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Natural Texas and its People:

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1 Natural Texas and its People:
Module 1

2 On the top of page 4… Describe San Antonio in a few words.
Climate, soil, landforms, animal life, vegetation, language, religion, population distribution, political/economic systems Think back to 6th grade.

3 You just named the physical and human characteristics of San Antonio
You just named the physical and human characteristics of San Antonio. We learned about this in 6th grade and now we are going to apply what we learned to the Texas regions. BUT FIRST…….

4 Intro to Texas QRw&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode =1&safe=active

5 Physical Characteristics Landforms
Landforms: features on Earth’s surface. Can you name some landforms? Texas has 4 major landforms: hills, mountains, plains, and plateaus.

6 Plains Plains are areas of flat land without a sharp rise or fall in elevation.

7 Plateaus Areas of flat elevated land that drops sharply on one or more sides.

8 Hills and Mountains

9 Water Texas has several water features: lakes, rivers and streams
Water from all of the rivers and streams in Texas eventually flow into the Gulf of Mexico. Texas has few natural lakes but many man made. Aquifers are formations of natural gravel, rock and sand that trap and hold rainwater underground. Aquifers provide water for farms, homes and industry.

10 Water pics LBJ Lake (man made) Caddo Lake (natural lake)

11 Edwards Aquifer

12 Climate Climate is the weather at a particular place over a period of years. Climate is affected by location: distance from equator, proximity to large bodies of water

13 Vegetation and Wildlife
Climate, landforms and soil all help to determine where a plant will grow. Brush, bushes, grasses, trees, wildflowers Vegetation of Texas provides a habitat to a wide variety of animals. Armadillos, bears, deer, javelinas, prairie hens, raccoons, wildcats, skunks, wild turkey and wolves Alligators, catfish, oysters, redfish, shrimp

14 Agricultural Energy Natural Resources Crops and animals Timber
Oil, coal and natural gas

15 Geographers used climate, landforms, plant life and soil to divide the United States into geographic regions (think back to 6th grade!). They do the same for Texas…dividing it into 4 natural regions: Coastal Plains - Piney Woods (sub-region) North Central Plains Great Plains Mountains and Basins

16 Let’s color and label the regions…
N. Central Plains Piney Woods (sub-region) Great Plains Mountains & Basins Coastal Plains

17 The Coastal Plains Region

18 Location Covers 1/3 of the land of Texas
Includes the Piney Woods (sub region)

19 Geographic Features: Flat and low Wooded land and coastal sands
Good soil along rivers Gulf of Mexico is main border

20 Climate: Hot, humid summers, mild winters Weather Problems: Hurricanes
Tornadoes Droughts

21 Natural Resources: Bodies of water Good soil/climate for farming
Oil and gas Factories Ports

22 Major Cities (southern part):
Houston San Antonio Brownsville Galveston This is the most populated region

23 The Karankawa The Coastal Plains

24 Look at your IAN and your notes about the Coastal Plains Region.
Based on what you know about the region, make at least 2 assumptions about the Karankawa. Shelter, food, clothing, tools….

25 Location Coastal Plains
Settlements near present-day Galveston south to Corpus Christi Bay nomads Fall/Winter- near Gulf Coast Spring/Summer-near rivers and springs on the coastal prairie

26 Shelter Portable wigwams (circular huts) Made from bent poles
Covered with animal skin Floors were covered with reed mats Could house 7-8 people


28 Food Hunters and gatherers Hunters Gatherers
Men Wooden bows and arrows to hunt/fish Fish traps Dugout canoes Gatherers Women Collected plants, birds’ eggs, shellfish Rumored to be cannibals- not true Not for food but for “magic power”

29 Clothing Deer skin or grass skirts
Men and women painted themselves with bright colors Used alligator fat and dirt to repel the insects Is this an example of adapting or modifying? Why?

30 Culture Unusually tall Kept dogs similar to coyotes or fox
Skeleton found of person 6 feet Kept dogs similar to coyotes or fox Name believed to mean dog-lovers Treated children with kindness Given 2 names One was secret which only family members knew Secret name was thought to carry magic and protection from danger

31 Contact with Europeans
1500s- Cabeza de Vaca Feared by Europeans who wanted their land Why did Europeans want their land? Diseases killed many Fought with other groups Vanished by the mid-1800s Why do you think they vanished? How could they have adapted/modified?

