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Projective Geometry and Camera Models

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1 Projective Geometry and Camera Models
ENEE 731 Image Understanding Kaushik Mitra

2 Camera 3D to 2D mapping 2D to 3D mapping

3 Preliminaries Projective geometry Projective spaces (P2)
Homogenous coordinates Projective transformations (Homography)

4 Why Projective Geometry?
Parallel lines converge to a point 2D -2D transformation Projective transformation (Homography)

5 Projective space P2 Projective space: set of points
Each point is a line in R3 passing through origin Motivated from camera geometry Alternative way P=(x,y,z) and P’=(x’,y’,z’) equivalent if and only if P=λP’ λ ≠ 0

6 P2=R2 U P1 (x, y, z) ≈ (λx, λy, λz) P2 can be divided into two subsets
Points with z ≠ 0 Points with z= 0 If z ≠ 0, (x, y, z) ≈ (x/z, y/z, 1) one-to-one mapping with R2 If z=0 (x, y, 0) points at infinity line at infinity P1 P2 = R2 U P1 Homogenous coordinates P = (x, y, z) (up to a scale)

7 Projective Transformation (Homography)
Invertible mapping h from P2 to P2 Lines maps to lines x1, x2, x3 lie on a line  h(x1), h(x2), h(x3) lie on a line

8 Homography matrix Theorem x’=Hx
h:P2->P2 is homography  h(x)=Hx, H non-singular x’=Hx H, a homogenous matrix (up to scale) 8 dof

9 Hierarchy of Transformations
Euclidean < Similarity < Affine < Projective Invariants Quantities that are preseved Euclidean: rotation and translation x’ = HEx = [R t; 0T 1] Invariants: length, angle, area

10 Hierarchy of Transformations
Similarity: isotropic scale + (Euclidean) x’ = HSx = [sR t; 0T 1] Invariants: angle, ratios of length and area Affine: non-isotropic scales and skew x’ = HAx = [A t; 0T 1]; A non-singular Invariants: Parallel lines, ratio of areas Projective: x’ = HPx = [A t; vT u]x Note: parallel lines not preserved Invariants: Colinearity, cross-ratio

11 Generalization: Pn P3 = R3 + P2
P2: plane at infinity Homogenous coordinates: X= (X1, X2, X3, X4) Projective transformation X’ = HX

12 Camera Models

13 Camera Models Mapping 3D to 2D: Camera Matrices Central projection
Pin-hole camera Finite projective camera Parallel projection Orthographic camera Affine camera

14 Pinhole Camera Geometry
Camera center, C Image plane Principle axis Principle point Camera coordinate system C as origin Image plane at Z=f (X, Y, Z)T -> (fX/Z, fY/Z)T

15 Camera Matrix (X, Y, Z)T -> (fX/Z, fY/Z)T Homogenous coordinates
(X, Y, Z, 1)T -> (fX, fY, Z)T Transformation: diag(f f 1)[I | 0] Camera projection matrix: x= PX P = diag(f, f, 1)[I | 0 ], a 3×4 matrix

16 Principle Point Offset
(px, py): principle point (X, Y, Z) -> (fX/Z+px, fY/Z+py) x = K[I | 0]X Camera matrix: K[I | 0] K: Internal parameter matrix

17 Camera Rotation and Translation
World coordinate system , in inhomogenous coordinates P = K[R | t] K: Internal parameters R,t: External parameters

18 Finite Projective Camera
Generalize K αx, αy: unequal scale factors s: skew parameter P = [KR | Kt] = [M | p4] M = KR non-singular, rank 3 General projective cameras Homogenous 3×4 matrix of rank 3

19 General Projective Camera
Given P, what can we say about the camera? Camera center? P is a 3×4 matrix PC=0 Consider the line joining C and A: X(λ) = λA + (1-λ)C x = PX(λ) = λPA C is the camera center

20 From 2D to 3D Given a point x, find the ray Two points on ray
Camera center Another point P+x, where P+ is the pseudo-inverse X(λ) = λP+x + (1-λ)C

21 Parallel Projection Central Projection: P=[I | 0] Parallel Projection:
Projection along Z-axis

22 Hierarchy of Parallel Projection
Orthographic projection Scaled orthographic projection Weak perspective projection Affine projection

23 Orthographic Projection
Projection along Z-axis Dof: 5

24 Generalization of Orthographic Projection (O.P.)
Scaled orthographic projection O. P. followed by isotropic scaling Dof : 6 Weak perspective projection O.P. with non-isotropi c scaling Dof: 7 Affine camera (projection) Plus skew Dof: 8

25 Properties of Affine Camera
Last row is ( ) Parallel world line maps to parallel image lines Camera center at infinity

26 How to get an Affine Camera?

27 Computation of Camera Matrix P

28 Approach for Computing P
x = PX Estimate P from 3D-2D correspondences Xi ↔ xi Compute K, R, t from P

29 Basic Equations for Computing P
Each Xi ↔ xi satisfy xi = PXi (upto a scale) xi × PXi = 0 Linear in P Aip = 0, where p = vec(P) 2 linearly independent eqns. per corrs. P is a 3×4 homogenous matrix => 11 dofs # of correspondences ≥ 6

30 Computing P Want to solve: Ap = 0, with p≠0 In presence of noise,
Eigen-value solution Algebraic cost Geometric cost: ML estimate of P Non-linear optimization: use Newton’s method

31 Summary for Computing P
Form A from 3D-2D correspondences Normalization step (see reference 1) Solve algebraic cost Solve geometric cost starting from algebraic soln. Denormalization step (see reference 1)

32 Computing K from P P = [M | p4] We know P = K[R | t] = [KR | Kt]
Decompose M using QR decomposition Get K and R Obtain t as K-1p4

33 Summary Projective geometry: P2 and P3 Camera models
Central projection (Pin hole camera) Parallel projection (affine camera) Estimation of Camera Model P Estimation of internal parameter K

34 References 1) Multi-view Geometry (Ch 2, 6, 7)
Hartley and Zisserman 2) Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications Richard Szeliski

35 Principle Plane PX = (x, y, 0)T P3 represents principle plane
=> P3TX = 0, where P = [P1T; P2T; P3T] P3 represents principle plane

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