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Intro to Law Criminal Process: Sentencing. Sentencing Options Suspended Sentence – given, but does not have be served at that time, but may have to serve.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro to Law Criminal Process: Sentencing. Sentencing Options Suspended Sentence – given, but does not have be served at that time, but may have to serve."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to Law Criminal Process: Sentencing

2 Sentencing Options Suspended Sentence – given, but does not have be served at that time, but may have to serve if rearrested or violates parole Probation – released to the supervision of a probation officer after agreeing to follow certain conditions (job, drug free, not traveling outside certain area) Home confinement – serve the term of punishment at home

3 Sentencing Options Fine – must pay the government an amount of money set by the court Restitution – pay back or make up for any damage or injury caused by crime Work Release – work in the community but return to prison at night or on weekends Imprisonment – serve time in prison (can also have death penalty)

4 Purpose of Punishment Retribution – an eye for an eye – the criminal justice system takes the role of punishing violators Deterrence – punishment discourages other from committing crime or violator to repeat

5 Purpose of Punishment Rehabilitation – helping convicted persons change their behavior so they can lead useful, productive lives Incapacitation – physically separate criminals from society to protect the community

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