32 Cabeza de Vaca

33 Output Look back at your notes about the Coastal Plains region and the Karankawa Native Americans. Write a diary entry from the view point of a Karankawa teenager. (at least 5 sentences) What was life like for them? Hardships, entertainment, food… ** Complete in your IAN

34 What are the characteristics of the Coastal Plains
Warm Up What are the characteristics of the Coastal Plains

35 The Piney Woods (Sub-Region)

36 Location Part of the pine forest that covers the entire southern United States from the Atlantic Ocean to Texas. Located in far east Texas

37 Geographical Features
Most of the land is rolling hills Tall pine trees

38 Climate Wettest climate in Texas Part of tornado alley

39 Natural Resources Timber Farming Oil Water sources
Gum, hickory, oak, and pine trees Farming Rich soil and wet climate Oil Water sources Creeks, lakes, rivers Big Thicket National Preserve

40 Major Cities Longview Dallas Texarkana

41 The Caddo The Piney Woods

42 Location The Caddo were found in East Texas
This is in the Piney Woods region

43 Shelter They lived in Dome shaped homes Some were very large
They were a settled community…non-nomadic

44 The Caddo were hunters (buffalo), gatherers (seeds, etc), and farmers(Corn, beans, squash)

45 The Caddo wore buffalo hide
They often tattooed their faces

46 The Caddo were a very peaceful group
The men were expert hunters The women made pottery Both men and women tended to the crops The adults often bound children’s heads to make them longer and narrow

47 European Contact The Caddo had contact with both the Spanish and the French “Caddo” comes from the French word meaning “real chief”

48 Output Compare and contrast the Karankawa with the Caddo tribes using a Venn Diagram. Give as many similarities and as many differences for each ** Complete in your IAN

49 Warm Up What Adaptations did the Caddo Native American Tribe make to live in the Piney Woods?

50 The North Central Plains

51 Location: Part of the Great Central Plains of the US and Canada

52 Geographic Features: Rolling grassy lands Thick grasses Limestone rock
Higher elevation because limestone doesn't wear down easily

53 Climate: Dry air Tornadoes

54 Resources: Fertile lands: watermelons, oats, cattle, angora goats
Cedar trees: fenceposts Oil and gas Limestone Minerals Streams

55 Major Cities: Fort Worth Abilene Wichita Falls

56 The North Central Plains
The Wichita The North Central Plains

57 Look at your IAN and your notes about the North Central Plains region.
Based on what you know about the region, make at least 2 assumptions about the Wichita. Shelter, food, clothing, tools….

58 Wee-Ta-Ra-Sha-Ro, Head Chief of the Wichita
Wee-Ta-Ra-Sha-Ro, Head Chief of the Wichita. Painted by George Catlin in 1834

59 Location Central Plains Along the Red River
Originally from Kansas/Oklahoma moved to Texas in 1700s Lived along creeks and rivers

60 Shelter Lived in permanent villages Round house Made with cedar poles
Covered with dried grass Very durable Large Hole in center for smoke from fire Is this adapting or modifying?


62 Farmers: Grew beans, corn, melons, and squash
Food Hunted buffalo Ate it raw Did NOT eat fish Farmers: Grew beans, corn, melons, and squash

63 Clothing Made from tanned hide Men Women
Shirts, loin cloths, leggings, moccasins Women Dresses that covered chin to ankle decorated with elk teeth, moccasins


65 Culture Organized into 4 confederacies Tattooed their bodies
Waco, Tonkawa, Tawakoni and the Wichita Tattooed their bodies Many and unusual designs Called selves Kitikiti’sh (raccoon eyes)


67 Contact with Europeans
First with Coronado in late 1500s Traded tanned hide disease Later moved to reservation in Oklahoma

68 Output Using your notes on the Wichita and North Central Plains: Draw a sketch of what a Wichita Village would look like. Make sure you include the homes, food, clothing… ** Complete in your IAN

69 Great Plains

70 Location Part of the Great Plains of the US and Canada
Most of the Panhandle and Edwards Plateau

71 Geographic Features Flat Few trees Canyons in North (Palo Duro Canyon)
Higher elevation than Central Plains Cap Rock Escarpment Edwards Plateau

72 Climate Dry air Hot summers Cold winters Dust storms

73 Resources Farming - cotton, wheat (irrigation from wells)
Ranching - cattle, sheep, goat Oil and gas in the Permian Basin

74 Major Cities Amarillo Lubbock Midland Odessa Kerrville

75 Comanche Great Plains

76 Look at your IAN and your notes about the Great Plains region.
Based on what you know about the region, make at least 2 assumptions about the Comanche. Shelter, food, clothing, tools….

