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A LOW-BANDWIDTH NETWORK FILE SYSTEM A. Muthitacharoen, MIT B. Chen, MIT D. Mazieres, New York U.

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Presentation on theme: "A LOW-BANDWIDTH NETWORK FILE SYSTEM A. Muthitacharoen, MIT B. Chen, MIT D. Mazieres, New York U."— Presentation transcript:

1 A LOW-BANDWIDTH NETWORK FILE SYSTEM A. Muthitacharoen, MIT B. Chen, MIT D. Mazieres, New York U

2 Highlights A file system for slow or wide-area networks Exploits similarities between files or versions of the same file –Avoids sending data that can be found in the server’s file system or the client’s cache Also uses conventional compression and caching Requires 90% less bandwidth than traditional network file systems

3 Working on slow networks Can work with local copies –Must then worry about update conflicts Can use remote login –Only for text-based applications Should use instead a low-bandwidth file system –Better than remote login –Must then deal with issues like big autosaves blocking the editor for the duration of transfer

4 LBFS (I) Client keeps all recently accessed files in its cache LBFS exploits cross file similarities to reduce data transfers between client and server – File server divides the file it stores into variable-size chunks –Indexes these chunks by their hash values

5 LBFS (II) When transferring a file between the client and the server –LBFS identifies the chunks the receiving side already has –Only transmits the other chunks Provides close-to-open consistency –Same as Coda (and newer versions of NFS)

6 Related work (I) AFS used callbacks to reduce network traffic Leases are callbacks with expiration date Coda supports slow networks and disconnected operations through optimistic replication Bayou and OceanStore investigate conflict resolution for optimistic updates Lee et al. have extended Coda to support operation-based updates

7 Related Work (II) Spring and Wetherall use large client and server caches to eliminate redundant network traffic: –Can send address of data already in cache of receiver rather than data themselves Rsync exploits similarities between directory trees containing similar subtrees

8 LBFS Design Key ideas: –Close-to-open consistency –Have a large persistent file cache at client IDE disks are now large enough for that –Exploits similarities between files (and file versions) Only transmits data chunks containing new data

9 Identifying Similar Data Chunks LBFS uses collision-resistant property of SHA-1 hash function –Assumes no hash collisions Central challenge is –Keeping the index a reasonable size –Dealing with shifting offsets

10 The Case against Fixed-Size Blocks File F File F after an insertion The two files do not have a single block in common

11 The Case against “Diffs” “Diffs” are used by several UNIX utilities –Computed by comparing contents of file with another file – Very efficient Must know which file(s) to compare to Difficult in a file system –Obscure naming of editor buffer files and other temp files

12 Dividing Files into Chunks LBFS –Only looks for non-overlapping chunks in files –Sets chunk boundaries based on file contents To divide a file into chunks, LBFS –Examines every (overlapping) 48-byte region of the file – Uses Rabin’s fingerprints to select boundary regions or breakpoints

13 Using Rabin’s Fingerprints Polynomial representation of data in 48-byte region modulo an irreducible polynomial Boundary regions have the 13 least significant bits of their fingerprint equal to an arbitrary predefined value –Assuming random data, expected chunk size is 2 13 = 8K Method is reasonably fast

14 How it works A file X partitioned into three chunks Same file X after one insertion inside middle chunk Chunk boundaries are arbitrary and identified by the content of their boundary regions New Chunk

15 Another way to look at it (I) Old File: Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, a new country, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that "all men are created equal."

16 Another way to look at it (II) New File: Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that "all men are created equal"

17 Another way to look at it (III) Identify Chunks: Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that "all men are created equal"

18 Another way to look at it (IV) Send back to server the modified chunk: upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, in compressed form

19 Pathological cases Having too many chunks require too much aggregate bandwidth Very large chunks would be too difficult to send in a single RPC Chunk sizes must be between 2K and 64K –May have to artificially insert chunk boundaries when files are full of repeated sequences

20 The chunk database (I) The chunk database –Indexes chunks by first 64 bits of SHA-1 hash –Maps keys to (file,offset, count) triples How to keep this database up to date? –Must update it whenever file is updated –Can still have problems with local updates at server site –Crashes can corrupt database contents

21 The chunk database (II) Best solution is to tolerate inconsistencies: –LBFS recomputes hash of any data chunk before using it –Recomputed value is also used to detect collisions Very improbable but still possible

22 Protocol NFS with some changes: –Uses leases to implement close-to-open consistency ( callbacks with limited lifetime ) –Practices aggressive pipelining of RPC calls –Compresses all RPC traffic

23 Leases Leases are callbacks with –A limited lifetime (a few seconds) – A guarantee that server will not accept updates during lease lifetime without first notifying client Advantages: – No problems with lost callbacks –Automatically expire when server crashes

24 An example (I) Time Server Alice Requests a lease During duration of lease Alice controls the file Must now renew it

25 An example (II) Time Server Alice Got a lease During duration of lease Alice controls the file Bob Also requests a lease

26 An example When server receives Bob's request, –It will try to contact Alice and break the lease Alice will then flush all the blocks she had updated and invalidate the contents of her cache –If Alice does not answer, server must wait until Alice's lease expires

27 File Consistency LBFS –Caches entire files –Implements close-to-open consistency Client –Gets a lease first time a file is opened for read –Renews expired leases by requesting file attributes –Will then check if cached copy is still current

28 Reads and writes Use additional calls not in NFS –GETHASH for reads –MKTMPFILE,and three other for write Server ensures atomicity of updates by writing them first into a temporary file

29 Security More of an issue than in a well-controlled LAN Uses SFS security infrastructure –Servers have public keys and authenticate themselves to clients New Problem: –All LBFS users can check whether file system contains a specific chunk of data –Requires observing subtle timing differences

30 Implementation Some problems with the way NFS allocates i-node numbers

31 Evaluation (I) Compared upstream and downstream bandwidth of LBFS with those of –CIFS (Common Internet File System) –NFS –AFS –LBFS with leases and gzip but w/o chunking Downstream traffic benefits most of chunking

32 Evaluation (II) First four bars of each workload show upstream bandwidth, second four downstream bandwidth

33 Conclusions LBFS bandwidth usage is one order of magnitude less than conventional file systems

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