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Monday, September 16, 2013 Objective: Library *Exhibit behaviors and habits of an active reader *Use print and electronic resources independently to locate.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, September 16, 2013 Objective: Library *Exhibit behaviors and habits of an active reader *Use print and electronic resources independently to locate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, September 16, 2013 Objective: Library *Exhibit behaviors and habits of an active reader *Use print and electronic resources independently to locate information (IR.12.8.3

2 Monday, September 16, 2013 WN: Sacred Writing time or choose a topic from your Sept. Bingo sheet Library Day AR deadline is October 18th Remember consider yourself as having English homework of reading your book every night – at least 20 to 30 minutes – until you have reached your points goal!

3 Tuesday, September 17, 2013 Objective: Practice close reading strategies and identifying literary terms in prose Essential question: What literary terms are operating in this passage? Can I identify literary terms being used in writing? What is the effect of the author using those particular literary terms?

4 Tuesday, September 17, 2013 WN: Sacred Writing time or choose a topic from your Sept. Bingo sheet Review for Test tomorrow…Vocab. Lesson #2 Share out Close Reading Notes from Passage D (completed Friday with partner) Assign to do a close reading of Passage E on your own – find at least five different literary terms in the passage Due tomorrow in class for grade

5 Passage D of “The Sea Devil” He swung back the net, heavier now that it was wet. He had to turn his head, but out of the corner of his eye he saw two swirls in the black water just off the starboard bow. They were about eight feet apart, and they had the sluggish oily look that marks the presence of something big just below the surface. His conscious mind had no time to function, but instinct told him that the net was wide enough to cover both swirls if he could alter the direction of his cast. He could not halt the swing, but he shifted his feet slightly and made the cast off balance. He saw the net shoot forward, flare into an oval, and drop just where he wanted it.

6 Passage E of “The Sea Devil Then the sea exploded in his face. In a frenzy of spray, a great horned thing shot like a huge bat out of the water. The man saw the mesh of his net etched against the mottled blackness of its body and he knew, in the split second in which thought was still possible, that those twin swirls had been made not by two mullet, but by the wing tips of the giant ray of the Gulf Coast, Manta birostris, also known as clam cracker, devil ray, sea devil.

7 Wednesday, September 18, 2013 Objective: Assessment of application of literary terms Essential question: Am I able to apply these literary terms correctly? Can I identify them and use them?

8 Wednesday, September 18, 2013 WN: Sacred Writing time or choose a topic from your Sept. Bingo sheet Test Today – Literary Terms #2 (on Moodle) Lit. Terms Vocab. #3 – Assigned today – due Friday Suggestion – create a set of Flashcards on Quizlet to study these terms

9 Thursday, September 19, 2013 Objective: Analyze/Close reading of text – movie Essential question: How do I apply the close reading strategies to other types of text?

10 Thursday, September 19, 2013 Begin analyzing National Treasure movie – Use close reading strategies and ask “What literary terms are operating in this passage/film?” Use the Fact/Inference Chart to keep track of what we find in the movie Text evidence on left/Inference on right

11 Friday, September 20, 2013 Objective: Analyze/Close reading of text – movie Essential question: How do I apply the close reading strategies to other types of text?

12 Friday, September 20, 2013 Continue analyzing National Treasure movie with close reading strategies Lit. Terms #3 DUE TODAY – review answers together in class ASSIGNMENT FOR MONDAY - BRING A PICTURE OF YOUR HERO – one that can stay in here for awhile! ---Clean up your binders --- Notebook check on Monday!

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