77 Location Great Plains Moved to Texas in 1700s after acquiring horses
Drove out other tribes for the land Jumanos, Apache

78 Shelter Tepees Nomadic- covered hundreds of miles a year
Items were lightweight and sturdy(leather and woven basket)-Little pottery Women would pack and move the tepees



81 Food Buffalo Hunters-gatherers Men-hunt Women- gathered plants
On a daily basis women gathered most of the foods.

82 (Preparing for buffalo hunt)
NiI&feature=related&safety_mode=true&persi st_safety_mode=1&safe=active (Preparing for buffalo hunt)

83 Clothing Well dressed Leaders wore European clothing with many silver conchos Leather boots



86 Culture Lived in bands headed by a peace chief (older man)
When at war one temporary chief and War chief- best rider and fighter Skilled buffalo hunters Made them wealthy Traded for goods Skilled fighters Controlled most of the plains


88 Horses 1680- from Spanish Called “finest light cavalry in the world”
Expert riders and fighters Used horses to have advantage in fights


90 Contact with Europeans
Traded with Spanish Came to trade in organized groups One Comanche who could speak Spanish, French and 4 or 5 languages One Comanche who was skilled trader and diplomat Most of what they sold they had stolen Horses Kidnapped people whose family would come to buy them back (ransom) This later would cause big problems with the American settlers Kept Spanish from moving north- Spanish could not defeat them

91 http://www. youtube. com/watch
bY&feature=related&safety_mode=true&persi st_safety_mode=1&safe=active (Speaking the Dakota language)

92 http://www. youtube. com/watch
9TU&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode =1&safe=active (Lakota people from the Great Plains were actual natives depicted in the movie)

93 Output Compare and contrast the Comanche with another Native American tribe using a Venn Diagram. You may chose any that we have studied. Give at least 2 similarities and 2 differences for each ** Complete in your IAN

94 Mountains and Basins

95 Location Far west Texas East border is Great Plains
South border is the country of Mexico North border is the state of New Mexico

96 Geographic Features 150 mountains in the mountain ranges
Plateaus and basins (think back to 6th grade) Deserts Pecos and Rio Grande Rivers Big Bend National Park

97 Climate Driest part of state Only 8 inches of rain per year on average
Hot days, cool nights

98 Resources Plants - short grasses, shrubs, desert plants in plateaus and basins; pine forests in mountains Ranching - cattle, sheep, goat Farming - cotton, fruits, vegetables, cantaloupes (irrigation in El Paso and Pecos River Valley) Oil and gas - part of Permian Basin

99 Major Cities El Paso Pecos Fort Davis Alpine

100 The Jumano Mountains and Basins

101 Look at your IAN and your notes about the Mountains and Basins region.
Based on what you know about the region, make at least 2 assumptions about the Jumano. Shelter, food, clothing, tools….

102 Location Mountains and Basins Region Along the Rio Grande

103 Shelter Permanent houses of adobe brick Large villages Dried clay
Cool in summer 30-40 people in house Flat roofs Painted black, red, white and yellow stripes on the inside wall Large villages


105 Food Grew corn and other crops near river Gathered wild plants
River would overflow and water fields Gathered wild plants Hunted buffalo with bow and arrow

106 Clothing Animal hide Moccasins
Softened by beating with stones Moccasins Jewelry made from copper, coral and turquoise Hair Women- long and tied Men- short on sides, long in middle and curled with paint, decorated with feathers

107 Culture Tattooed and painted their faces
Decline began with a drought in 1500s Crops died and buffalo moved Under constant attack by Apache Eventually joined other Native American groups

108 Contact with Europeans
Traded with Spanish

109 Output List 2 ways the Jumanos did or could have adapted to their Texas environment and 2 ways they did or could havemodified their Texas environment. ** Complete in your IAN

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