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Reinforced Concrete Pipe Attributes

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Presentation on theme: "Reinforced Concrete Pipe Attributes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reinforced Concrete Pipe Attributes
Your Name Date Reinforced Concrete Pipe Attributes

2 Our Industry’s Story & Product Attributes
2 Our Industry’s Story & Product Attributes Historical perspective Important product attributes National standards & specifications Resources Our company Our people Our industry association - ACPA

3 Historical Perspective
Proven history = Continued improvement of product and production methods Long term knowledge & understanding by all stakeholders Verifiable durability

4 Continued Improvement
Early to mid XX00’s = demand for more UG Piping to accommodate sewerage and storm water run-off Oldest recorded RCP installation – xxxx in xxxxxx, NY Still some RCP installations from late 1800’s in service today!

5 Continued Improvement
Mid 1800’s to Early 1900’s Prediction of runoff quantities better understood by engineers XXXX XXXXX university developed methods for estimating XXXXX on pipe and methods to calculate supporting strength provided by XXXXX pipe culverts Early 1900’s XXXX became a forum for improved quality of piping products As US transportation needs - demand for RCP grew (50,000 autos in 1905 grew to X million autos in US by 1918) By 1930 all states using concrete pipe in their roadway systems! In 1930 approx. X million tons of RCP were produced

6 Continued Improvement…Post 1930
After great depression & WWII 4 million tons of RCP produced in 1950 Advancement from Performance surveys verify durability of RCP Increased acceptance of RCP by specifiers Advancements in research & technology Production techniques & improved finish product quality 10 million tons RCP produced annually by xxxx

7 Continued Improvement…Post 1970
1970’s - XXX enters sanitary market 1980’s – beginning of industry consolidation 1980’s – XXXX begins push into storm drain market 1990’s – RCP industry continues improvement of production methods and production machinery See concrete pipe handbook to “read more about product & industry history”

8 No better teacher than HISTORY & EXPERIENCE!
Over a century of continued improvements in production & QC process provides best RCP ever produced

9 Attributes of Concrete Pipe
Materials and manufacturing methods Strength Design & installation flexibility Hydraulic efficiency Durability

10 Materials & Manufacturing Methods

11 Materials Used to Make RCP
Portland cement (ASTM C XXX) XXXXX reinforcement Aggregates (XXXX & course) Water Typically materials combined to produce a mix with a very low xxxxx-cement ratio. Usually considered a “dry-mix” that produces a “x” slump.

12 Basic Production Steps:
Storage of materials Materials handling Reinforcement cage production Cage machines or wire rollers Batching and mixing concrete Pipe forming Pipe forming methods – dry cast or xxxxxxxxx most common Curing Steam, water mist common methods used to control xxxx and moisture Yarding and storage See a plant tour!

13 Pipe Forming Methods Wet Cast Dry Cast

14 Vibratory Sources Internal Hydraulic
External Pneumatic Electric Hydraulic

15 Dry Cast 84”x 16’

16 Wire cage production by cage machine

17 Computer controlled batching and manufacturing is common
Computer controlled batching and manufacturing is common! See for yourself….

18 Structural Considerations

A Buried Pipe Must Perform Two Critical Functions? Buried Pipe XXXXXXXXX

20 Structure Provided by Pipe Wall
RCP is designed, manufactured, tested, and installed as a rigid structure with a minimal portion of the loads present supported by the surrounding soil. The majority of the load is distributed too and supported by the pipe. RCP installation structural strength = pipe wall strength + support from bedding RCP wall can provide 95% of system strength! Engineer/designer has flexibility to select how much support provided by pipe vs. bedding installation Structure is tested at plant to confirm required structural strength!

21 Strength Testing A common method used to determine structural strength is to conduct a three-edge bearing test. The load per linear foot which a pipe will support under this condition is termed the three-edge bearing strength. This test is the most severe loading to which any pipe will be subjected. There is no lateral support for the pipe, as provided under actual buried conditions, and the applied forces in the test are virtually point loads. Specification reference: ASTM C497M - 96

22 3EB Test

23 D-Load Supporting strength of a pipe loaded under xxxxxx-xxxx xxxxxxx (xxx) test conditions, expressed in pounds per linear foot per foot of inside diameter or horizontal span when tested according to ASTM Cxxx. D0.01 = load (psf) to produce 0.01” crack, 12” long DULT = load (psf) to cause structural failure

