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Commercial Opportunities in Accessible Publishing and ePub Innovation in Publishing Congress 23 april 2015 Staffan Meij Mike.

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Presentation on theme: "Commercial Opportunities in Accessible Publishing and ePub Innovation in Publishing Congress 23 april 2015 Staffan Meij Mike."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commercial Opportunities in Accessible Publishing and ePub Innovation in Publishing Congress 23 april 2015 Staffan Meij Mike van Thiel

2 Delivering speech technology that allows users to access information  Anywhere and Anytime  Barrier Free (Click & Listen)  Applicable on all possible content (online and offline)  Customizable (by client and by end-user)  Universal Design for All  Speech as a Service (SaaS) ReadSpeaker Vision 2

3 It is about supporting the reading / learning style of the individual user Reading Videos Listening Researching Discussing Exercising Assessing On-the-go HTML(5) PDFs Databases Apps Games On-line Off-line Blended Enhanced Learning ReadSpeaker Enterprise ReadSpeaker DocReader ReadSpeaker Narrator ReadSpeaker Customised solutions ReadSpeaker Daisy Generator ReadSpeaker TextAid Listen to HTML Listen to online Documents Listen to epub3 off- line Listen: special needs personal reading support Embedded in Publisher solutions

4 ReadSpeaker Narrator

5 How does it work? EXTRACTIONEXTRACTION Content Structure Images ACSSACSS DictDict CSSCSS TTSTTS Processing Profile/template Tags

6 Production and Download EPUB/DAISY The production is completed and the end result can be downloaded and used.

7 ReadSpeaker Narrator: features  Web based SaaS (cloud) solution (works from anywhere)  Simple and accessible User Interface  Multiple input formats supported  Plain HTML, HTML from MS Word, DTBook XML, PDF, RTF  Multiple DTB and e-Text output formats  DAISY 2.02 formats, EPUB3, DAISY Text, DTBook XML  PDF text extraction and auto-tagging algorithms  “Production profiles”  Input- and output formats  CSS, ACSS  Pronunciation dictionaries  TTS voices settings

8  Evolution versus Revolution:  Evolution: “Take existing publications and re-work / convert / transform into new formats (ePub, HTML5)”  Revolution: “Create new publications from the ground up to allow for a totally new experience (in reading / learning / listening)” Commercial opportunities in publishing innovations and ePub

9  Who owns the eyeballs:  “A publisher aims to provide his own full service platform that gives the user a uniform experience of all the content / applications of that publisher”  “The user uses one environment to consume all content / applications, without a direct link / visibility / connection to an individual publisher” Commercial opportunities in publishing innovations and ePub

10  First mover (dis)advantage:  “There is not enough content that is already available to allow for larger investments in on/offline reading appplications / technologies / alternatives”  “There are not enough generic reading applications /devices/ players to justify investing in conversion of content to latest technology / possibilities / functionalities” Commercial opportunities in publishing innovations and ePub

11  On-line or Off-line:  “User will always want to have their books on their device”  “Connectivity is no issue any more; online models are the future” Commercial opportunities in publishing innovations and ePub

12  Books or On-Demand:  “Pay for what you read; read what you want; subscription models”  “The container will remain the book; it is about selling digital books” Commercial opportunities in publishing innovations and ePub

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