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Judaism, Islam, & Christianity A Comparative Look at the Three Monotheistic Religions of the World.

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Presentation on theme: "Judaism, Islam, & Christianity A Comparative Look at the Three Monotheistic Religions of the World."— Presentation transcript:

1 Judaism, Islam, & Christianity A Comparative Look at the Three Monotheistic Religions of the World

2 Bell Work

3 Objectives: Christianity Christianity: –Identify important leaders/prophets of Christianity –Describe the values & beliefs of Christianity –Explain the significance of Christmas & Easter

4 Christianity… Christianity is a major world religion, –A“Western” religion –People who believe in Christianity are known as Christians It is based on belief that Jesus of Nazareth is “Christ” –The Messiah & the Son of God.

5 What Is Christianity? The History Important Leaders: –Abraham – Founder & 1 st person to be monotheistic. Jesus of Nazareth –Messiah of Christianity –Performed miracles & spread a message of peace to the people 12 Apostles –Most trusted followers of Christ

6 Christians believe.. Monotheism – In one God, creator of the universe The Bible: –official collection of books in two parts: both Old Testament & New Testament Cities of Interest: –Jerusalem, Rome, Constantinople

7 Christians are… The largest world religion today –2.1 billion (2100 million) –Europe, Latin America, North America Weekly Services –Led by a priest or a pastor –Sabbath – Sunday –Place of Worship: Church Major Christian Branches: –Orthodox –(Roman) Catholic –Protestant

8 Significant events in a Christian’s life : –Baptism by which one is admitted to membership of the Christian Church –1 st Communion It is a holy time of worship when Christians come remember and celebrate what Christ did –Confirmation rite of initiation. mature statement of faith by an already baptized person

9 Holidays Christmas –Celebrates the birth of Christ –Month of celebration: Advent Easter –Emphasizes his resurrection –Month of celebration: Lent

10 To Do: What Is Christianity?

11 Bell Work Pair Share the 1 st 2 columns in your chart Christianity Judaism

12 Judaism… “A 4000 year old tradition with ideas about what it means to be human and how to make the world a holy place” (Rabbi Harold Kushner, To Life) The people are known as Jews

13 Objectives: Judaism Judaism: Identify important leaders/prophets of Judaism Describe the values & beliefs of Judaism Explain any traditions unique to Judaism Explain the significance of Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah & Hanukah

14 The History… Founded around 2000BC The Important Leaders: Abraham (founder) Founded Israel for his followers Moses prophet Received the 10 Commandments from God Led the Jews out of slavery – “Promised Land” (The Land of Israel), with the major city being Jerusalem

15 The History Cont’d… Saul- Considered the 1 st Hebrew King Ruled after the 1 st Exodus (enslavement) David- Created the capital of Jerusalem Solomon- Glorified Jerusalem with temples

16 As a faith, Jews Believe… Monotheism In one God, creator of the universe Known as Yahweh In the Torah – written law first five books of the Bible (Old Testament) Talmud (“Oral Law”) how to apply God’s Law in everyday life through: Dietary rules (Kosher) Dress and other symbols Observance of Holy days

17 Jews are… 14 – 15 million in worldwide population North America, Europe, Israel Weekly Services Led by a Rabbi the Sabbath (Saturday) In a Synagogue or Temple Divided in practice: Orthodox – most traditional Reformed – most liberal Conservative – It seeks to conserve the traditional elements of Judaism

18 Significant events Life cycle celebrations: Bar/Bat Mitzvah – full adult status and responsibility within the religion Marriage - "Be fruitful and multiply" (Gen. 1:22) Death – funerals, mourning, and memorials

19 The Jewish Holidays: Rosh Hashanah Jewish New Year Time of renewal as the new year begins… Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year ; occurs 10 days after Rosh Hashanah Time of atonement and reflection Jews traditionally observe this holy day with a 25-hour period of fasting and intensive prayer

20 The Jewish Holidays: Hanukah, the “Festival of Lights” Origins during the Roman occupation Celebrates the miracle they endured during the Roman siege of their stronghold. Passover Origins are pre-1 st Exodus Occurs in the spring Adhere to dietary restrictions

21 How is Judaism related to Christianity? Judaism predates Christianity it is the foundation of Christianity but is not a part of it Jesus was Jewish, as were his followers and the Apostles The Jews who believed Jesus was the Messiah became Christians The Jews that did not believe that he was the messiah are the Jewish population

22 To Do:

23 Islam

24 Judaism Quiz 1.People who practice 2.Deity 3.Document 4.Founder 5.City 6.Place of worship 7.Religious leader 8.Sabbath 9.Yom Kippur 10.Where in the world

25 3 – 2 – 1 3 – DIFFERENCES – Judaism & Christianity 2 – SIMILARITIES – Judaism & Christianity 1 – FACT ABOUT ISLAM

26 Objectives - Islam Islam:Islam: –Identify important leaders/prophets of Islam –Describe the values & beliefs of Islam List the 5 Pillars of IslamList the 5 Pillars of Islam –Explain the significance of the important holiday: Ramadan –Describe the relevance of Mecca on the history of Islam

27 The History Important PeopleImportant People –Muhammad The great prophet of IslamThe great prophet of Islam Born in Mecca in 570 ADBorn in Mecca in 570 AD In 610 AD the Angel Gabriel informed Muhammad that he was the chosen one to spread Allah’s message.In 610 AD the Angel Gabriel informed Muhammad that he was the chosen one to spread Allah’s message. –Must inform the people of the works of Christians & Jews too, including: Jesus, Moses, David, Isaac & Abraham. There cannot be an image of Muhammad because Muslims do not depict him in any visual way.

