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Creating a Teaching/Professional Dossier Shea Wang, Ph.D Interim Faculty Evaluation Coordinator 780-633-3591.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a Teaching/Professional Dossier Shea Wang, Ph.D Interim Faculty Evaluation Coordinator 780-633-3591."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a Teaching/Professional Dossier Shea Wang, Ph.D Interim Faculty Evaluation Coordinator 780-633-3591

2 Faculty Evaluation at MacEwan Five elements to evaluation: Teaching Dossier Peer Review Annual Report Online Student Feedback Stakeholder review (ASAC)

3 Principles of Policies C5065 & C5066 Evaluation is guided by the philosophy that we: promote a culture of teaching & learning foster professional development & scholarly activity promote fairness & transparency benefit faculty members through timely & accurate feedback comply with Collective Agreement undertake as a process involving multiple stakeholders & a variety of assessment approaches

4 What is a Teaching/Professional Dossier? Policy C5065: “A teaching dossier is a concise, evidence- based record of teaching activities and other academic accomplishments prepared by a faculty member.” Policy C5066: “A professional dossier is defined as a concise, evidence-based record of academic and professional accomplishments prepared by a faculty member.”

5 What information does it contain? achievement and reflectionIt documents achievement and reflection through the following information:  Teaching Philosophy  Professional Service Philosophy  Teaching Responsibilities  Non-instructional Responsibilities  Narrative of Evidence (reviews & reports; assignments; achievements)  Appendix of Documents

6 Why do we need a dossier? Probationary -> Continuing Evaluation of faculty performance for purposes of granting a continuing appointment is conducted by Academic Staff Appointment Committees (ASACs) C5065:“Sessional and probationary faculty members shall prepare and submit teaching dossiers to Chairs or immediate supervisors annually (and to ASACs when required). Although not mandatory, continuing and term faculty members may choose to prepare and submit teaching dossiers at any time.” C5066: “In some cases probationary faculty members shall prepare and submit professional dossiers to immediate supervisors.”

7 What else can we use it for? Help when applying for employment Keeps teaching accomplishments organized Vehicle for presenting information about our teaching activities Could be presented to institutional & legislative bodies or for consideration of awards Understand & reflect on teaching skills & weaknesses Plan for future teaching events Promote yourself through personal websites

8 Writing a Teaching Dossier FIVE STEPS: Step 1: Develop an outline. Step 2: Write a statement of teaching philosophy. Step 3: Clarify your teaching responsibilities. Step 4: Reflect on your future teaching goals. Step 5: Select and compile your best evidence.

9 Step 1: Develop an Outline Teaching Philosophy and Goals Teaching Responsibilities Course Development Service Research Appendices See handout for example of tables of contents

10 Step 2: Activity Break into small groups and discuss the following sentences: I most enjoyed teaching when __________ I knew I had a problem when __________ What do you think this says about your teaching and learning environment? What is your teaching philosophy? See handout for information on teaching perspectives

11 Step 2: Philosophy Statements Most are brief ~ less than 1 page Use language appropriate for the audience Use a first-person voice Use reflection to create a vivid description of your teaching & learning ideas Personalize ( insightful, interesting, & lively )

12 Step 2: Review Statements Review the teaching philosophy statement on your table (choose1 example) Roll the “Teaching Cube” and discuss the teaching philosophy based on that facet Can you apply this question to your own teaching philosophy? See handout for examples on teaching philosophy

13 Step 3: Responsibilities Consider: Workload Courses taught with student numbers/levels/credit hours Details of other academic activity: seminars, research supervision, coaching, advising… Student supervision Resource materials development Did you or any of your students get an award as a result of your teaching?

14 Step 4: Goals short-term (1 year) & long-term (2-5 years) goals Efforts at improving teaching, learning, service…  Formal courses  Conferences  Participation in peer consultation/review How will you be changing your performance…  New technology?  Lecture -> case study?

15 Step 5: Appendices Curriculum Vitae Bibliography Service contributions Awards Information from student/stakeholder feedback Information from peer reviews Information from administrators

16 Dossier as a Tool for Personnel Decisions For personnel decisions, faculty members need to gather and present hard evidence and specific data about teaching effectiveness. This involves demonstrating student learning through instruction. The burden falls to the faculty member to provide a carefully organized case that establishes the connections with the evidence.

17 Personnel Decisions: Activity Policy 5065: 4.2.2 Faculty members are evaluated on performance pertaining to academic responsibilities which can include: - instruction - research, scholarly activity, artistic engagement -service Policy 5066: 4.2.2 Faculty members are evaluated on performance requirements outlined in position descriptions. In small groups, discuss what specific criteria you think is used to assess a teaching/professional portfolio and ways you can demonstrate it…

18 What are ASAC’s Looking For? Reviewers will be looking for: Clear statement of responsibilities Purposes and goals consistent with department and institution Evidence-based success in teaching as demonstrated by student learning Comments from peer reviewers and colleagues Student ratings and comments See handout for example of reflection on student feedback survey

19 Evaluating Your Dossier Questions to ask: Is real evidence of accomplishment presented, not just a reflective statement? Is the reflective statement consistent with the syllabi, student evaluations, and peer feedback? Does the dossier present evidence that the student’s actually learned in the instructor's course(s)? Have efforts been made by the faculty member to assess and improve their teaching? See handout for guide to evaluating teaching dossiers & organizational matrix

20 Online Portfolios Many faculty are now compiling online portfolios: html html al-philosophy (PhyEd) al-philosophy page/ (Health and Community Studies) page/

21 Resources Teaching Dossier – examples, instructions, resources Student surveys – incl. instructions on accessing CoursEval Faculty Evaluation Policies [C5065 & C5066] Chair & Faculty Evaluation Handbooks Events, speakers, workshops & past presentations

22 Thank you!

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