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A. BARHDADI and H. ATTOCH PSES Lab., Ecole Normale Supérieure University of Mohammed V Agdal, Rabat Morocco Socio-economic.

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Presentation on theme: "A. BARHDADI and H. ATTOCH PSES Lab., Ecole Normale Supérieure University of Mohammed V Agdal, Rabat Morocco Socio-economic."— Presentation transcript:

1 A. BARHDADI and H. ATTOCH PSES Lab., Ecole Normale Supérieure University of Mohammed V Agdal, Rabat Morocco Socio-economic development in the area of renewable energies: Towards the creation of a research institution for the MENA region based on the DESERTEC concept 3 – 4 September 2012, Tunis (Tunisia)

2 19 August, 2015A. BARHDADI (Rabat, Morocco)2 Area710 850 km² Population32.4 Million GDP per capita (2010)US $ 3300 Universities21 (15 Public + 6 Private) Solar Energy Potential5 kWh/m²/day (3000 h/year)

3 19 August 2015A. BARHDADI (Rabat, Morocco)3 Where R&D Activities on Solar Energy are performed ? R&D activities on Solar Energy are mostly performed in Research Unities (RU) (RU = Research Laboratory OR Research Team) R&D activities on Solar Energy are mostly performed in Research Unities (RU) (RU = Research Laboratory OR Research Team) There are 30 Main RU on Solar Energy in Morocco (24 Laboratories and 6 teams). They are well structured and partially supported either directly by the ministry or through several research programs and projects Research Unities are mostly established in Public High Education Institutions and National Centers Research Unities are mostly established in Public High Education Institutions and National Centers

4 19 August 2015A. BARHDADI (Rabat, Morocco)4 Distribution of RU on Solar Energy in Morocco

5 19 August, 2015A. BARHDADI (Rabat, Morocco)5 RU are performing R&D activities on 4 Main Topics of Solar Energy Radiations Measurements, Assessment Solar Energy Mapping Solar Energy Measurements Thin films Materials (CIS, TCO and Metallic Contacts) Multi-Junction Solar Cells Fundamental Research in Semiconductor Materials (Mono, Poly, Nano, Amorphous) Characterization, Simulation and Modeling Materials for Solar Cells Solar Refrigeration Systems Hybrid Systems for Hydrogen Production Thermo-Solar Systems PV System (simulation / sizing) Solar Energy Systems Water Desalination Solar Drying PV Water Pumping Solar Energy Applications Which Solar Energy Topics are developed ?

6 19 August 2015A. BARHDADI (Rabat, Morocco)6 Who’s performing R&D activities in Solar Energy ? Most of R&D activities on solar energy are performed by Moroccan Teacher-Researchers in close cooperation with their peers from abroad Teacher-Researcher means that a large part of time is allocated to teaching activities at home university or other high education institution There are ~ 100 Active Teacher-Researchers in SE (Those who still publishing papers in the last 5 years) There are ~ 100 Active Teacher-Researchers in SE (Those who still publishing papers in the last 5 years)

7 19 August, 2015A. BARHDADI (Rabat, Morocco)7 Active Teacher-Researchers: Distribution by Topic

8 19 August, 2015A. BARHDADI (Rabat, Morocco)8 Scientific Production in Solar Energy: Quantity According to SCOPUS Data Base Scientific Publications on Solar Energy: 392 More than 50% are Co-Publications (cosigned by foreign co-authors) Moroccan Teacher-Researchers are performing scientific publications either by their local facilities or through close cooperation with their peers from international research structures

9 19 August, 2015A. BARHDADI (Rabat, Morocco)9 Scientific Co-Publications: Main International Partners

10 19 August, 2015A. BARHDADI (Rabat, Morocco)10 Scientific Production in Solar Energy: Diversity Scientific Publications per Topic More than 55% of published papers are fundamental research performed on materials for solar cells

11 19 August, 2015A. BARHDADI (Rabat, Morocco)11 Scientific Production in Solar Energy: Quality h-Index of Scientific Publications on Solar Energy = 23* This means that 23 of published papers have been at least 23 times cited in the literature This confirm the high quality of the Moroccan Scientific production in solar energy According to SCOPUS Data Base * The h-index could be higher than 23 because SCOPUS doesn’t provide complete information on citations prior to 1996.

12 19 August, 2015A. BARHDADI (Rabat, Morocco)12 Other Moroccan Performances from R&D on Solar Energy ItemScore Scientific Communications (International + National Scientific Events) > 600 Involvement in European Framework Program on Solar/Renewable Energies 21 Patents in Solar Energy (in the period of 2000 – 2010) 29

13 19 August, 2015A. BARHDADI (Rabat, Morocco)13 Capacity Building in Solar Energy (at Public Universities) Capacity Building in Solar Energy (at Public Universities) In addition to R&D activities, Moroccan researchers are also deeply involved as Teachers in: 31 Training and Specialization Programs completely or partially dedicated to Renewable Energies allowing the preparation and obtaining of 6 kinds of high degrees In addition to R&D activities, Moroccan researchers are also deeply involved as Teachers in: 31 Training and Specialization Programs completely or partially dedicated to Renewable Energies allowing the preparation and obtaining of 6 kinds of high degrees

14 Capacity Building in Solar Energy (at Public Universities) Capacity Building in Solar Energy (at Public Universities) 19 August, 2015

