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1 NYSESLAT Training 2005. 2 Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. NYSESLAT CONTENTS OF THIS OVERVIEW  Test features  Materials  Administration.

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1 1 NYSESLAT Training 2005

2 2 Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. NYSESLAT CONTENTS OF THIS OVERVIEW  Test features  Materials  Administration mode and time  Subtest descriptions

3 3 Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. NYSESLAT WHAT’S NEW?  Color test materials  More items in all subtests  New grade 2-12 writing rubric  K-1 multiple-choice Writing test  Multiple-choice Writing Conventions replaces Editing

4 4 Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. NYSESLAT PURPOSE OF THE TEST  Annual assessment measuring growth of English language learners  All ESL students in grades K–12 in all public and charter schools

5 5 Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. NYSESLAT FEATURES  Research-based  Aligned with New York State ESL Learning Standards  Social and Academic language

6 6 NYSESLAT FIVE TEST LEVELS K — 1 2 — 4 5 — 6 7 — 8 9 — 12 Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc.

7 7 NYSESLAT UNIVERSAL DESIGN  Full-color testing materials  Easy-to-navigate from item to item  White space Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc.

8 8 Test Materials K-1 LEVEL  4 Test Booklets  Answer documents the teacher bubbles in  Directions for Administering Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc.

9 9 Test Materials ALL OTHER LEVELS Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc.  4 Test Booklets  Answer documents  Directions for Administering

10 10 Subtest Format SUBTESTFORMAT  SpeakingPerformance-based  Writing ConventionsMultiple-choice  WritingPerformance-based  ReadingMultiple-choice  ListeningMultiple-choice Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Note: K-1 has no performance-based Writing

11 11 Untimed Testing Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. NYSESLAT is Untimed  Approximate times provided for examiner planning purposes only  Students working productively should be allowed as much time as they need

12 12 Administration Time  Individually administer Speaking in 15 min  Group administer each of the other subtests within approximately 45 min Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc.

13 13 K-1 Group Administration * approximate time in minutes Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. SUBTEST Multiple-choice Items TIME * Writing25 Reading25 Listening35

14 14 Grades 2-12 Group Administration * approximate time in minutes Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. SUBTEST Multiple-choice and Open-ended Items TIME * Writing40-45 Reading35-45 Listening30-35

15 15 Speaking Individual Administration Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. SPEAKING SUBTEST  Approximately 15 minutes per student  Four separate speaking activities  Sample items  Teacher-scored using a scoring form

16 16 Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Grades 9-12

17 17 Speaking Scoring Form Example Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc.

18 18 Writing Group Administered WRITING SUBTEST CONSISTS OF  Writing Conventions  Pre-Writing  Writing Prompt Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc.

19 19 Writing Conventions Multiple-Choice PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE WRITING  Multiple-choice items  Sentence structure  Mechanics Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc.

20 20 Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Grades 2-4 Grades 7-8

21 21 Pre-Writing Short Response  Three questions related to prompt  Includes graphic from prompt  Elicits student ideas to be used in response to prompt  Holistically scored with two-point rubric Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc.

22 22 Writing Prompt Direct Writing Assessment  Graphics-based  Prompt elicits Description or narrative for grades 2-6 Opinion and persuasion for grades 7-12  Holistically scored with four-point rubric Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc.

23 23 Writing Prompt Grade 2-6 Description or Narrative Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Grades 2-4

24 24 Writing Prompt Grade 7-12 Opinion and Persuasion Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Grades 9-12

25 25 W riting Rubric Grades 2-12 Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc.

26 26 Reading Group Administered Reading Subtest follows National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) guidelines for reading assessment Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc.

27 27 Reading Passages by Published Authors DIFFERENT MODES OF TEXT  Literary  Informational  Functional Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc.

28 28 Reading Questions DIFFERENT MODES OF COMPREHENSION  Initial understanding  Interpretation  Vocabulary and idioms in context Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc.

29 29 Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Grades 2-4

30 30 Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Grades 7-8

31 31 Listening Group Administered LISTENING STIMULI FEATURE  Conversational discourse  Academic and social contexts  Responding to authentic task-based questions  Cassette recording for grades 2-12 Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc.

32 32 Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Grades 2-4

33 33 Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Grades 7-8

34 34 Directions for Administering Secure Document Consisting of  General directions  Specific directions  Dictated subtests  Writing and Speaking rubrics Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc.

35 35 Scoring Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc.  Unique cut scores for each grade  Student proficiency levels based on scaled scores  Same scale used every year

36 36 Performance Levels Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. New York State ESL Proficiency Levels  Beginning  Intermediate  Advanced  Proficient

37 37 Testing Tips Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc.  “Activity” not “test”  “If you can’t respond, it’s okay”  Encourage students  Examiner should move around the room  Check subtest icons  Size of groups  Clear off walls – e.g. Word Walls

38 38 Information on ordering the NYSESLAT will be available in February. Call 1-800-763-2306 if you have questions about the enrollment instructions. Thank you very much for your participation. NYSESLAT Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc.

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