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NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Direct Readout Laboratory NPP/JPSS HRD/LRD Status Patrick Coronado NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

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Presentation on theme: "NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Direct Readout Laboratory NPP/JPSS HRD/LRD Status Patrick Coronado NASA Goddard Space Flight Center"— Presentation transcript:

1 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Direct Readout Laboratory NPP/JPSS HRD/LRD Status Patrick Coronado NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

2 2010 GSFC SOYA Presentation - IPOPP NPP S/C Communication Links TLM: 2247.5MHz 1.024, 4.096 or16.384 kbps (Realtime Only) CMD: 2067.270833 MHz 125& 1000 bps TDRSS Ground Link TDRSS White Sands Station Svalbard,Norway Station Direct Broadcast Downlink Direct Readout User Terminal CMD2067.270833 MHz 2,000 & 128,000bps S-Band Antenna DB Antenna SMD Antenna TLM2247.5MHz 1.024, 4.096, 16.384, 32.768 kbps (Realtime) 524.288 kbps (Stored) 7.812 GHz 15 Mbps 8.2125GHz 300.0Mbps TDRS

3 2010 GSFC SOYA Presentation - IPOPP JPSS S/C Communication Links Direct Broadcast Downlink Direct Readout User Terminal DB Antenna SMD Antenna 7.8XX GHz 15 Mbps 1.7 Ghz 4 Mbps HRD LRD

4 2010 GSFC SOYA Presentation - IPOPP EOS/NPP/JPSS HRD/LRD Processing Status The mechanism for the user community to process HRD and LRD will be through the International Polar- Orbiter Processing package (IPOPP) IPOPP is being developed by the JPSS Field Terminal Segment at NASA GSFC To include mission processing requirements and end-user recommendations A Beta version has been released An NPP post-launch version will be released with instrument-specific radiometric calibration and georegistration algorithms 4

5 2010 GSFC SOYA Presentation - IPOPP What is IPOPP? The Interoperable Polar Orbiter Processing Package (IPOPP) is a real-time data processing framework that provides a processing environment for direct readout science algorithms using real- time directly broadcasted spacecraft science instrument data. It enables anyone to create, evaluate and use NASA’s direct readout Earth science data products, and is specifically designed for ease of integration into decision support systems. The framework supports the creation of products for use in models, vegetation monitoring, atmospheric conditions, and sea surface properties 5

6 2010 GSFC SOYA Presentation - IPOPP

7 IPOPP Characteristics IPOPP is: –Distributed, hybrid - data and configuration file (xml) driven architecture –Portable to Linux x86 platforms –Efficient to run on modest hardware (workstation class) –Simple to install and easy to use –Able to ingest and process satellite overpasses of arbitrary length –Highly configurable and scalable Able to produce core and regional value-added Environmental Data Record (EDR) products –Capable of forward processing and reprocessing –Compliant with mission formats 7

8 2010 GSFC SOYA Presentation - IPOPP IPOPP Specifications and Status 8 Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 9 Programming LanguageJava with XML configuration schema Programming GuidelinesGeneral Public License (GPL) Configuration ManagementSubversion (SVN) Size2.7GB (compressed) – 150K lines of code with existing complement of MODIS algorithms Release Dates Alpha Version 1.5a first released to Alpha test sites beginning in December 2007 Alpha Version 1.6a released to Alpha test sites in July 2008 Version 1.6b released to general public in November 2009 Documentation Requirement’s document, Implementation plan, User’s Guides for each IPOPP release, IPOPP component, and Science Processing Algorithm (SPA) NASA Software Engineering Requirements Working towards NPR 7150.2A (Class C) compliance Quality AssuranceIndependent Verification and Validation (IV&V) testing through the Alpha Program Distribution MechanismDRL Web Portal: http://directreadout.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov Export ControlledCompliant with International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) *

9 2010 GSFC SOYA Presentation - IPOPP Innovation: Simulcast – Distributed, Real-time Data Monitoring 9 *

10 2010 GSFC SOYA Presentation - IPOPP Innovation: Development and Testing Process 10 Unique Development and Testing procedures established to provide public use science algorithms for operational end-user applications.

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