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Camera Lenses, Shots & Angles Unit 1 A Photographic Introduction.

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1 Camera Lenses, Shots & Angles Unit 1 A Photographic Introduction

2 WILT  Explore the different lenses for a DSLR and their purpose  Identify different camera angles  Identify different camera shots

3 Wide Angle Lens  Have three classes  Wide  Ultra Wide  Fish Eye  21 - 35mm  These can capture wide scenes  Have a much larger depth of field (more will be in focus from the foreground to the background)  Great for shooting landscapes, large groups of people, architecture, etc.

4 Standard Lenses  Focal range from 35 – 70mm  Most common: 50mm lens  Used for documentary and street photography, where photographers need to move quickly!

5 Medium Telephoto/Portrait Lens  Focal range between 80 – 135mm  Always used by portrait photographers  Ideal for framing head shots  Considered a “specialist lens” but not too expensive

6 Telephoto Lens  Any lens between 135mm and 300mm  Very expensive!  Shorten depth of field – this enables you to isolate your subjects from the background  Great for wildlife and sports

7 Specialist Lenses  Super Telephoto – Focal range of more than 300mm  Macro – Able to focus closer to an object (1:1 ratio)  Fisheye – Give a distorted view of the subject matter. Centre is magnified and objects diminish in size in all directions around it

8 Camera Angles  If you wanted to show how scary/intimidating a person is, what angle would you shoot from?  If you wanted to show how fearful a person is, what angle would you shoot from?  The angle from which a picture is taken can greatly effect how the vieweer feels about a subject  When a photographer places a camera at eye level, the viewer can see the shape and proportions of the subject as they normally would  Changing the angle can suggest different meanings to the audience

9 Bird’s Eye View/Aerial  Can really demonstrate and emphasize distance, size and space  Entire environments, places, cities, etc. can be captured from a high vantage point

10 Worm’s Eye View  The camera is placed on the floor/ground and can give the audience the perspective of how the world looks from the lowest possible viewing point

11 Low Angle  This is when the camera is placed below the subject so the viewer will feel like they are looking up at it

12 High Angle  The photograph is taken from above the subject so the viewer will feel like they are looking down on it  The image seems smaller than its surroundings  This is used to emphasize space and distance – it can also make the subject appear to be smaller, weaker

13 Activity: Camera Shots  Working in pairs, choose one of the shots below to research  Extreme Long/ Wide Shot  Long/Wide Shot  Medium/ Mid Shot  Close Up  Extreme Close Up  Include a definition, the purpose and examples

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