of Probability-Based Simulations on Programmable Graphics Cards” by Tomov et al.

25 Medical Applications “Accelerating Popular Tomographic Reconstruction Algorithms On Commodity PC Graphics Hardware” by Xu and Mueller “Ultra-Fast 3D Filtered Backprojection on Commodity Graphics Hardware” by Xu and Mueller

26 Databases “Fast Database Operations using Graphics Processors” Govindaraju et al.

27 …or suggest your own topic

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