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CSIR-Central Food Technology Research Institute A Constituent laboratory of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) Ministry of Science & Technology Mysore, Karnataka UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF EXTERNAL GUIDE INTERNAL GUIDE Dr Sridevi Annapurna Singh Head/ Sr. Principal Scientist Protein Chemistry & Technology Department CSIR-CFTRI, Mysore Prof. Vino S. Assistant Professor (Senior) School of Bio Sciences and Technology VIT University, Vellore

3 INTRODUCTION Colour Most important visual cues of a food
Determines its acceptability & consumability Modify the way taste, odor & flavor are perceived Added in food & beverages to fulfill the expectations of consumers

4 Purposes of adding colour additives
Offset colour loss during storage Correct natural variations Enhance colours that naturally occur Provide colour to colourless foods

5 General classification of food colours
Perceived to be safe Used from time immemorial More expensive and less stable Stability and overall cost factor Potent carcinogens/mutagens Threats to the environment Use of unpermitted colours raise safety issues

6 AIM & OBJECTIVES Isolation of natural colour from hulls of oilseeds – sesame and mustard – by-products of industry Use of seed hulls for the preparation of natural colours – recovery of value added products from waste Characterization of isolated extract – physico-chemical, spectral and bioactive properties Stability of the colour with respect to temperature, pH and light

7 MATERIALS & METHODS Antioxidant Activity Determination
Seed Material Sesame seed hull Mustard hull Preparation of Extracts Solvent extraction Alkali extraction Analysis of Colour Measurement of visual colour Absorption spectra of the extracts Antioxidant Activity Determination DPPH radical method (Brand-Williams et al., 1995) FRAP assay (Benzie & Strain, 1996)

8 Validation of antioxidant activity
Lipoxygenase inhibition assay (Axelrod et al., 1981) Preparation of colour in the solid form & Quantitation Precipitation Drying Identification of the extracted pigments Chemical tests (Vallimayil et al., 2012) UV-Visible absorption spectra FT-IR Spectroscopy Stability studies Temperature Exposure to light

9 RESULTS Pigment extraction
SSHE-A SSHE-B SSHE-C SSHE-D MHE The sesame and mustard seed hull extracts with 1% NaOH are visibly darker than the others

10 Colour Attributes Table: Colour readings (L* values) of extracts of hulls of sesame and mustard with different solvents Solvent used SSHE-A SSHE-B SSHE-C SSHE-D MHE Ethanol 73.03 72.07 77.92 76.66 74.08 Methanol 76.60 73.16 74.97 74.00 72.36 n-Propanol 77.16 76.61 73.57 74.37 Glacial Acetic acid 73.12 63.47 68.34 61.61 60.60 Acetone 77.80 76.06 78.18 72.71 75.04 Acetonitrile 75.66 74.23 74.60 77.70 74.43 1% NaOH 62.90 22.43 61.70 21.70 47.53 The NaOH extraction process is found to give the best results with the lowest L* values

11 Visible absorption spectra of the sesame seed hull extracts
No distinct peaks were identified for these extracts C D

12 Visible absorption spectra of the mustard hull extracts
Multiple peaks within the visible region Extracts obatined using methanol, glacial acetic acid and 1% NaOH were similar to the sesame seed hull extracts

13 DPPH radical scavenging activity
Solvent used for Extraction DPPH scavenging capacity (%) SSHE-A SSHE-B SSHE-C SSHE-D MHE Ethanol 79.28 13.36 84.48 31.48 - Methanol 88.95 27.62 83.87 40.44 75.88 n-Propanol 62.93 12.23 60.62 21.49 Glacial Acetic acid 89.85 54.57 89.97 88.45 77.73 Acetone 25.15 1.84 50.92 3.07 Acetonitrile 34.40 2.85 36.79 7.74 1% NaOH* 95.09 95.46 95.15 95.58 95.43 Synthetic antioxidant used for comparison of results 5 µg/ml 15 µg/ml 25 µg/ml 50 µg/ml 75 µg/ml 100 µg/ml BHT 18.63 49.20 63.94 82.98 88.07 89.68 White varieties had a greater radical scavenging activity than the black varieties The 1% NaOH extracts of all the varieties showed highest antioxidant activity

