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When a ray of light is incident on two polarizers with their polarization axes perpendicular, no light is transmitted. If a third polarizer is inserted.

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Presentation on theme: "When a ray of light is incident on two polarizers with their polarization axes perpendicular, no light is transmitted. If a third polarizer is inserted."— Presentation transcript:


2 When a ray of light is incident on two polarizers with their polarization axes perpendicular, no light is transmitted. If a third polarizer is inserted between these two with its polarization axis at 45° to that of the other two, does any light get through to point P? 1. yes 2. no Answer: 1.The light transmitted by the first polarizer has its polarization vector oriented vertically. So, while no light is transmitted through a polarizer that is oriented horizontally, some light is transmitted through the third polarizer at 45°. The light transmitted by polarizer 3 has its polarization vector at 45°, and thus some light passes through (the horizontally oriented) polarizer 2.

3 3. the same amount of light 4. more light gets through.
When a third polarizer is inserted at 45° between two orthogonal polarizers, some light is transmitted. If, instead of a single polarizer at 45°, we insert a large number N of polarizers, each time rotating the axis of polarization over an angle 90° / N, 1. no light 2. less light 3. the same amount of light 4. more light gets through. Answer: 4. The smaller the angle between two successive polarizers, the larger the amount of transmitted light. The smaller the angle between two successive polarizers, the larger the amount of transmitted light.

4 CH 5: Superposition


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