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Mouth Brooding Fish: with an emphasis on cichlids Dr. Craig Kasper HCC Aquaculture Program.

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1 Mouth Brooding Fish: with an emphasis on cichlids Dr. Craig Kasper HCC Aquaculture Program

2 Introduction Mouth brooders--fish that hold their eggs in their mouth until their young are free-swimming. Main advantage: larger, self sufficient young. Reproductive strategy: common in cichlids Sexing: Difficult. Methods vary greatly.

3 Example: Lake Malawi Peacock Cichlids Peacock cichlids: sexing easy -males, bright yellows, reds and blues -females “steel” colored. Other methods: Dorsal fin morphology. Males typically pointed while females, rounded. male peacock cichlid female peacock cichlid

4 Mouth Brooders Melanochromis spp. are easy if properly fed and conditioned. Note: Male is literally the opposite of the female in this photo. Some species of cichlids fight…a lot!! How do we fix it? Melanochromis auratus

5 Cichlid stocking techniques Remedy: large tank, lots of hiding spaces.Remedy: large tank, lots of hiding spaces. A ratio of 3 females to every 1 male doesn’t hurt either.A ratio of 3 females to every 1 male doesn’t hurt either. -however, even with a 1:1 ratio, they will still spawn.

6 More… When breeding mouth-brooders, it is important to keep a careful watch over your fish. When a fish spits its fry, they fry will most likely be ravenously consumed by the fish in the tank. To avoid this, you can "spit,” or “milk" their females before they release the fry. This should be done with great care so as to not injure the fish.

7 Discus Some discus are also mouth brooding fish, however this is very rare to observe, particularly in captivity. They are also difficult to sex. It may be best to “let them sort it out.” A density of breeding adults (5-6) is a good starting point if you aren’t sure (and you most likely won’t be.) Discus eggs need soft water and low pH to hatch. Be sure to provide sufficient substrate for the fish as well. Fry hatch in 50-60hrs!! Fry will also feed off the parental slime coat for the first time. Later they can be weaned onto live or dry diets.

8 Discus Expect 50-70 fry per batch when rearing discus. Transfer of fry from spawning tank to growout must be done carefully as the fry tend to be very temperature sensative!Transfer of fry from spawning tank to growout must be done carefully as the fry tend to be very temperature sensative!

9 Jawfish Opistognathus spp. Jawfish, a marine spp. also engage in mouth-brooding. Jawfish exhibit interesting nesting behavior. Spend most of the day “cleaning house.” Territorial defense is offen aggressive.

10 Marine Mouthbrooders Captive breeding possible, but difficult. Paternal egg care. Fry hatch in 7 days. Fry need there own space. Larval fish need clean water and rotifers Once large enough brine shrimp are used. Tank Conditions: 72-82°F; sg 1.021-1.023; dKH 8-12

11 Mouth Brooding: Part 2 Mating strategies, family units and brood care

12 Still more mouth brooding fish facts… We began discussing mouth brooders last time and observed some cool examples. But are all mouth brooding fish the same? Not entirely! Like most other fish we’ve observed, classification seems to be the rule, or curse. Two groups of mouth brooding fish classification exists. Its based on the stage of development when the fish occupy the mouth cavity of the parent.

13 Egg or Larval Mouth brooders can be broken up into ovophiles and larvophiles. Ovophile, or egg-loving mouth-brooders, lay their eggs in a pit, which are sucked up into the mouth of the female. The small number of large eggs hatch in the mother’s mouth, and the fry remain there for a period of time.

14 Egg or Larval Fertilization often occurs with the help of egg-spots, dummy eggs, egg dummies, or false egg spots, which are colorful spots on the anal fin of the male. When the female sees these spots, she tries to “pick up” the egg-spots (eggs), but instead gets a mouthful of sperm fertilizing the eggs in her mouth! Examples of Ovophile mouthbrooders include; Aulonocara, Haplochromis, and Pseudotropheus as well as several species of Thai Bettas. Haplochromis spp., Rock Krib

15 Mouth Brooding Bettas Unlike their bubble-nesting cousins, mouth brooding bettas evolved in an environment which wasn’t favorable to bubble nests (moving water). They require slightly acidic pH and warm temps. Rem: Female bettas tend to have a smaller head and build, drab coloration, and short fins. Betta pugnax

16 Larva-loving mouthbrooders Larvophile, or larvae-loving mouth-brooders, lay their eggs on a substrate and guard them until the eggs hatch. This is also known as delayed mouth brooding. After hatching, the female picks up the fry and keeps them in her mouth. When the fry can fend for themselves, they are released. Examples of Larvophile mouth-brooders are Geophagus (eartheaters) and Sarotherodon (tilapia) spp. Some eartheaters “in between” behaviors. Earth eater, Satanoperca jurupari

17 Brood Care

18 Cichlids take care of their young in six different ways. Nuclear or Parental Family: Both parents care for young. Nuclear families are usually formed by monogamous, open- water brooders, although exceptions are common (Pterophyllum [angelfish], Symphysodon [discus], Cichlasoma [convicts!]) It is generally very difficult to distinguish between the sexes. Why might this be so??

19 Paring Strategies: Brood Care Matriarch/Patriarch Family: The female watches over the brood, while the male defends the territory. When the fry become free-swimming, the parents bear the tasks of parenthood equally. This family form is usually formed by monogamous, open-water brooders. Sexual dimorphism and dichromatism is common. Cichlasoma regani

20 Paring Strategies: Brood Care Patriarch/Matriarch or Male-with-Harem Family: The male defends a large territory, which includes multiple spawning sites of several females. Each female assumes the responsibility of her own brood. The male is polygamous, and clear sexual dimorphism is present. This form takes place among cavity brooders Apistogramma, Julidochromis, Neolamprologus, and Pelvicachromis. Apistogramma cacatuoides

21 Paring Strategies: Brood Care Matriarch Family: No bond is formed between the pair. The female cares and guards the eggs and the fry. In this family pattern, the fish are agamous, and usually the female is an ovophile mouthbrooder Aulonocara, Haplochromis, and Pseudotropheus. Aulonocara baenschi, Rubin Red Peacock Cichlid

22 Paring Strategies: Brood Care Patriarch Family: As with the Matriarch Family, no bond is formed between the parents. The male carries the eggs and the fry. No sexual dimorphism or dichromatism can be found. Only one mouthbrooder forms a true patriarch family, Sarotherodon melanotherow, the Blackchin tilapia Sarotherodon melanotherow, Blackchin tilapia

23 Paring Strategies: Brood Care Extended Family: The parents as well as the offspring of previous spawning care for the young. Extended Families are formed by cavity brooders of Lake Tanganyika, including the fish belonging to the genera Julidochromis and Neolamprologus. Julidochromis ragani, striped Julie Neolamprologus brichardi

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