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L o g o A comparative assessment of total phenolic content, ferric reducing-anti-oxidative power, free radical scavenging activity, vitamin C and isoflavones.

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Presentation on theme: "L o g o A comparative assessment of total phenolic content, ferric reducing-anti-oxidative power, free radical scavenging activity, vitamin C and isoflavones."— Presentation transcript:

1 L o g o A comparative assessment of total phenolic content, ferric reducing-anti-oxidative power, free radical scavenging activity, vitamin C and isoflavones content in soybean with varying seed coat colour 汇报人:胡冬梅 指导老师:薛照辉副教授

2 L o g o 2011-10-23 学术报告 Introduction Materials and methods Results and discussion Conclusions 1 2 3 4 Contents

3 L o g o 2011-10-23 学术报告 1. Introduction vitamin C isoflavones tocopherols lecithin saponins soy peptides soybean

4 L o g o 2011-10-23 学术报告 1. Introduction greenyellow black Furuta et al. (2003) soybean-boiled extracts and boiled soybean homogenate of all three types of soybean Xu et al. (2007) 2 yellow and 1 black Xu and Chang (2008a, 2008b) 28 yellow and 2black FRAP FRSA TPC

5 L o g o 2011-10-23 学术报告 Diagram vitamin C is a strong scavenger of free radicals the number of black soybean genotypes analysed were too few soybean with green seed coat were not included. 6 genotypes from each type of soybean FRAP FRSA TPC forms of isoflavones vitamin C

6 L o g o 2. Materials and methods 2011-10-23 学术报告 the seeds were dried in oven at 70 ℃ till the weight became constant. Moisture free seeds were secured in screw-capped vials

7 L o g o 2011-10-23 学术报告 2.1. Extraction of antioxidants from the seeds ground into flour Oven dried seeds pass through 100-mesh sieve extracted with 15 ml aqueous acetone at 25 ℃ in the dark overnight centrifuged at 3000r for 10 min residues were re-extracted with 5 ml 70% acetone Both the extracts were combined and stored at 4 ℃ in dark for analyses

8 L o g o 2011-10-23 学术报告 2.2 Determination of TPC 0.05 ml 70% acetone soy extract 0.5 ml F–C reagent and 0.5 ml 20% Na2CO3 final volume was 5 ml with distilled water incubation for 30 min at room temperature 700nmdistilled watergallic acid equivalents

9 L o g o 2011-10-23 学术报告 2.3 Ferric reducing-antioxidant power assay absorbance was recorded at 593 nm. 0.1 ml of soybean flour extract + 3ml FRAP reagent incubated for 15 min at 37 ℃ 300 mM acetate buffer 10 mM TPTZ in 40 mM HCl and 20 mM FeCl3· 6H2O in the ratio 10:1:1

10 L o g o 2.4. DPPH free radical-scavenging activity  0.1 ml of the extraction solvent  adding DPPH solution incubation10 min at room temperature  Decrease in absorbance at 517 nm (ethanolic as blank) 2011-10-23 学术报告

11 L o g o 2011-10-23 学术报告 where Acontrol is absorbance of the control Asample is the absor-bance of the sample after.

12 L o g o 2.5 HPLC determination of isoflavones 2.5.1. Sample preparation 2011-10-23 学术报告 drie in an oven at 70 ℃ ground and pass through 100-mesh sieve Extract with 80% ethanol (5 ml) and concentrated HCl (1 ml) for 2h in a boiling water bath centrifuge at 10,000 rpm for 10 min suspension was colleted Further test

13 L o g o 2.5.2. HPLC conditions  20ul  C-18 silica column  column oven was maintained at 40℃  flow rate:0.8 ml/min for 25 min  solvent A (10% ACN) (乙腈)  solvent B (38% ACN)  The solvent system(% solvent A/solvent B):  0 min (0/100), 5 min(10/90), 20 min (0/100), and 25 min (0/100).  260 nm 2011-10-23 学术报告

14 L o g o Vitamin C  Vitamin C was quantified by using standard 2,6dichlorophenol-indophenol dye method 2011-10-23 学术报告 还原型抗坏血酸能还原染料 2.6- 二氯酚靛酚,该染料在酸性中呈红色, 被还原后红色消失。还原型抗坏血酸还原 2.6- 二氯酚靛酚后,本身被 氧化成脱氢抗坏血酸。在没有杂质干扰时,一定量的样品提取液还原 标准 2.6- 二氯酚靛酚的量与样品中所含维生素 C 的量成正比。

15 L o g o 3. Results and discussion 2011-10-23 学术报告 1.06-1.54 0.96-2.89 0.81-5.89 1.10-3.11 4.02-6.44 2.87-6.15 2.55 5.14 4.56 1.38 1.61 2.82 16.42-44.05 21.08-32.55 59.71-83.47 31.19 26.37 75.10

16 L o g o 2011-10-23 学术报告 1:1.1:1.5 1.5:1:2.2 1:1.4:1.9 282.5 358.4250.5 478.8 220.9 321.9 309.6453.4 475.4

17 L o g o 2011-10-23 学术报告 类胡萝卜素, 叶黄素

18 L o g o 2011-10-23 学术报告

19 L o g o 2011-10-23 学术报告 4. Conclusions black seed exhibited higher FRSA than yellow and green soybean. yellow soybean exhibited lower FRAP value than black and green soybean. antioxidant constituents other than isoflavones contribute to the higher FRSA in black soybean.

20 L o g o 2011-10-23 学术报告 4. Conclusions every black genotype does not necessarily contain higher level of TPC than yellow or green soybean. some black genotypes despite having low TPC than green soybean showed higher levels of FRSA. ?

21 L o g o

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