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German calibration lab association

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1 German calibration lab association
The refounded German calibration lab association Dr. Peter Ulbig Chairperson of DKD steering committee Head of Division for Scientific-technical cross-sectional tasks

2 Legal task of PTB Excerpt of the German Units and time act:
Die Entwicklung des DKD Excerpt of the German Units and time act: §6 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (2) The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt has 1. to realize and to dissiminate the legal units, and to develop relevant procedures to do so, ….. If PTB works to together with third parties to fulfill the task, PTB is responsible for the unity of measurements. Legal task to cooperate with accredited calibration labs

3 Measurement Standards
Traceability for calibration labs Die Entwicklung des DKD Natl. Standard Accr. Cal. lab Meas. standards Measurement Standards of a company Meas. instruments company Accredited calibration lab Product

4 The logo of the DKD: known around the world

5 The development of the DKD
1992 = DKD starts as accreditation body 2007 = DKD becomes independent of the PTB (EA request) 2010 = accr. body of DKD merges with DAkkS 1977 = private laboratories take over calibrations for industry = DKD starts techn. work (guide lines) = DKD consists of 12 technical committees DKD techn. forum

6 The DKD until 31.12.2009 Ministry Accreditation Traceability
Advisory board DKD Accreditation body DAR BMWA Associations PTB Accr.bodies Techn. Committees Recommendations body forum of experts Assessors Traceability Accreditation Supervision Chairpersons DKD Technical committees Oberservers DKD Accredited calibration labs Heads of labs source: Dr. Bosch

7 The TCs of DKD 1 January 2010 ? Accreditation Supervision

8 Decision on 16 November 2010 takes over patronage Prof. Peters
Vice president of PTB Technical committees

9 Restart of DKD The restart of the DKD as a technical board of PTB was realized on 3 May 2011 in agreement between all 12 chairpersons of the technical committees and the PTB.

10 Agreement document

11 The new DKD aims at: The most important aims of the new DKD are:
Support of the calibration sector in agreement with the German units and time act (in terms of dissimination of the units by third parties) Support of the information exchange between all the members of the DKD Development of calibration guides (DKD-R), which represent the state-of-the-art in calibration procedures resp. which can be used by assessors of calibration labs for the technical assessment

12 Tasks of the new DKD Tasks of DKD:
Keeping members informed on new national and international developments in calibration b) Active cooperation in the framework of national, European and international calibration c) Issuing of publications and documents d) Cooperation with DAkkS e) Encouragement of further training for people involved in calibration activities f) Keeping the public informed on DKD activities g) Promotion of interlaboratory comparisons/comparison of measurements

13 Structure of the new DKD
Chairmen of Technical Committees Chair Chairmen of Technical Committees Steering Committee TC 1 Direct flow Low Frequency TC 2 High Frequency Optics TC 12 Flow measurement TC 13 Measurement uncertainty ……………

14 Cooperation between DAkkS and DKD
PTB DKD - Geschäftsstelle Kalibrierlaboratorien DAkkS akkreditierte Vorstand Fachausschüsse (12) Rückführung Akkreditierung Überwachung Vorsitzender Vorsitzende (12) Beisitzer Office of accredited calibration laboratories Steering committee Techn. Committees (13) Traceability Accreditation Supervision Chairperson Chairpersons (13) Observer

15 Forms of Membership Different forms of DKD membership:
a) full members b) associate members Membership in the new DKD is free of charge c) honorary members d) supporting members Full membership is open to every corporate body or natural person, operating an accredited calibration laboratory within the boundaries of the Federal Republic of Germany Associate membership is open to every accredited calibration laboratory outside the boundaries of the Federal Republic of Germany Honorary membership may be granted by the steering board, following recommendations of members, to persons, who contributed largely to the success of DKD Supporting membership is open to everybody who agrees with and supports the objectives of DKD, but who does not comply with the requirements for becoming a full or associate member

16 DKD – a Board of PTB Office DKD membership has been offered
to approx. 450 calibration laboratories Office

17 DKD Office The DKD Office supports the DKD technical committees
and manages the administration of their members In case of any questions please contact Ms. Claudia Merkel Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Ms. Claudia Merkel DKD Office Vieweg Building, room 106 D Braunschweig Phone:

18 State of Affairs approx. 370 DKD members by now, with numbers still increasing DKD issued a couple of new guidelines and a code of best practice existing guidelines and codes of best practice are to be maintained by DKD, all other documents will remain with DAkkS  written agreement in preparation new technical committee ‘Chemical Measurement and Material Properties‘ implemented new DKD Homepage online

19 New homepage

20 New homepage

21 New DKD Documents Guideline: DKD-R Code of Best Practice: DKD-L
Expert Report: DKD-E

22 Conclusion DKD returned to its origin within PTB
DKD no longer acts as an accreditation body, but became a regulating board of PTB instead DKD provides PTB with the opportunity to continue ensuring a technically advanced level in calibration (as definded by Article 6, Time and Units Act) DKD forms an important link between PTB, calibration laboratories, DAkkS and auditors

23 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
Braunschweig und Berlin Bundesallee 100 38116 Braunschweig Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Ulbig Division Q „Scientific-technical cross-sectional tasks“ Chairperson of Deutscher Kalibrierdienst (DKD) Telephone: Peter.

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