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ASL 101: LEARNING ADVANCED SQUAD LEADER Session 7: Fire Lanes, Part 1

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Presentation on theme: "ASL 101: LEARNING ADVANCED SQUAD LEADER Session 7: Fire Lanes, Part 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 ASL 101: LEARNING ADVANCED SQUAD LEADER Session 7: Fire Lanes, Part 1
with Russ Gifford

2 ASL 101: Fire Combat This session: We will learn how Fire Lanes work.
Goals for this Session This session: We will learn how Fire Lanes work. We will also review Rate of Fire (ROF)

3 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lanes MGs can choose to create Fire Lanes when they Defensive First Fire. The MG must be in Good Order (cannot be malfunctioning, or under ammo shortage). If the machine gun cowers or malfunctions in the initial shot, the fire lane is not placed. The MG cannot use their ROF if they declare a Fire Lane.

4 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lanes When a Machine Gun uses Defensive First Fire at a moving target, the owner can declare a Fire Lane:

5 ASL 101: Fire Combat It is the Russian Movement Phase.
Fire Lanes It is the Russian Movement Phase. The Inf. Unit in I5 moves to H5 (1MP, non-assault)

6 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lanes The German interrupts the move for Def. First Fire, revealing an HIP crew, MMG and leader in H9!

7 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lanes The German fires on the 447 with the MG led by the 8-0 leader to prevent cowering. 5 FP, -1 FFMO, -1 FFNAM = 4 FP -2 DRM.

8 ASL 101: Fire Combat DR: = 1,6 (7) -2 DRM = 5 5 on the 4 FP is a 1MC
Fire Lanes DR: = 1,6 (7) -2 DRM = 5 5 on the 4 FP is a 1MC (+ 1 Morale Check)

9 The Russian 447 +1 Morale Check DR:
ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lanes The Russian Morale Check DR: 7 + 1 = 8 = broken!

10 The Russian 447 +1 Morale Check DR:
ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lanes The Russian Morale Check DR: Flip the counter, and place DM marker.

11 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lane Quiz The MG got a 1 on the colored die. Does this mean he got ROF and will not be marked with First Fire? No – he declared a Fire Lane before he shot – he MUST place the Fire Lane marker, and his First Fire counter. The only thing he can do the rest of this phase is use the Fire Lane residual on units that enter the Fire Lane

12 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lanes Place the Fire Lane marker in the H0, designating each hex in between has fire lane residual of that amount. (1 FP column to the left of normal fire.) 2

13 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lanes Also, place the ‘First Fire’ marker to show these units have fired. 2

14 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lane Residual If he hadn’t gotten the ROF, would the Fire Lane still be established? Yes, unless he rolled the MG’s break #. What if he’d missed the Russian? The Fire Lane is still established. Any Movement Factor expenditure in the Fire Lane hexes will draw an attack on the IFT for the Fire Lane’s residual amount.

15 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lane Residual The Fire Lane Residual marker will be equal to the first Fire Power column to the left of the MG’s normal Fire power. The German MMG is FP 5, so normal is the 4 FP. One column left is 2 FP. Use a 2 Fire Lane Residual marker.

16 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lanes Now, every unit entering the Fire Lane this movement phase will be attacked with 2 FP! 2

17 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lane Residual Fire Lane Residual works like normal residual fire: All normal modifiers apply (non assault, moving in the open, TEM. Hindrances between the MG and the target apply only to the initial shot. Though hindrances will take away the -1 FFMO Cower does not affect the residual attack If an MG rolls => B#, MG breaks! Remove Fire Lane!

18 ASL 101: Fire Combat The Russian in I4 moves normally into H4
Fire Lanes The Russian in I4 moves normally into H4 Attack is 2 FP (-1 FFMO, -1 FFNAM) 2

19 ASL 101: Fire Combat DR: = 1,6 (7) -2 DRM = 5 5 on the 2 FP is a NMC
Fire Lanes DR: = 1,6 (7) -2 DRM = 5 5 on the 2 FP is a NMC (+ 0 Morale Check)

20 The Russian 447 +0 Morale Check DR:
ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lanes The Russian Morale Check DR: 7 + 0 DRM = 7 = pinned! 2

21 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lanes Note that a Fire Lane residual attack is NOT a Subsequent First Fire attack with the MG. We do NOT change the First Fire marker. 2

22 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lanes And the final 447 steps into the road - carefully! He assault moves to H3 2

23 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lanes The Fire Lane residual is still 2 FP, but this time there is only the -1 FFMO. Why? 2

24 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lanes The Fire Lane residual is still 2 FP, but this time there is only the -1 FFMO. Why? Assault move negates FFNAM (Non Assault Move) 2

25 ASL 101: Fire Combat DR: = 1,6 (7) -1 DRM = 6 6 on the 2 FP is a PTC
Defensive First Fire DR: = 1,6 (7) -1 DRM = 6 6 on the 2 FP is a PTC

26 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lanes If the Russian rolls 7 or less, he’s not pinned – but his movement is finished, since Assault Movement only allows units to change a single location. 2

27 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lanes Only the establishing shot that starts the fire lane can cower without a leader. Later Fire Lane residual attacks cannot cower. NOTE: any residual attack that is >= the MG’s B#, the MG malfunctions and the Fire Lane is cancelled!

28 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lanes Firing a Fire Lane through SMOKE, brush or an orchard does NOT reduce the Fire Lane residual – it only removes the -1 FFMO If a unit enters the hex of a fire lane ADJACENT to an MG, the Fire Lane Residual is DOUBLED for Point Blank Fire.

29 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lane Quiz So, if a Russian moves from I1 into H0, What is the initial attack / DRMs if the German declares a Fire Lane?

30 So, if a Russian moves from I1 into H0,
ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lane Quiz So, if a Russian moves from I1 into H0, 4 FP +1 TEM, -1FFNAM = 4FP +0 DRM

31 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lane Quiz So, if a Fire Lane already exists into H0 from H9, What is the attack if the 447 assault moves to H8? 2

32 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lane Quiz So, if a Fire Lane already exists into H0 from H9, What is the attack if the 447 assault moves to H8? 4 FP – 1 DRM 2

33 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lane Quiz Wait a minute – the Fire Lane Residual says “2FP” – why is it 4FP here? 4 FP – 1 DRM 2

34 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lane Quiz Wait a minute – the Fire Lane Residual says “2FP” – why is it 4FP here? Point Blank range: ADACENT residual is doubled 2

35 What happens if the German rolls 6,6?
ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lane Quiz What happens if the German rolls 6,6? 4 FP – 1 DRM 2

36 ASL 101: Fire Combat Fire Lane Quiz What happens if the German rolls 6,6? The MG breaks (flip the counter) and the Fire Lane is cancelled!

37 For Further Information
ASL 101: Fire Combat For Further Information For further information: Read Section A9.0 – A9.4, in the rule book for ADVANCED SQUAD LEADER.

38 ASL 101: Fire Combat Coming Next Session Well, that was a start on fire lanes. We have more to learn. Next session, we’ll learn about Alternate Hex Grain Fire Lanes!

39 ASL 101 was created by: Russell Gifford
Learning the Great Battles of the American Civil War (CD Rom learning series, 2005) 1960: The Election that Changed Everything (Multi-media lecture series, 2010) Spectacular Voyage: Lewis and Clark in Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota (2002)

40 Additional Information
Advanced Squad Leader, ASL, and all artwork © MMP, 2011 This Presentation is © 2011 by Russell Gifford May be used with permission Write to

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