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12/6/2011 Today we will learn about characterization. Why are characters important in a story? Please make sure you have your clicker.

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Presentation on theme: "12/6/2011 Today we will learn about characterization. Why are characters important in a story? Please make sure you have your clicker."— Presentation transcript:

1 12/6/2011 Today we will learn about characterization. Why are characters important in a story? Please make sure you have your clicker.

2 Characterization

3 Character Someone who takes part in a story.

4 Major Characters Most important characters They play a big role in the story

5 Minor Characters Less important characters The story does not focus on them

6 Protagonist Main character Usually the “good guy”

7 Antagonist The character who is in conflict with the protagonist Usually the “bad guy”

8 Dynamic Character A character who changes in the story (i.e. learns something new, takes on a new outlook etc.)

9 Static Character A character who does not change or develop

10 Round Character A complex character with many personality traits

11 Flat Character A one-sided character who does not change in the story

12 Who is the protagonist in The Outsiders? 1.Soda 2.Bob 3.Cherry 4.Ponyboy

13 Who is a dynamic character in The Outsiders? 1.Bob 2.Cherry 3.Darry 4.Two Bit

14 Who is a static character in The Outsiders? 1.Cherry 2.Soda 3.Johnny 4.Ponyboy

15 Who are the antagonists in The Outsiders? 1.The Greasers 2.Cherry and Marcia 3.The Socs 4.Tim Shepard

16 Who is a round character in The Outsiders? 1.Darry 2.Steve 3.Marcia 4.Johnny’s mom

17 Rubric 5—Exceeds expectations (Very neat, all body parts labeled elaborately, and creative, thoughtful comments for body parts.) 4—Proficient (Neat, body parts labeled, thoughtful comments for body parts.) 3—Expanding (All body parts labeled with comments for each body part. 2—Basic (Most body parts labeled with comments for most.) 1—Below Basic

18 STEAL S—Speech T—Thoughts E—Effect on Others A—Actions L—Looks

19 For Your Character Head—Intellectual: What are his dreams? Hopes for the future? Eyes—Seeing: What sights affect him? What is he drawn to? Ears—Hearing: What does he notice in life? What does he pay attention to or remember? Nose—Sensitive: What smells affect him? Mouth—Communicating: What are his philosophies on life? What does he argue about? What are some important things that he says?

20 Arms—Working: What is his job? Hands—Practical: What conflicts does he deal with? How? Heart—Emotional: What does he love? Why? What makes him angry? Happy? Sad? Legs—Playful: What does he do for fun? Athletics? Where does he like to hang out?

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