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The Fourth Leadership Skill Col Harry LeBoeuf, USAF (ret)

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Presentation on theme: "The Fourth Leadership Skill Col Harry LeBoeuf, USAF (ret)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Fourth Leadership Skill Col Harry LeBoeuf, USAF (ret)

2 Develop

3 Two Keys to Developing Your Team 1.Training: develop competencies 2.Coaching: develop confidence

4 Do you feel adequately trained for your present position? A) Yes B) No

5 3 Steps to Effective Training Step 1: Assess the Need A.Clarify the desired result What specific results need to be achieved? What are the specific skills, knowledge, attitude? B.Determine Individual’s SKA Do they know HOW to do it? (Skill) Do they know WHAT to do? (Knowledge) Do they WANT to do it? (Attitude)

6 Remember: training is only appropriate if an employee needs a specific Skill, Knowledge, or Attitude that he/she does not currently possess to successfully fulfill their role.

7 Have you ever gone through training and came out no better prepared then when you went in? A) Yes B) No

8 3 Steps to Effective Training Step 2: Choose the Training Option  Self-paced learning  Small group interaction  CBT (computer-based)  Job sharing  Job shadowing  Coaching  Job switch  Hands-on training  Cross training  Reading (books, manuals)  Seminars  Video-based learning  Audio-based learning  Interviewing  Mentoring  Simulations

9 3 Steps to Effective Training Step 3: Measure the Results Skills learned Knowledge gained Attitude improved

10 Two Keys to Developing Your Team 1.Training: develop competencies 2.Coaching: develop confidence

11 Have you been coached in a leadership environment? A) Yes B) No

12 What is Leadership Coaching? Equips people with the SKA to develop themselves. Process – not an event. Something you do with them – not to them. Not about “fixing” people – it’s about unleashing potential. Two-way relationship – not a one-way event. Mindset and approach for improvement.

13 Four Common Coaching Mistakes 1.Explaining or talking before listening. 2.Advising before understanding 3.Problem solving 4.Seeing their world through your eyes.

14 Ten Great Coaching Questions 1.What excites you about your work? 2.What do you find the most meaningful and rewarding aspects of your work? 3.Where do you naturally inject you greatest energy and enthusiasm? 4.What are your goals and why? 5.What do you see as your greatest strengths?

15 Ten Great Coaching Questions 6.Do you think you tend to inflate or undervalue your abilities? 7.What are your greatest current challenges? 8.Are you truly willing to change to make your work life better? 9.What do you believe you need to improve now? 10.How can I best help you achieve your goals?

16 To you see an advantage to coaching your people? A) Yes B) No

17 Coaching Role Play

18 Are you going to go back and be a coach for someone? A) Yes B) No

19 Final Coaching Tips 1.Use “And” – no “Buts” when suggesting improvements. 2.Focus on one improvement at a time. 3.Stretch their comfort zone. 4.Give fast and specific feedback. 5.Use a GAPS © coaching plan: What’s your Goal? What Actions will you take? How will we measure the Performance improvement? What Self-Improvement did you achieve?

20 My Action Plan List 2-3 actions to take your Developing To a Higher Level.

21 Ropella Leadership Transformation ROPELLA can help you improve productivity and the bottom line, as well as the morale and loyalty of your employees. We can give your organization a true “line-of-sight” communication from the boardroom to the front line. Give ROPELLA a call today and we will help you grow your great company! 850.983.4777

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