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College Credit Plus Presented by: Kristin Skiles.

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1 College Credit Plus Presented by: Kristin Skiles

2 What is CCP/CC+? College Credit Plus is an opportunity for qualified high school students to take college classes before graduation. New program starting in Fall 2015. Encompasses all dual credit programs into one program. –High School and College Credit (dual credit) –Free of charge to participating students and families. –Many modalities: on campus, in the high school and online. Information is subject to change as the state is still finalizing rules for the program. Mid February is anticipated final rules date.

3 Why would I do self-pay? Only option available during the summer. May not want to have college classes on the high school transcript. (not dual credit) Non-public and home school students may do self-pay if they do not receive state funding through CCP.

4 What does CCP cover? CCP students will have costs paid by the school district which includes: –Tuition –Books (student may be required to return at the end of the term) –Fees CCP does not include: –Optional fees like parking, gym membership, etc. –Transportation

5 What are the benefits of CCP? Free college credit! Opportunity to enroll in classes not available at high school. Exposure to college faculty/college expectations. College credit may transfer easily (especially between public institutions within Ohio.

6 What are the risks of CCP? College coursework is more rigorous than high school –Pace is much faster – students will cover the same content as a year-long AP course in a 15 week semester. –College faculty expect more work to be done outside of the classroom. High school calendar and college calendar very rarely match: –Colleges still in session on teacher in-service days and Spring Breaks.

7 What are the risks of CCP? Financial Risk –CCP legislation states the school district may require families to repay the cost of tuition and books for students who fail or withdraw from classes past the posted deadline. –Future Federal Financial Aid may be impacted Federal guidelines limit the amount of courses you may attempt (even if they are taken while in high school) to 150% of the number of credit hours needed for a degree. Federal guidelines also state that you must successfully complete 67% of the courses you attempt.

8 What are the risks of CCP? Participation in college classes may take time away from other activities. –Students may need to limit involvement in sports and other extra-curricular activities or jobs. Transportation is not provided. Course credit may not transfer to private or out-of-state institutions.

9 Who can participate in CCP? Students must be in 7 th through 12 th grade. Students must file letter of intent with their high school counselor by March 30 th. Students must meet the admission criteria set by each individual institution.

10 Who should participate in CCP? Students who are highly motivated and mature. Students who have interests beyond what is available at the high school. Students who have the time to devote to college classes.

11 Clark State Community College Admission Criteria: –Complete CCP application and submit ACT/SAT or Compass Placement Test. –Students must meet all pre-requisites or co- requisites of classes or appropriate Compass scores to enroll. –Students must attend a mandatory advising session for each mode of taking classes: on campus, online or in the high school.

12 Compass Testing The Compass Placement Test assesses a student’s academic ability in reading, writing and math and determines if the student needs developmental coursework. –CCP does not allow students to take developmental courses so appropriate scores must be achieved. If you have not completed the ACT/SAT, you can schedule to take the test at any of Clark State’s campuses free of charge. –If you do not get a qualifying score in one of the areas, you can retest in that area one additional time for a $5 fee. –If you still do not test appropriately, you will have to wait one year to test again to enroll.

13 Services to Students As a College Credit Plus student, each student will have all access to all of the resources as a traditional student including: –Tutoring assistance –Health Center –Library services –College ID –Office of Accessibility services –A personal advisor to answer any questions he/she may have about the enrollment process or transferability of courses

14 Transferring of Courses Acceptance of credits is always determined by the receiving institution! Contact the Admission Office at the receiving institution to determine if your Clark State credits will transfer. Transferology is a wonderful website to determine course equivalencies at other institutions typically within the state of OH: Clark State follows the Ohio Transfer Module (OTM), Transfer Assurance Guidelines (TAG) and Career Technical Assurance Guidelines (CTAG) for Ohio. –State of Ohio system that guarantees transferability between public institutions. –Private and out-of-state institutions are not included in TAG courses.

15 Recommended Courses English Composition ENG 1111 English I ENG 1112 English II Oral Communication COM 1210 Public Speaking Mathematics MTH 1050 Mathematics and Today’s World MTH 1280 College Algebra I MTH 1340 Pre-Calculus MTH 2100 Calculus for the Management, Life and Social Science MTH 2200 Calculus I MTH 2220 Calculus II MTH 2240 Multivariable Calculus MTH 2330 Differential Equations MTH 2540 Matrix Algebra STT 2640 Statistics I STT 2650 Statistics II Arts & Humanities ART 1001 Art History I ART 1002 Art History II ART 1300 Appreciation of the Arts ENG 1600 Introduction to Literature ENG 2300 Great Books: World Literature ENG 2500 American Literature ENG 2610 British Literature to 1800 ENG 2620 British Literature 1800-Present THE 1130 Theatre Appreciation THE 1133 Script Analysis THE 2241 Theatre History I THE 2242 Theatre History II HST 1110 Western Civilization to 1600 HST 1120 Western Civilization Since 1600 HST 1210 American History to 1865 HST 1220 American History 1865-Present PHL 2000 Critical Thinking PHL 2100 Ethics PHL 2300 Medical Ethics PHL 2400 Philosophy of World Religions Social & Behavioral Sciences ECO 1100 General Economics ECO 2210 Principles of Macroeconomics ECO 2220 Principles of Microeconomics GEO 1000 Introduction to GIS and Cartography GEO 1100 World Human Geography GEO 2200 World Regional Geography PLS 1100 Introduction to American Politics PLS 1300 Introduction to Comparative Politics PLS 2300 Introduction to International Relations PSY 1111 Psychology I PSY 2223 Lifespan Human Growth & Dev. PSY 2230 Abnormal Psychology RST 2600 Regional Studies: North India RST 2700 Regional Studies: Africa RST 2800 Regional Studies: Latin America SOC 1110 Sociology SOC 2220 Comparing Cultures SOC 2230 Social Problems SOC 2240 Racial and Cultural Minorities SOC 2250 Sociology of Poverty Natural & Physical Science BIO 1101 Fundamentals of Human Biology BIO 1131 Microbiology BIO 1410 Fundamentals of Biology BIO 1420 Global Biology BIO 1510 Biology I BIO 1520 Biology II BIO 2121 Anatomy & Physiology I BIO 2122 Anatomy & Physiology II CHM 1100 Chemistry and Society CHM 1210 General Chemistry I CHM 1220 General Chemistry II CHM 2110 Organic Chemistry I CHM 2120 Organic Chemistry II GLG 1130 Earth Science GLG 1131 Physical Geology GLG 1132 Historical Geology GLG 1133 Environmental Geology PHY 1000 Fundamentals of Scientific Methods PHY 1100 Fundamentals of Physics PHY 1200 Introduction to Astronomy PHY 1501 General Physics I PHY 1502 General Physics II PHY 2501 General Physics I with Calculus PHY 2502 General Physics II with Calculus

16 Associate of Arts Pathway

17 Associate of Science Pathway

18 Questions? Kristin Skiles Early College Programs Admission Specialist 937.328.6027

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