15 A. BARHDADI (Rabat, Morocco)15 R&D in Solar Energy versus Industry In parallel to R&D skills and capacity building in solar energy, Morocco has also developed a high potential of SMEs in the field. There are presently more than 60 SMEs on Solar Energy in Morocco. Most of them are members of AMISOLE (Association Marocaine des Industries SOLaires et Eoliennes) There are presently more than 60 SMEs on Solar Energy in Morocco. Most of them are members of AMISOLE (Association Marocaine des Industries SOLaires et Eoliennes)  These SMEs have no R&D departments  Until 2011, the collaboration between SMEs and Moroccan university kills was very limited  There was no Morocco clear strategy in this area  These SMEs have no R&D departments  Until 2011, the collaboration between SMEs and Moroccan university kills was very limited  There was no Morocco clear strategy in this area HOWEVER

16 19 August, 2015A. BARHDADI (Rabat, Morocco)16 R&D for Industry and Innovation in Solar Energy In 2011, IRESEN (Institut de Recherche en Energie Solaire et Energies Nouvelles) was set up  To specify the Moroccan Strategy in R&D in Solar/Renewable Energy  To provide funding, coordination and steering to the relevant Solar/Renewable Energy Technologies and Projects.  To boost partnership between R&D university skills and industrials in Solar/Renewable Energy and to ensure transfer and economical valorization of results.  To develop the innovation dimension in the field.  To specify the Moroccan Strategy in R&D in Solar/Renewable Energy  To provide funding, coordination and steering to the relevant Solar/Renewable Energy Technologies and Projects.  To boost partnership between R&D university skills and industrials in Solar/Renewable Energy and to ensure transfer and economical valorization of results.  To develop the innovation dimension in the field. IRESEN has 4 specific objectives :

17 19 August, 2015A. BARHDADI (Rabat, Morocco)17 IRESEN: SImaXJ Project SImaXJ Project will be helpful for a quick translation of Moroccan R&D results into technology and innovative products In 2013, IRESEN will launch SImaXJ Big Project with 2 main objectives:  Set up of a national PV platform for technological development of silicon triple- junction solar cells.  Implementation of a pilot plant for production of silicon thin films PV modules with an annual production capacity of 20 MW. In 2013, IRESEN will launch SImaXJ Big Project with 2 main objectives:  Set up of a national PV platform for technological development of silicon triple- junction solar cells.  Implementation of a pilot plant for production of silicon thin films PV modules with an annual production capacity of 20 MW. PSES Laboratory is among the main partners holding this project

18 19 August, 2015A. BARHDADI (Rabat, Morocco)18 PSES Laboratory : Presentation Identification NamePhysics of Semiconductors and Solar Energy Lab. (PSES) EstablishmentEcole Normale Supérieure of Rabat UniversityMohammed V-Agdal, Rabat Creation DateOctober 1985 Present DirectorProf. Abdelfettah BARHDADI Main Research Activities Materials and Components for PV Technologies National Memberships Pole of Competences MACOMS

19 19 August, 2015A. BARHDADI (Rabat, Morocco)19 Ability and Expertise

20 19 August, 2015A. BARHDADI (Rabat, Morocco)20 Main Scientific Achievements Item Score Scientific Publications51 Scientific Communications including Plenary and Thematic Conferences 77 Masters & Similar Degrees13 PhD12 Higher Degree (Doctorat d’Etat Es-Sciences) 4 Funded Research Projects11 Organization/Co-organization of Scientific Events 4 Inter. + 2 Nat. = 6

21 19 August, 2015A. BARHDADI (Rabat, Morocco)21 Literature 1- A. BARHDADI Mini-Symposium on African Network for Solar Energy Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells (LIOS), Johannes Kepler University of Linz, 4 February 2011, Linz, Austria 2- H. ATTOCH and A. BARHDADI Dissertation of Physical and Chemical Pedagogic Aptitude Diploma 30 June 2011, Physics Department, ENS, Mohammed V-Agdal University, Rabat, Morocco 3- A. BARHDADI, A. BENNOUNA and D. SAIFAOUI EnerMENA Workshop for implementation of training tools 10 October 2011, École Nationale de l’Industrie Minérale, Rabat, Morocco 4- A. BARHDADI Workshop on "Initiation d’une coopération Maroco-Allemande pour la formation en Energies renouvelables" École Supérieur des Ingénieurs Aachen; Campus Jülich, Germany Agence allemande de la coopération internationale (GIZ), Eschborn, Germany 27 – 28 February 2012 5- A. BARHDADI, A. BENNOUNA, D. ZEJLI and M. RAOUFI Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Space Forum on Solar Energy & Energy Efficiency (FORSEE) 25 – 26 June 2012, Tunis, Tunisia 1- A. BARHDADI Mini-Symposium on African Network for Solar Energy Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells (LIOS), Johannes Kepler University of Linz, 4 February 2011, Linz, Austria 2- H. ATTOCH and A. BARHDADI Dissertation of Physical and Chemical Pedagogic Aptitude Diploma 30 June 2011, Physics Department, ENS, Mohammed V-Agdal University, Rabat, Morocco 3- A. BARHDADI, A. BENNOUNA and D. SAIFAOUI EnerMENA Workshop for implementation of training tools 10 October 2011, École Nationale de l’Industrie Minérale, Rabat, Morocco 4- A. BARHDADI Workshop on "Initiation d’une coopération Maroco-Allemande pour la formation en Energies renouvelables" École Supérieur des Ingénieurs Aachen; Campus Jülich, Germany Agence allemande de la coopération internationale (GIZ), Eschborn, Germany 27 – 28 February 2012 5- A. BARHDADI, A. BENNOUNA, D. ZEJLI and M. RAOUFI Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Space Forum on Solar Energy & Energy Efficiency (FORSEE) 25 – 26 June 2012, Tunis, Tunisia

22 19 August, 2015A. BARHDADI (Rabat, Morocco)22 Acknowledgments Many thanks to  Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology  National Centre for Scientific and Technical Research for providing useful information and data

23 19 August, 2015A. BARHDADI (Rabat, Morocco)23

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