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What Makes Your Spirit SOAR? An Multisensory Focus Group on Faith Formation NYE 2012 Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi, Minister for Christian Faith Formation Research.

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Presentation on theme: "What Makes Your Spirit SOAR? An Multisensory Focus Group on Faith Formation NYE 2012 Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi, Minister for Christian Faith Formation Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Makes Your Spirit SOAR? An Multisensory Focus Group on Faith Formation NYE 2012 Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi, Minister for Christian Faith Formation Research

2 What Is This About?  Christian Faith Formation  Christian/Religious Education  Discipleship  Spiritual Formation  Christian/Faith Development

3 Question 1  Which of the following have been most formational for your faith in the last year? (Choose all that apply.)  Worship  Sermons  Bible studies  Choir/hymn singing  Youth Group  Seasonal/topical studies  Book group  Prayer group  Mentoring/spiritual direction  Social/peer groups (within church)  Activity groups (church sports teams, craft groups, etc.)  Service/mission opportunities  Social justice/peace activism  Conference/Association-sponsored workshops, trainings, or events  Camps  Home/family-based reflection time  Intergenerational programs  Online/internet-based resources (blogs, social media, online studies, etc.)  Other (specify)

4 Question 2  What do you most desire to learn about? (Choose up to FIVE responses.)  How to practice my faith in everyday life  How to manage struggles and difficult times using tools from my faith  How to better understand the truths of the Bible and directly apply them to my life  Social justice issues and how I can be an agent of witness and transformation in the world  The deep history of the UCC and the stories that have shaped our denominational identity  The practices of other Christian traditions and how they inform my own faith  The practices of other religious traditions and how they inform my own faith  How to better relate with others across cultural and other differences  How to express my faith to my family  Ways of expressing my faith through creative means (art, dance, music, etc.)  Theological and practical knowledge and skills in preparation for lay leadership and ministry  Theological and practical knowledge and skills in preparation for ordained or licensed ministry  Other (specify)

5 Question 3  What currently prevents you from taking part in formation experiences in your local church (Choose all that apply.)  Nothing—I am able to take part in most formation experiences  Time—I have other competing demands on my time that do not allow me to participate in these activities  Scheduling conflicts—The formation experiences offered at my church conflict with other priorities  Interest—The types of programs offered at my church do not appeal to my interests  Availability—There are no/few formational opportunities at my church  Format—The format of the programs offered at my church do not appeal to me  Inclusivity—The programs offered at my church are not fully inclusive to individuals with my particular identity or background  Teachers—I do not prefer the styles or methods of the teachers/facilitators  Other (specify)

6 Question 4  What learning formats most appeal to you? (Choose all that apply.)  Discussion groups  Internet/social media  Lectures/seminars  Individual study  Sensory/”hands on” experiences  Retreats  Social/support groups  Workshops/trainings  Other (specify)

7 Question 5  What single activity/experience/ lesson has had the greatest impact on your faith and why? (Respond to this question online and you might win a prize!)

8 Conclusions  Anything else? THANK YOU!!!

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