28 The History At age 40 – he had a vision of the angel Gabriel ordering him to teach the word of God (Allah)At age 40 – he had a vision of the angel Gabriel ordering him to teach the word of God (Allah) –This was in conflict of with Mecca’s citizens – they were polytheistic Left Mecca for Medina – the hijrahLeft Mecca for Medina – the hijrah –Hijrah means ‘great emigration’. In 630 - reentered Mecca with his followersIn 630 - reentered Mecca with his followers In 632 – Muhammad dies in Jerusalem after trying to spread Islam west.In 632 – Muhammad dies in Jerusalem after trying to spread Islam west. Cities to Know:Cities to Know: –Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem

29 Muhammad’s Death The Dome of the Rock: the location of where Muhammad ascended into heaven.The Dome of the Rock: the location of where Muhammad ascended into heaven.

30 Muhammad’s Death Cont’d… This is the Prophet’s Mosque, located in Medina, Saudi Arabia. It is where Muhammad is buried.

31 As a faith, Muslims believe MonotheismMonotheism –In one God, creator of the universe –Known as Allah Holy Book is the Qur’anHoly Book is the Qur’an –God’s revelations to Muhammad Five Pillars of IslamFive Pillars of Islam

32 Five Pillars of Islam 1 – Profession of faith1 – Profession of faith –There is no God but God and Muhammad is His prophet. 2 – Pray five times a day facing Mecca2 – Pray five times a day facing Mecca 3 – Give alms – money to the poor3 – Give alms – money to the poor

33 Five Pillars of Islam 4 – Fast during the month of Ramadan – 9 th month of the year4 – Fast during the month of Ramadan – 9 th month of the year –No eating or drinking during daylight hours –No pork or alcohol 5 –Hajj to Mecca5 –Hajj to Mecca –Hajj (Religious journey) –Kaaba Stone Gift to Abraham from GabrielGift to Abraham from Gabriel Housed in the KaabaHoused in the Kaaba

34 In Mecca during the pilgrimage www.thefaithclub.com28







41 True or False Most Muslims are Arabs who live in the Middle EastMost Muslims are Arabs who live in the Middle East FALSEFALSE Reality:Reality: –Of more than 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide, only about 1/5 are Arabs.

42 Try to guess Which country has more Muslims than any other country in the world?Which country has more Muslims than any other country in the world? AnswerAnswer –Indonesia - with over 200 million Muslims. –Note: The U.S. has about 5 million Muslims.

43 7

44 Muslims are 1.5 billion in worldwide population1.5 billion in worldwide population –Middle East, Central Asia, Indonesia, and North America Led by a Imam in servicesLed by a Imam in services –Friday is the day of worship –In a Mosque DividedDivided –split into two factions after the Umayyads killed Muhammad's grandson, Husayn Shi’ites – believe that Husayn was the rightful leaderShi’ites – believe that Husayn was the rightful leader Sunni – believe that the Umayyads are the rightful leadersSunni – believe that the Umayyads are the rightful leaders

45 Mosque in Medina, Saudi Arabia'habs30

46 Holiday RamadanRamadan –Month of fasting during daylight hours –When the 1 st verses of the Qu’ran were revealed to Muhammad by Allah –YouTube - 5. The Concept of Islam: Zakat Fasting and Hajj (6 minutes) YouTube - 5. The Concept of Islam: Zakat Fasting and HajjYouTube - 5. The Concept of Islam: Zakat Fasting and Hajj

47 True or False Muslims believe it is o.k. to kill civilians in a holy war (“jihad”).Muslims believe it is o.k. to kill civilians in a holy war (“jihad”). FalseFalse Reality:Reality: –Only Muslim extremists believe this. 11

48 True or False Most Muslim women wear veils over their faces and are treated very badly. 13

49 False REALITY:REALITY: Muslim women have many different styles of dress. (Very few cultures require women to cover their faces.)Muslim women have many different styles of dress. (Very few cultures require women to cover their faces.) The treatment of women varies from country to country and family to family.The treatment of women varies from country to country and family to family. Some Muslim countries, like Pakistan, have had female prime ministers. The U.S. has never had a female president.Some Muslim countries, like Pakistan, have had female prime ministers. The U.S. has never had a female president. 14

50 To Do:

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