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Click to edit Master title style TDM Access & TDM Backhaul PPC Forum June 12 th 2008 Ian Boothman Spyros Christou.

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Presentation on theme: "Click to edit Master title style TDM Access & TDM Backhaul PPC Forum June 12 th 2008 Ian Boothman Spyros Christou."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to edit Master title style TDM Access & TDM Backhaul PPC Forum June 12 th 2008 Ian Boothman Spyros Christou

2 Please note The information contained within these slides is indicative and provided for information purposes only. The information represents no commitment from BT. All features discussed in these slides are subject to detailed design & successful testing.

3 Progress to date Openreach has held a number of bilaterals, nine sessions with six CPs Bilaterals have been run to capture/re-affirm CPs requirements and indicative volumes, where possible Infrastructure pre-design has been undertaken by BT Design A consolidated feedback document was shared with those who had taken part in bilaterals on 15 th May and published on the Openreach website on 20 th May 2008. Openreach is currently focusing development on a 2Mb TDM Access product Workshop held 29 th May to discuss requirements.

4 TDM Access and Backhaul Product Requirements Feedback from Customer Bilaterals Access  2Mbs, 34Mbs and 155Mbs  Copper, fibre and radio access options  Aggregated hand-off options (IBH and ISH) Shared or dedicated CP mux VC12/3/4 switching granularity  Unprotected, RO1, RO2 and RO2 (different exchange) resilience  Future-proof and upgradeable Share TDM and Ethernet on the same infrastructure

5 TDM Access and Backhaul Product Requirements Feedback from Customer Bilaterals Backhaul  STM-4 and STM-16 (STM-64)  IBH / ISH / ISHe handover  Converged backhaul (Ethernet & TDM traffic mix)

6 Definitions CP = Communications Provider Mux = TDM multiplexer X L : Low-Order (VC-12) TDM cross-connect X H : High-Order (VC-4) TDM cross-connect High-order aggregation: Reorganisation of traffic / mapping of circuits within several STM-n bearers into a single STM-m bearer using X H functionality (m ≥ n) Low-order aggregation: Reorganisation of traffic / mapping of circuits on partially-filled STM-n bearers into a single, more heavily-loaded STM-m bearer, using X L functionality (m ≥ n) Grooming: Any-to-any mapping of 2Mb/s circuits between multiple STM-n bearers, using X L functionality

7 Customer site 2Mb/s access service - Variant A BT serving site Access Access between customer site and BT serving site. For simple point-to-point service only. No aggregation or grooming. Likely application: where n is low, e.g. 1 to 16. n x 2Mb/s Fibre / Copper Mux n x 2Mb/s CP1 CP node Mux

8 Access between one or more customer sites and BT serving site. Provides a low-order aggregation service. Option: grooming may also be provided as shown in lower example. Likely application: where BT serving site is parent for several customers from the same Communications Provider (CP1 shown here). Offered either as: n x 2Mb/s, or channelised STM-1 CP1 2Mb/s access service - Variant B Access Customer siteBT serving site Fibre / Copper Multiple STM-1/4 handoff CP node XLXL n x 2Mb/s Mux CP1 Fibre / Copper Single STM-1/4/16 handoff XLXL n x 2Mb/s Mux

9 TDM Access and Backhaul Product Requirements Feedback from Customer Bilaterals Performance  Components must allow CPs to replicate the existing E2E customer experience Network - availability, delay, jitter etc. Service – SLA / SLG, TotalCare

10 TDM Access and Backhaul Product Requirements Feedback from Customer Bilaterals Migration  Quick, easy and low cost – smooth customer journey Little evidence of new demand Avoid Excess Construction Charges  Defined migration paths from / to PPC, RBS, NS16 and Ethernet in the future  Managed bulk migration option Openreach is developing a new TDM Access product on a new provide basis. It has no plan to develop a migration path.

11 Indicative Timeline – 2Mb box to box access solution Not to scale Subject to internal Openreach agreement and sign off Bilaterals complete Q1 Customer definition workshop Share initial product requirement document Define 2Mb product offering Agree and finalise initial product requirement document Start feasibility Share feasibility results, gather feedback Implement feasibility feedback and start solution design Understand commercials with customers Go/No Go on commercial grounds Q2Q3Q4 Complete solution design 2008/09

12 Indicative Timeline – 2Mb box to box access solution Systems and infrastructure development (EMP platform etc) Update customers, gain feedback, engage trialists etc Testing/ trial Launch Share progress with industry Q1Q2Q3 COMPLETE Systems and infrastructure development (EMP platform etc) Q4 Share progress with industry 2009/10 Not to scale Subject to internal Openreach agreement and sign off

13 Next Steps for 2 Mb Access Openreach Create PRD Commercial Analysis Product Development Communications Providers Provide target price and robust volumes to Openreach

14 AOB


16 n x STM-1 Fibre, STM- 4/16 n x STM-1 Interconnect service between BT serving site and CP node. CSH (Customer-Sited Handover). Provides a simple CP interconnect service. Provides neither aggregation or grooming. Likely application: Where n is low, e.g. 1 to 16. Need to consider resilience options. BT serving site Mux CP nodeCustomer site Access 155Mb/s access service

17 BT serving site 155Mbps backhaul service BT serving site Backhaul This variant provides a simple service i.e. no aggregation The service is relevant to new build only i.e. not by CPs migrating from PPCs It is likely to apply in cases where n is low e.g. 1 to 16 The service will run over shared infrastructure, owned & managed by BT Operate Re-use of Orchid solution would require product upgrade to include TDM interfaces Second diagram illustrates why this service is required: Required by CPs with a presence at a serving site But where the CP does not own network connectivity to that site n x STM-1/4/16 Fibre / WDM / STM-16 / Orchid XHXH XHXH n x STM-1/4/16 CP1 Customer siteBT serving site Access STM-1/4/16 Fibre / WDM / STM-16 / Orchid XHXH XHXH n x STM-1/4/16 BT serving site Backhaul CP1 n x 2Mbps Fibre / Copper XLXL XHXH

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