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Fronting – U.S. and Global What you need to know

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Presentation on theme: "Fronting – U.S. and Global What you need to know"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fronting – U.S. and Global What you need to know
JUN 2 - 4, 2014 Fronting – U.S. and Global What you need to know

2 Fronting – U.S. and Global – What you need to know Fronting Programs
Moderator: M. Page Rouse, Chief Operating Officer, Granite Management Limited Speakers: John J. Saur, Underwriting Manager, L&F Holdings Limited Ray Mattholie, Group Risk Management Adviser, Jardine Matheson Limited Brian McNamara, Senior Vice President, AIG Global Risk Solutions

3 Fronting – U.S. and Global – What you need to know
Why use a Front? Admitted coverages written (e.g., WC, Auto, employee benefits) Need for rated paper Policy issuance and claims handling services Broad range of in-house expertise, including tax, insurance, legal, and regulatory Enable clients to retain an element of risk, anywhere in the world, via any financing method

4 U.S. And Global Fronting Programs
Fronting Structures Typical Captive Structure Fronting Carrier Retains: Fronting Fee Taxes XOL Coverage Premium (optional) Owner/Insured Fronting Insurer Reinsurance Captive Captive Manager e.g., dividend payments Captive Retains: Underwriting Profit Investment Income Retrocession Retrocessionaire Premium XOL coverage, e.g., cat cover Claims Collateral e.g., LOC, Trust

5 Fronting Structures Example 1: Deductible Coverage $1,000,000 $100,001
Without a Captive With a Captive $1,000,000 $100,001 Insured Layer Paid by Carrier Insured Layer Paid by Carrier $1,000,000 $100,001 $100,000 $0 Deductible Layer Paid by Insured Deductible Layer Paid by Insured and Reimbursed by Captive $100,000 $0

6 Fronting Structures Example 2: Net Line Captive
Insurer cedes to the captive only the portion of risk the captive wants to retain Owner buys XOL cover from Insurer: $50M per occurrence & in the aggregate. Insurer cedes $400K per occurrence, $800K in the aggregate to the captive (i.e., net line captive) and retains anything above this. Owner/Insured Fronting Insurer Captive Premium Claims

7 Fronting Structures Example 3: Gross Line Captive
Insurer cedes 100% of the risk to the captive Captive retains some risk. Excess is ceded to retrocessionaire. Fronting Insurer 100% QS Captive XOL $90M xs $5M Retrocessionaire

8 Fronting Structures Example 4: Group Captive (owned proportionately)
OWNERS (unrelated) Company A Company B Company C Company D Fronting Insurer Lines of business ceded (e.g. , PI, EL) Captive (owned proportionately) (Reinsurer)

9 L&F Holdings Limited L&F Holdings Limited John J. Saur
Underwriting Manager

10 L&F Holdings Limited Captive group wholly owned by PwC network Formed in 1998 following the merger of PW and C&L Provides PII cover to all PwC network firms No third party business Monoline insurer (professional indemnity)

11 PwC at a glance World’s largest professional services network – provides Assurance, Tax and Advisory services Global network of individual member firms which are separate and independent legal entities 184,000 employees 157 countries US$32.1 billion revenues in FY13

12 Headcount by region

13 L&F fronting arrangements
Global fronting arrangement with multinational insurer Reinsurance of local risk Fronted policies in 80 territories Annual reviews to determine where fronts are required Utilization of AXCO

14 Fronting challenges Negotiations with local insurers Local retentions Fronting fees Premium payments Timely payment of premiums Cash before cover Transfer of reinsurance premiums FX fluctuations

15 Fronting challenges Transmittal of signed documents Accuracy review of signed policies Wording issues Claims handling issues Foreign language translations

16 Fronting challenges Financial strength of local insurers Are direct premium payments allowed? Are direct claims payments allowed? Dispensations Local brokers can assist Evergreen?

17 Fronting solutions Centralized team to implement process globally Utilization of brokers Local International Communication

18 Global Fronting - an Asian Perspective
Ray Mattholie Global Fronting - an Asian Perspective Ray Mattholie Jardine Matheson - Group Risk Management Adviser Lockhart Insurance Company Limited - Director



21 Jardine Matheson Group Today


23 Jardine Matheson Group
So the new additions are: Astra International-


25 Lockhart Insurance - Key Facts
1977 Lockhart Insurance Company Ltd. incorporated in Bermuda 1997 Lockhart converted to a Segregated Cell structure Lockhart has a Bermuda Class 3 license. 25

26 Lockhart Core and Segregated Cells
Jardine Matheson Group Lockhart Insurance Company Ltd. *Core Business A Cell Business B Cell Business C Cell Business D Cell Business E Cell Business F Cell 26

27 Reinsurance Panel excess $yM
Lockhart PD BI Program US$x00M Reinsurance Panel excess $yM Lockhart fronted US$y0M AIG fronted Lockhart retained combined annual aggregate BU(1) $xM per occ. BU(2) $yM per occ. BU(3) $yM per occ. BU(4) $zM per occ. BU(5) $zM per occ. BU(6) $zzM per occ. BU(7) $yyper occ. Various local deductibles 27

28 Jardine Matheson- Fronting as part of Risk Financing strategy
Captive ‘Core’ Fronts for XS Program Flexibility in choice of insurers UK ‘Pool Re’ Terrorism Special covers The ‘Virtual Team’ - working with the Broker and Captive Manager

29 The role of the broker Comprehensive knowledge of local requirements and regulations for every territory Choice of Fronter to best meet Global footprint: Ability to meet insured’s requirements Past performance and ‘track record’ Form of representation in key territories, i.e. Subsidiary, Branch office or ‘Partner’ Creating Competition Prepare a platform for communications, procedures, tracking reports etc.

30 The role of the broker and Captive Manager
Ensuring Performance Levels are maintained Know when and how to escalate issues Documentation Reinsurance Agreements Local policies Evolving the Program to meet changing needs Risk profile Local regulations Resolving problems as they arise Money Flow

31 Hot Topics Money Flow Collateral Local issues in Asia Tariff rating
Cessions Reserves Cash before cover Pure Front v Lead Market as Front Continuity v Competition - Building long term relationships

32 AIG Global Risk Solutions
Global Risk Solutions (GRS) Your Global Partner for Non-Traditional Solutions to Unique Risks Brian McNamara Senior Vice President, Global Risk Solutions Global Risk Solutions (GRS) Global Risk Solutions (GRS)

33 The Businesses of Global Risk Solutions
Global Fronting The Businesses of Global Risk Solutions

34 AIG Property Casualty – Global Footprint
42,000 employees who serve clients worldwide 51% of premiums written outside of the U.S. and Canada in 2013 Over $100 million average claims paid each business day in 2013

35 Global Fronting - Facts
Global Risk Solutions (GRS) 400+ multinational clients, predominantly in US, Europe and UK Estimated $4.5 billion in gross premium A business AIG has been in for over 50 years 41 GRS staff in Bermuda Global Risk Solutions (GRS)

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