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Human Resource Services Planning Council September 20, 2011 Overview of Service Area Outcome 1: Mission, Evaluation and Outcomes.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Resource Services Planning Council September 20, 2011 Overview of Service Area Outcome 1: Mission, Evaluation and Outcomes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Resource Services Planning Council September 20, 2011 Overview of Service Area Outcome 1: Mission, Evaluation and Outcomes

2 Overview of HRS Planning Summary of SAO-1: SAO-1 is the foundation for the other six SAOs. It contains four outputs at present (with a fifth proposed). Through its outputs we establish the mission, vision and values of the Division, the SAOs and their basis in Accreditation Standards and Institutional objectives, the evaluation model (methods or process), and the overall Plan (PRP) for the Division. It is the shortest of the HRS SAOs, but probably the most critical to our success. What are the Main Outputs? HRS Mission, Vision and Values Statement SAOs with Ties to Accreditation and Institutional Objectives (Pretty Chart) The Evaluation Model The Program Review Plan (PRP) **Palomar Outcomes Database (POD)—proposed new Where Can I Find SAO-1? The HRS Planning webpage, Program Review Plan pp. 7-11 at: Overview SAO-1: The Goals and Structure of HRS Planning Overview SAO-1: The Goals and Structure of HRS Planning 2

3 SAO-1 Ties from Accreditation to Institution and Division Planning and Specific Outputs 3 HRS SAO-1: Design and Update HRS Outcomes and Systematic Evaluation Model to Reflect Institutional Planning Updates and Increased Program Complexity. Accreditation Standard III.A. Human Resource Planning is integrated with institutional planning. Standard IIIA.6. Systematic assessment of human resources. Goal 2, Objective 2.4 Implement Service Area Outcome Assessment Cycles (SAOACs) Outputs: (1)HRS Mission, Vision and Values; (2)SAO Development; (3)Evaluation Model; (4)Program Review Plan (5)*Proposed New-Populate and Maintain Palomar Outcomes Database (POD) -Resource requirements consist primarily of human resources (employee time) for trainings in metrics/POD and for updating/revisions to key planning outputs. -Priorities for this year (2011-12) include updates to all outputs and the addition of output 5 for the POD.

4 SAO-1, Output 1: HRS Mission, Vision and Values 4 Process: -HRS as a team participated in a SWOT workshop to identify a larger group of values. -From this, smaller groups were assembled to review and propose a vision, mission and values statement that reflected Institutional and HRS goals and values. -These group versions were then consolidated into the final version.

5 SAO-1, Output 2: Evaluation Model Development Formative Plan: Design and methods (1 st year). Summative Plan: Implementation, revision, and updates (2 nd year-on). **This process is slightly expanded for major plan outputs and slightly abbreviated for less complex ones. 5 -The purpose of the evaluation model is to allow data to drive HRS decision-making. Priorities and processes are reevaluated based on the data, which include stakeholder feedback.

6 SAO-1, Output 3: HRS SAOs with Ties from Accreditation to Division Planning 6

7 SAO-1, Output 4: The HRS Program Review Plan 2010-11 PRP Revision : The previous PRP had several issues—lack of measurable outcomes, unclear metrics, and omission of major areas for assessment were three notable limitations that drove the latest version’s revisions. PRP Sections: -Section 1: Overview and Plan Design -Section 2: SAO-1 SAO and Evaluation Model Development -Section 3: SAO-2 Recruitment, Hiring and Retention -Section 4: SAO-3 Equity and Diversity -Section 5: SAO-4 Satisfaction, Service and Productivity of HRS Staff -Section 6: SAO-5 Policies, Procedures and Employee Handbooks/Agreements -Section 7: SAO-6 Employee Performance Feedback and Training -Section 8: SAO-7 Information Requests and Records -Appendices Organization within each Section: -Overview -Outputs -Resource Requirements -Timeframes -Next Cycle Planning Priorities Major Outputs by SAO: SAO-1: HRS Mission, Vision and Values; SAOs; and Evaluation Model. SAO-2: Staffing Master Plan and PeopleAdmin implementation. SAO-3: EEO Plan and Discrimination/ Harassment Investigations. SAO-4: Internal climate survey and external customer satisfaction survey. SAO-5: HRS policies and procedures and handbook/agreement updates. SAO-6: HRS Website development, employee evaluations and trainings. SAO-7: Singularity (file scanning). 7

8 Proposed SAO-1, Output 5: The POD Input and Update Process 8 New Output: Proposed Output 5 would include inputs and updates to the Palomar Outcomes Database (POD) via TracDat. What is the POD? The database allows for a central repository of planning tasks, outputs (assessments) and outcomes, along with associated evidence of progress (i.e., reports, documents, statistics associated with each SAO). Why Include this Output? The rationale for adding this output is that this is a vital database for tracking progress on SAOs, and also one that requires significant human resources for inputs/updates. Inclusion of an output in the PRP also demonstrates Divisional commitment to the project. The Outcomes Database includes several useful tabs and reports: Assessment Plan allows for tracking of each SAO with its associated outputs (assessments) and criteria—see handout. The documents tab contains all of the key HRS Planning documents and evidence of satisfaction of/progress on SAOs. As of 08/11, all HRS SAOs and outputs have been entered.

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