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{ Schizophrenia A Psychotic Disorder. Lesson Objectives.

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Presentation on theme: "{ Schizophrenia A Psychotic Disorder. Lesson Objectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 { Schizophrenia A Psychotic Disorder

2 Lesson Objectives

3  Two Categories  Type 1- Positive Symptoms  Type 2- Negative Symptoms Symptoms of Schizophrenia

4  Delusions  Hallucinations  Disorganized Thought and Speech  Disorganized or Catatonic Behavior Type 1- Positive Symptoms

5  Affective flattening  Alogia  Avolition Type 2- Negative Symptoms

6  Inappropriate Affect  Anhedonia  Impaired Social Skills Other Symptoms

7  Paranoid  Disorganized  Catatonic  Undifferentiated  Residual Types of Schizophrenia

8  1-2% in the United States,.5-2% in the World  Very Stigmatized!  More common among ______  More chronic and debilitating  Shorter life expectancy Prevalence & Prognosis

9  Biological  Psychosocial Theories of Schizophrenia

10  Genetics  Brain Abnormalities  Birth Complications and Prenatal Viral Exposure  Neurotransmitters Biological Theories

11 Psychosocial Theories  Social Drift and Urban Birth  Stress and Relapse  Psychodynamic Theories  Communication Patterns  Expressed Emotion  Cognitive and Behavioral Perspectives  Cross-Cultural Perspectives

12  Biological Treatments  Drug Therapy  Psychological and Social Treatments Treatments for Schizophrenia

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