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Games Consoles By Penny Easterby. What Is The Technology And Why did You Choose It? I Chose game consoles. I Chose them because I like playing them and.

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Presentation on theme: "Games Consoles By Penny Easterby. What Is The Technology And Why did You Choose It? I Chose game consoles. I Chose them because I like playing them and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Games Consoles By Penny Easterby

2 What Is The Technology And Why did You Choose It? I Chose game consoles. I Chose them because I like playing them and I find them interesting to research as I find interest in them. I also chose them because there is a lot you can find out that you may not have known to begin with.

3 What Is The History Of This Technology? The first ever game console was called “The Brown Box”. The Brown Box was made in 1967. It was released in 1972. The creator of The Brown Box was Ralph Baer. The Ping-Pong arcade game released by Atari in 1972 was the second game ever released. However, months earlier, Magnavox had released its Magnavox Odyssey, a home video game system based on The Brown Box, this was also created by Ralph Baer. Hi there :3

4 What Changes Have Taken Place In This Technology? When you look at The Brown Box and then look at an Oculus Rift perhaps, the progress between these two is incredible. Games consoles have changed for the better and will continue to for all the years to come hopefully.

5 What Might Happen If This Technology Didn’t Exist? In my theory, if games consoles didn’t ever exist we would all actually have social lives and go outside more. Also we wouldn’t use as much electricity on game consoles because we wouldn’t have them in them first place. Although, if they never existed we wouldn’t be able to channel our anger and sorrow into them by killing monsters and things which means we would then take our anger out on other people more and create more hate. Also we wouldn’t have progressed in technology as much as we have which means we wouldn’t have as good medical care or anything.

6 Examples Of Some Game Console Uses Playing Games: you can play games and relieve boredom by either downloading the game or buying it on disk or another device. Social Connection: You can connect with friends or you can play online with other people and you can then gain the chance to meet new people. Watch movies/Programs or videos: on various consoles you can download YouTube or Netflix and things like that so you can what all different things whenever you want. Can Teach: Some games are educational and you can learn helpful information if you get the game to do so.

7 Social Issues You might become anti-social because you spend your time playing games. It could lead to mood swings from where you can release your anger on the game but can’t when you are out. It could make you aggressive because off withdrawal. If you are engrossed in a game and then have to stop for some reason, you will get annoyed. It could change your perspective of reality because most games are set in a different kind of world (sometimes better, sometimes worse) and if you spend a lot of time in the game you will be shocked when you comeback to reality.

8 Illegal Issues You might get the urge to steel a console if something happens to yours. You could end up copyrighting games if you can not afford the games you want. Rumour says that games can make effect how you act, so if you play Mario Kart (for 6+ years) you might start street racing and eating mushrooms, or if someone plays Grand Theft Auto they might start running round shooting people… because that is defiantly to happen… Younger children can easily play games for older ages.

9 Ethical Issues Should young children be able to play older games? if their parent says they can I can not see a problem. Should we make violent games if they supposedly make us violent? Yes because otherwise people wouldn’t be able to defuse their anger into the game and will defuse it at other people instead. If children can’t play adult games why can adults play children's games because then they might become “less responsible and immature”? Because adults are apparently more superior than children.

10 The end, bye :3

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