14 Ferric reducing/ antioxidant power
Solvent used for Extraction Fe2+ equivalent released (µM) SSHE-A SSHE-B SSHE-C SSHE-D MHE Ethanol 615.5 364.5 625 357 675 Methanol 618.5 375.5 609.5 386.5 850 n-Propanol 762.5 204.5 714 61.5 814.5 Glacial Acetic acid 602 385 594 565 836 Acetone 69 65.5 68.5 64 774 Acetonitrile 633.5 160.5 615 355.5 213.5 1% NaOH 3956.5 4876.5 4566.5 5626.5 2217.5 Synthetic antioxidant used for comparison of results 5 µg/ml 15 µg/ml 25 µg/ml 50 µg/ml 75 µg/ml 100 µg/ml BHT 230 699 737 809 874.5 918.5 Fig: Standard curve obtained using various concentrations of FeSO4.7H2O Significant Fe3+ reducing capacity was observed for extracts obtained with 1% NaOH

15 Inhibition of lipoxygenase by the NaOH extracts of sesame and mustard seed hulls
The inhibitory activity of the black varieties of sesame seed hull extract was found to be highest followed by mustard hull extract

16 Yield of the colourants in solid form Dry weight (mg colour/g hull)
Sample Colour Dry weight (mg colour/g hull) SSHE-A Brown 114.1 SSHE-B Black 89.0 SSHE-C 35.5 SSHE-D 142.6 MHE 53.4 The colour pigment was precipitated, dried and refrigerated in the form of powder

17 Diagnostic tests for the pigments
S No Test SSHE (A) Results SSHE (D) MHE 1 Water Insoluble 2 Organic solvents 3 Alkaline reagents Soluble 4 Colour Brown Black 5 Precipitation in 3N HCl Negative Positive 6 Reaction with oxidizing agent (H2O2) Decolorized 7 Reaction for polyphenols (FeCl3 test) Brown Precipitate 8 Reaction with ammoniacal silver nitrate solution 9 Reaction with KMnO4 Solution turned brown The extracts were identified as Melanin-Like Pigments

18 UV-Visible absorption spectra
The absorption of light by melanin is maximum in the UV region and decreased progressively as the wavelength increases A peak at ~280 nm indicates the presence of proteins associated with the extracts Log of the optical density of melanin when plotted against wavelength gave linear curve with negative slope

19 FT-IR spectra Sample Match % SSHE-A 58.99 SSHE-B 46.06 SSHE-C 77.96
SSHE-D 81.81 MHE 77.93 (a) Synthetic melanin (b) SSHE-A (c) SSHE-B (d) SSHE-C (e) SSHE-D (f) MHE FT-IR spectra of SSHE-D, SSHE-C & MHE showed significant match % when compared with synthetic melanin

20 Stability studies – Effect of temperature on colour
Refrigerated Room temperature 37 °C Fig: Absorption spectra showing pigment degradation with continuous exposure to different temperature conditions over a period of 36 days

21 Stability studies – Effect of light on colour
Refrigerated RT - dark RT - light Fig: Absorption spectra showing pigment degradation with continuous exposure to different light conditions over a period of 36 days

22 Fig: Effect of temperature and light on the colour pigments, expressed as percentage absorbance over time Absorption towards the higher wavelengths reduced significantly over time

23 SUMMARY 1% NaOH was found to be the best solvent for extraction of colours from sesame and mustard seed hull The extracts were found to possess significant DPPH radical scavenging activity The extracts also possessed Ferric reducing capacity comparable to BHT (synthetic antioxidant) The antioxidant activity of the NaOH extracts was further validated using an enzyme model in-vitro (LOX inhibition) The NaOH extracts were partially purified and pigment (Black & Brown coloured) was obtained in powder form The pigment extracted was identified as Melanin-Like Pigments using chemical tests and spectroscopic properties (UV-Visible & FT-IR) The samples were tested for stability – Refrigerated samples were found to be most stable while higher temperatures lead to loss of colour over time

24 WORK TO BE DONE Potential applications of the pigments isolated
Writing up of the report

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26 Thank You


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