24 Pipe Classification 1,350 3,750 3,000 CLASS V 2,000 1,500 1,000
CLASS IV 1,350 CLASS III 1,500 1,000 CLASS II 1,200 800 CLASS I Dult D0.01 ASTM C-76

25 Example Class IV 60” Pipe Load0.01
Dult = 3,000 Load0.01 = 5’ x 2,000 lbs/ft/ft x 8’ = 80,000 lbs. Loadult = 5’ x 3,000 lbs/ft/ft x 8’ = 120,000 lbs. Before the .01 Design Crack

26 Structure Confirmed before Shipment
60” RCP is tested before it leaves the point of manufacture to prove it can carry the load of a loaded Tractor and trailer with no lateral support!

27 Structure Conduit Concrete Pipe

28 Facts of Structural Strength Component
Structural Strength Proven for over Century No Other Storm Drain Pipe supports xxxx like RCP Pipe Wall does Engineer has flexibility to depend more on Plant Tested xxx Vs Installation STUCTURE IS TESTED & CONFIRMED ON FINISHED PRODUCT!

29 Design & Installation

30 Structural Design = Foundation of all Pipe System
Pipe” must be considered as a “bridge” Determine live and dead loading conditions How will pipe be installed Bedding support to be provided Predict the “Pipe” performance/Select pipe strength class

31 Steps for Indirect Pipe Design (Determining Required Pipe Strength Class)
1 - Select the method of installation (trench, embankment, etc.) 2 -xxxxx 3 - Determine the live load 4 - Determine the bedding factor (installation type: 1 – 4) 5 -xxxxxxxx 6 - Specify the class

32 Installation Methods Positive Projecting Trench Negative Projecting

33 TRENCH Positive Projecting Embankment Negative Projecting Embankment

34 Installation Type Makes a Difference!
34 Installation Type Makes a Difference! Xxxxxx Installation helps support load through frictional forces between trench wall and backfill. Negative projection partial trench wall helps support similar to trench installation. Positive projection embankment does not provide any resistance to loads Conservative approach is to use xxxxxxxxx installation for designs

35 Loads on Pipe Earth xxxx Construction Other

36 R1 R2 Rigid Pipe Traffic Load Earth Load Final Backfill Haunching
Initial Backfill Bedding R2 Foundation Rigid Pipe

37 Installation Flexibility w/RCP
37 Installation Flexibility w/RCP Type I – IV SIDD Installations Well defined structural backfill materials and compaction Pressure distribution understood and conservative

38 AASHTO- RCP Standard Installation (SIDD)
Overfill SW,ML, or CL H Do/6 (MIN) Do Do (MIN) Excavation Line as required Haunch - see table Bedding see table Di Do/3 Outer Bedding Materials and compaction each side, same requirements as haunch. Middle Bedding loosely placed uncompacted bedding except for Type 4 Foundation

39 AASHTO Section 27 – Concrete Culverts
39 AASHTO Section 27 – Concrete Culverts Structural Backfill Type 1: Highest quality installation using select granular soils with high compaction requirements for haunching and bedding. Type 2: Allows silty granular soils with less compaction required for haunching and bedding. Type 3: Allows use of soils with less stringent compaction requirements for haunching and bedding. Type 4: Allows use of onsite native material for haunching and bedding with no compaction required. (6” of Bedding is required if rock foundation) All Backfill Requirements above to xxxxxx xxxx ONLY Type 1 = Most Supporting structural strength Type 4 = Requires 95% of structural strength to be provided by Pipe Wall

40 Key Components Of Structural Backfill Of RCP
40 Key Components Of Structural Backfill Of RCP No compaction under invert. Haunch Support: compaction of material to spring line only Assumes voids are present adding additional safety factors Rigid pipe does not require compaction of the overfill

41 Gravity Pipe Classes AASHTO M170 ASTM C76 Class D-Load .01 D-Load Ult.
41 Gravity Pipe Classes AASHTO M170 ASTM C76 Class D-Load .01 D-Load Ult. I 800 1200 II 1000 1500 III 1350 2000 IV 3000 V 3750

42 Steps for Determining the Required Pipe Strength Class
42 Steps for Determining the Required Pipe Strength Class 1 - Select the method of installation (trench, embankment, etc.) 2 - Determine the earth load 3 - Determine the live load 4 - Determine the bedding factor (installation type: 1 – 4) 5 - Calculate the required D-Load 6 - Specify the class

