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 According to Robert Cohen, Executive Director of the Dairy Education Board and, milk consumption is to blame for a variety of health woes,

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Presentation on theme: " According to Robert Cohen, Executive Director of the Dairy Education Board and, milk consumption is to blame for a variety of health woes,"— Presentation transcript:


2  According to Robert Cohen, Executive Director of the Dairy Education Board and, milk consumption is to blame for a variety of health woes, including the following: breast cancer  diabetes (both diabetes mellitus and juvenile diabetes)  kidney stones  acne  heart disease  osteoporosis  multiple sclerosis  stroke  rheumatoid arthritis

3  Americans drink more than six billion gallons of milk per year. Even more Americans eat dairy products of some kind.  Americans need to eliminate or limit their use of dairy to avoid it’s negative side effects.

4  This information is from the EPCC online databases and from The El Paso Times website.

5  Milk is widely marketed in our society, but is detrimental to your health.  People should avoid using dairy products because milk causes weight gain and can lead to obesity.  There are many hormones in milk that can lead to several health problems.

6  Milk is promoted as a weight loss solution  Milk is recommended for calcium and Vitamin D.  There are sources of calcium that are actually much healthier for you:  Broccoli  Chickpeas  Soy Milk

7  Dairy products contain lactose, a type of milk- sugar that many people have difficulty digesting  In higher fat dairy products, most of the fat is saturated fat.  Dairy foods can be high in fat and, therefore, calories.

8  Antibiotics in milk  Hormones in milk  Possible unexpected ingredients: blood, puss, bacteria.

9  There have been some studies, many of them funded by the dairy industry, suggesting that Americans who eat more dairy products tend to be thinner than those who eat less  Rebuttal  On the other hand, there are cultures where people eat little or no dairy and are lots thinner and healthier than us, so I tend not to think that dairy products are some sort of magic bullet for weight loss.

10  Shoeman, Cindy.“Why Milk is Bad for You”. Hjtp3h (Accessed November 18, 2011). Hjtp3h

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