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First Aid Chapter 13 Poisoning. Poison Any substance that causes a harmful reaction when applied or ingested.

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Presentation on theme: "First Aid Chapter 13 Poisoning. Poison Any substance that causes a harmful reaction when applied or ingested."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Aid Chapter 13 Poisoning

2 Poison Any substance that causes a harmful reaction when applied or ingested

3 Ingested: S&S Abdominal pain N/V, Diarrhea Burns, odor, stains around mouth Drowsiness or LOC Poison containers nearby

4 Ingested:what to Do Call Poison Control Center If you do not know number: call 911

5 Ingested: What to Do Determine: Age, size of victim What was swallowed How much was swallowed When it was swallowed

6 Ingested: What to Do If told to do so: Have victim drink cold water or milk (for caustic materials) Monitor ABCs

7 Ingested: What to Do Turn on left side. Delays advancement of poison into small intestines

8 Ingested: What to Do If told to do so: Induce vomiting with Syrup of Ipecac

9 Ingested: What to Do If told to do so: Give activated charcoal Have victim sip from a straw Activated Charcoal Acts like a sponge to bind and keep poison in digestive system and out of blood stream


11 Alcohol Emergencies Intoxicated person may be belligerent, difficult to help Do not try to handle intoxicated person by yourself. Call for help

12 Alcohol: What to Do Look for injuries Check ABCs If laying down, place in recovery position Call EMS

13 Drugs: What to Do Check ABCs Call EMS If laying down, place on left side

14 Carbon Monoxide CO Flu like symptoms that come and go Everyone in house is ill Pets get ill

15 Carbon Monoxide: S&S HA, N/V Ringing in the ears Chest pain Muscle weakness Dizziness LOC Respiratory and cardiac arrest

16 Carbon Monoxide: What to Do Move to fresh air immediately Call EMS Monitor ABCs

17 Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poison Sumac “ Leaves of 3 leave it be ” Black Spot Test: Sap turns brown to black


19 Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poison Sumac Use soap and water to clean the skin Can soak in bath with oatmeal Use Calamine lotion Use Cortisone ointment Use Baking Soda Solution Soaks

20 Learning Activities 13 1. Corrosive substance? Dilute by drinking milk. Yes Poisoning

21 Learning Activities 13 2. Poison? Call Poison Control Center immediately. Yes Poisoning

22 Learning Activities 13 3. Induce vomiting with Ipecac if advised by PCC. Yes Poisoning

23 Learning Activities 13 4. Place victim on left side to delay poison going into small intestine. Yes Poisoning

24 Learning Activities 13 5. Do not let intoxicated person sleep on back. Yes Poisoning

25 Learning Activities 13 6. If intoxicated person becomes violent, leave Yes Poisoning

26 Learning Activities 13 7. SMA for CO victims Yes Poisoning

27 Learning Activities 13 8. Calamine lotion can help relieve itching caused by poison ivy Yes Poisoning

28 Learning Activities 13 9. Some cases of poison ivy require medical attention Yes Poisoning

29 Learning Activities 13 Scenerio: 2 y/o vomiting. Medicine container nearby. He has swallowed some of the medicine. What to do? Determine critical info Call PCC Monitor ABCs Palceon left side

30 Learning Activities 13 Check ABCs Lay on left side Leave if he becomes violent Call EMS if needed Scenario: Guest becomes drunk. Vomited and unresponsive. What to do?

31 Learning Activities 13 Determine critical info Call PCC Scenario: 25 y/o “freaking” out. Someone saw her taking pills. She admits she took pills. What to do?

32 Learning Activities 13 Call EMS Monitor ABCs. Scenario: Coworker moving items in storage room. Left motor running. Windows and doors closed. Others found him and moved him to fresh air What to do?

33 Learning Activities 13 Clean skin with soap and water Soak in bath with oatmeal Use ointments as needed. Scenario : Pulled up weeds. Next morning arms itching with rash. What to do?

34 First Aid Kit Need : Poison Control Sticker List of Numbers for: Doctor Dentist Ambulance Police

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