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Exploit: Password Cracking. An Overview on Password Cracking Password cracking is a term used to describe the penetration of a network, system, or resource.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploit: Password Cracking. An Overview on Password Cracking Password cracking is a term used to describe the penetration of a network, system, or resource."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploit: Password Cracking

2 An Overview on Password Cracking Password cracking is a term used to describe the penetration of a network, system, or resource with or without the use of tools to unlock a resource that has been secured with a password

3 Introduction System vulnerabilities with passwords  Strong passwords Vs Weak Examples of vulnerabilities  Applications  FTP, HTTP, Telnet Password Cracking Tools  Tools in Common  Brutus Password Cracker

4 Experiment on Password Cracking Platform : Windows. Setting up of machines with services  Target Machine (Server)  Client

5 Setting up of Machines DHCP/Switch Client FTP-Serv-U Brutus Ethereal. (Word List) (Word List) (BruteForce)

6 About Brutus Password Cracker: Supported Applications  Telnet, FTP, HTTP Methods used to engage with Remote machine  Word List  Combo  BruteForce

7 A Quick Look On Brutus Password Cracker

8 Engaging Remote Machine Using “Word List” The Method: -Creates many number of combinations of Possible System passwords from two separate files“users” and “word”. - Engages remote machine enter word after word, at high speed, until a match is found.

9 Engaging Remote Machine using “Word List” Sample Entries for File “users” statler waldorf admin administrator Sample Entries for File “word” aaa abc123 academia academic

10 Engaging Remote FTP Server Using “Word List”

11 “Word List”: A Failed attempt

12 Sample Trace for the Method - “Word List”

13 Engaging Remote Server using “Combo” The Method: - Similar to “Word List” - Uses “combo” file to generate combinations passwords for each users of the remote system. - Uncertain; Needs more guessing Sample “combo” file Entries  admin:admin1  admin:admin12  admin:admin123

14 Engaging Remote Server using “BruteForce” The Method: -Guaranteed to some extent -Relies purely on power and repetition -Need very high processing speed - Produces many number of passwords for a particular user using permutations and combinations -May take months years to crack the password

15 Examples of Generated passwords: aaa, aab, aac... aaA, aaB, aaC... aa0, aa1, aa2, aa3... aba, aca, ada.. Each of the combinations of characters and symbols is fed through the appropriate cryptographic algorithm and compared to the stored password until a match is found.

16 Engaging Remote Machine Using “BruteForce” A sample display on initial settings just before engaging.

17 Engaging Remote Machine Using “BruteForce” A sample display on initial settings just before engaging.

18 Engaging Remote Machine Using “BruteForce” Sample display on cracked password

19 Questions? Comments?

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