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By: Dustin, Jeremy, Tyler  Molecules: When two or more atoms combine chemically  Compounds: When two or more different atoms combine to form a molecule,

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2 By: Dustin, Jeremy, Tyler


4  Molecules: When two or more atoms combine chemically  Compounds: When two or more different atoms combine to form a molecule, the molecule is more specifically called a molecule of a compound


6 A Molecule Compound


8  If two or more atoms of the same element bond together, a molecule of that element is produced. When two or more different atoms bind together to form a molecule, the molecule is more specifically referred to as a molecule of a compound.


10  Water is a good example of a compound  Compounds can have different properties then the atoms making them up  So it would be impossible to determine the atoms making up the compound without looking at it chemically


12  Marieb, Elaine, Molecules and Compounds, Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, Serina Beauparltant. Eight. San Fransisco: Daryl Fox, 2006, 32-33. Print.

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