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Research and Graduate Education at SIUC Presented to New Faculty by John A. Koropchak Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Dean.

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Presentation on theme: "Research and Graduate Education at SIUC Presented to New Faculty by John A. Koropchak Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Dean."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research and Graduate Education at SIUC Presented to New Faculty by John A. Koropchak Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Dean

2 50 Best Jobs in America What makes a great job? High pay. Great prospects. And work that--even on a tough day--gives you a charge. Tara Kalwarski, Daphne Mosher, Janet Paskin and Donna Rosato April 25, 2006: 4:49 PM EDT (MONEY Magazine) 1 Software engineer 2 College professor

3 2006 Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education Doctorate Granting Universities 283 Research Universities (very high research activity) Research Universities (high research activity) Doctoral/Research Universities Master’s Colleges and Universities 690 Baccalaureate Colleges 735 Associate’s Colleges 1,711 Special Focus Institutions 864 TOTAL 4,385 SIUC classification: Research University (high research activity) -only ~4% rate as research universities! -only 139 public institutions rated as research universities!

4 Mission Areas of SIUC: Teaching, Research and Service

5 Approximate Faculty Effort Assignments TeachingResearchService Doctoral Research Extensive 45% 45% 10% v v v v Associate’s Colleges 90% 0% 10% NOTE: At research universities, research and teaching are heavily intertwined, especially at the graduate level.

6  At SIUC, Research is broadly defined as Research, Scholarly and Creative Activity  At SIUC, a Research University (high research activity), research is a major part of the assignment of all tenure/tenure track faculty. -a major $ investment of the University and State  At SIUC, research will be a major factor in your tenure/promotion decisions.

7 To Students: Benefits of University Research  Students learn not only what is in the textbooks of today but what will be in the textbooks of tomorrow.  Increased value of degrees awarded to students in the future, present and past  Enriched, problem-solving experiences that better prepare students for success  A major positive impact on the reputation of the University

8 SIUC Sweeps Poster Competition at 2007 St. Louis Area Undergraduate Research Symposium Undergraduate researchers from SIUC took home four of eight awards—the most of any participating institution in the daylong competition, including all three poster awards and first place in the oral presentation category. Other institutions competing in the event were Washington University (the event sponsor), St. Louis University, the University of Missouri–Rolla, the University of Missouri–Columbia, and Webster University. 1 st place, poster: Jeremy Pierce, a senior in psychology 2 nd place, poster: David Dalzotto, a senior in forest hydrology 3 rd place, poster: Brett Timmons, a senior in zoology 1 st place, oral presentation: Sean Goodin, a sophomore in physiology, philosophy, and political science In 2006, SIUC undergrads won 3 of 8 awards!

9 2007 Midwest Association of Graduate Schools Distinguished Thesis: Jemil Yesuf SIUC’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering This is the second year in a row, and third in 6 years, that SIUC’s nominee has won this award! 2006 MAGS Distinguished Thesis award: Joshua Der, a student in plant biology 2001 MAGS Distinguished Thesis award: Chad Briggs, a psychology student working with faculty in psychology and administration of justice

10 Benefits of University Research  A major positive impact on the reputation of the University  Enhanced ability to attract additional resources to the University  An opportunity and area for budgetary growth  Enhanced recruitment and retention of high quality students and faculty  A unique strength that distinguishes SIUC from regional institutions To SIUC:

11 *SIUC *SIUC-SOM UI-UC* NIU* NWU* UC* UI-C* SIUC: only research university in the southern half of Illinois! Illinois Research Universities

12 Benefits of University Research  New knowledge--from scientific discoveries to works of literature and art  Investments in research are highly valued by citizens (Survey of Illinois Residents, 1999).  Enhanced preparation and quality of the workforce via problem-solving experience of graduates  Direct economic impact from new resources and personnel attracted to the region to do research -$75M R&D expenditures (FY06): ~$130M economic impact!  New jobs, spending and taxes generated by new companies derived from university-derived intellectual property To Citizens and the Region:


14 The Goal… “The goal of Southern at 150: Building Excellence Through Commitment is to articulate a series of commitments and actions that will place us among the top 75 public research universities in the United States by the year 2019, our 150 th anniversary, while we continue to provide the foundation for academic, economic, and social progress in Southern Illinois.”

15 COMMITMENT: Lead in Research/Scholarly/Creative Activities

16 In Calendar Year 2006, SIUC Faculty:  PUBLISHED 1213 manuscripts 88 books, and 289 book chapters  HELD 250 exhibitions  MADE Presentations: 712 international 1361 national 816 state

17  30% increase in FY06 (to $74.5M) compared to FY 05  avg. of 12% annual growth since 1999, vs. 2.9% in ‘90s

18  18% higher in FY06 than FY05; 15%/yr. since ‘90s  $20.1M in FY06: above $20M threshold for Top Research Universities

19 New SIRP Building opened Feb 2006; COMMITMENT: Serve Others 100% occupied Feb 2007!


21 Increase in graduate enrollment and diversity targeted

22 Welcome to SIUC… …. a Research University on the rise. You are an important part of our efforts to achieve our high aspirations, to the benefit of our students, the University, and the citizens of southern Illinois!

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