43 Resources for Finding Required Pipe Strength
43 Resources for Finding Required Pipe Strength Plug & chug - blue book Fill height tables Computer software - PipePac 2000

44 Hydraulics SEWERS CULVERTS Initial & Long Term Full Flow Conditions
Inlet Control Outlet Control

45 Concrete Pipe Design Manual
Foreword Index of Contents Chapter 1 : Introduction Chapter 2 : Hydraulics of Sewers Chapter 3 : Hydraulics of Culverts Chapter 4 : Loads and Supporting Strengths Chapter 5 : Supplemental Data Tables Figures Appendix

46 Culvert Control Conditions
Inlet Control Water can flow through the culvert at a greater rate than water can enter it Inlet geometry only Outlet Control Water can enter the culvert at a greater rate than water can flow through it Slope, roughness, length, inlet geometry, headwater, tailwater, & diameter

47 Culvert Hydraulic Characteristics
So “n” D Hw H Tw Inlet Geometry D = Diameter L = Culvert Length Hw = Headwater depth n = Mannings roughness Tw = Tailwater depth So = Slope Inlet Control (inlet geometry only) Outlet Control(everything else)

48 Basic’s- Our Hydraulic Advantage
The xxxxxxxx capacity (the amount of water a pipe can convey) of all types of storm sewer pipe depends on how smooth the interior pipe wall is. xxxxxxxx = More Capacity Smoothness of pipe represented by Manning’s Roughness Coefficient commonly called xxxxxxx’x “x” Smaller Manning’s “n” = smoother surface = more water through pipe.

49 You must understand Manning’s “n”
Manning’s Equation can be used to determine barrel capacity of any culvert or open channel. Manning’s Equation is: 2/3 1/2 Q = X AR S n Q = discharge, cubic feet/sec A = cross-sectional area of pipe in square feet R = hydraulic radius in feet R = A/WP WP = Wetted Perimeter in feet = circumference of pipe in full flow S = slope, or grade in ft/ft n = manning’s n, coefficient of roughness

50 Concrete Pipe Design Manual

51 Importance of Manning’s “n”
Note the only variable in Manning’s Equation between RCP and the other products is the Coefficient of roughness Manning’s “n”. Lab Promoted Installed RCP HDPE ???? CMP


53 Proven Record of RCP No other product commercially available today can provide the proven record of durability exhibited by RCP! Oldest recorded installation of RCP in xxxxxx, xx still in service today!

54 Why Does Durability Matter
Service life of product > project design life FHWA – pavement design life of 50 yrs, bridges should have design life of 100 yrs Shouldn’t culverts and storm sewer systems have service life as long as pavements and bridges?

55 Research & Historic Performance Proves RCP Durability
State Highway Departments Federal Highway Administration Corp of Engineers U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Soil Conservation Service Local Government Agencies Universities

56 Service Life- Corp of Engineers Report
RCP-xx-xxx yr. CONFIRMED HDPE - Unknown No more than xx yrs. Corrugated steel with coatings or aluminum – no greater than xx years

57 Factors that Influence Durability of RCP
Materials properties Concrete compressive strength Xxxxxx Absorption/permeability Cement type Admix enhancements

58 Factors that Influence Durability of RCP….Cont.
Chemical & Physical Factors Fire – Not RCP Acids (effluents and soil side) Sulfates Chlorides Freeze-Thaw Abrasion In the Storm Sewer & Culvert environment most of the above listed durability factors are not of concern!

59 National Standards & Specifications
Overview RCP - national standards of importance Materials, manufacturing, complimentary components, installation, test methods

60 Overview - Specifications & Standards
Development process (who, why, & how) Chapter 8 of ACPA Concrete Pipe Handbook ASTM & AASHTO are two of the most prominent Standard Associations

61 Specs & Standards of Note..
Materials for RCP – XXX, XXX, XXX Manufacturing process – ASTM C xx & AASHTO M xxx Test methods – ASTM C xxx & AASHTO T xxx Installation of RCP – ASTM xxxx & AASHTO Sect. xx

62 Let us be your Resource! XXXX Company name and contact info Company website We can provide: Presentations Proper installation of RCP Structural design of RCP Competitive product comparisons Plant tours

63 Other Resources! ACPA Resources at Research
Tech. resources and information Education Design aid software

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