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Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 1 Consider Authorization of Funds to Employ Consultant to Promote Resolution 2003-01 April 19, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 1 Consider Authorization of Funds to Employ Consultant to Promote Resolution 2003-01 April 19, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 1 Consider Authorization of Funds to Employ Consultant to Promote Resolution 2003-01 April 19, 2004

2 Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 2 Background SB 149 was introduced by State Senator Bruce McPherson during the 2003 legislative session SB 149 proposed to remove the directly elected Board and replace it with appointed mayors and/or council members SB 149 also proposed to delete the existing requirement that water projects be placed before the District voters

3 Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 3 Background (continued) Resolution 2003-01 opposing SB 149 was adopted by the Board on May 2, 2003 District employed Sacramento based firm of Edelstein & Gilbert to provide legislative advocacy services at the State Legislature SB 149 was not enacted last session, however, Senator McPherson has introduced SB 149/SB 1529 during the current legislative session with similar provisions The first hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, April 21, 2004, at 8:30 AM

4 Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 4 Advocacy Proposals District staff has received three proposals to provide legislative advocacy services related to SB 149/SB 1529 during the current legislative session Edelstein & Gilbert Sacramento Advocates The Gualco Group

5 Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 5 Edelstein & Gilbert Base fee of $40,000 $8,000 to be paid upon commencement of services Additional payments of $8,000 each on June 15, July 15, August 15 and September 15, 2004 Services provided during the 2004 legislative session Ordinary expenses (telephone, copies, etc.) included Extraordinary expenses (travel, etc.) are additional, but only after prior authorization No termination provision

6 Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 6 Sacramento Advocates Base fee of $36,000 $18,000 due upon execution of contract $18,000 due July 1, 2004 Services provided from execution of agreement through September 30, 2004 Ordinary expenses (telephone, copier, etc.) are additional and billed monthly Extraordinary expenses (travel, etc.) are additional, upon prior authorization, and are billed monthly Either party may terminate the agreement on 30 days advance written notice

7 Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 7 The Gualco Group Base fee of $42,000 Monthly payment of $7,000 beginning May 1, 2004 and ending October 1, 2004 Services provided May 1, 2004 through October 31, 2004 Ordinary expenses (telephone, copier, etc.) are additional and billed monthly Extraordinary expenses (travel, etc.) are additional, upon prior authorization, and are billed monthly No termination provision

8 Monterey Peninsula Water Management District 8 Recommendation The Administrative Committee Considered this matter on April 13, 2004 and recommended consideration by the full Board District staff recommends that the Board should consider whether or not to retain a consultant to promote Resolution 2003-01 (SB 149/SB1529) If the Board votes to retain a consultant, it should authorize the General Manager to execute a contract with the desired consultant for an amount consistent with the applicable proposal

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