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Published byVirgil Richard Modified over 9 years ago
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 1 You may recall all of the excitement raised years ago about the idea of subliminal advertising. It was found that
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 2 if messages were flashed at you on a movie screen, you could be influenced to buy the product being advertised. What frightened a lot of people was the fact that the images were flashed so quickly that the viewer
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 3 was not conscious of them. The messages were aimed at the viewer's subconscious mind (they were aimed at the viewer's soul). It was reassuring to learn later that people could only
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 4 be influenced to buy if they already had a predisposition to buy the product in question. For example, someone who really didn't like the taste of alcohol couldn't be persuaded to buy a Budweiser with subliminal
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 5 advertising but a beer drinker who enjoyed drinking Schlitz might be influenced to make such a decision. Nonetheless, there were a lot of negative feelings about such advertising and when advertisers have tried to use
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 6 subliminal advertising and have gotten caught, it has made the public very angry. At the same time that the discoveries were being made about subliminal advertising, there were a lot of people who were fascinated by the
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 7 idea of "consciousness". Many people believed at that time that by becoming aware that our thoughts of the past and the future are only silly dreams that sap our mental energy, we should be able to increase our energy
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 8 levels. But no matter how hard we try, it is simply very difficult to maintain an awareness of the present moment. We may have trouble being aware of the present moment
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 9 not because of our thoughts of the past and the future. We may have trouble being aware of the present moment because our souls are constantly exchanging information and ideas with everyone we meet. This
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 10 process would most likely work in a manner similar to subliminal advertising where we would be exposed to a lot of ideas but would only allow into our souls the ideas that we are already predisposed to.
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 11 Your Consulting Group The illustration below shows in a simplified manner the dynamics of a process that is constantly taking place inside of every human being beginning very early in life and lasting throughout their
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 12 lives. In this illustration, two people who are different from each other (a liberal and a conservative) are having a conversation with each other. There will be strong energy flows between the individuals and their
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 13 consulting groups but weak energy flows between the individuals themselves.
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 14 When the liberal person on the left talks to the conservative person on the right, she "consults" with subconscious spiritual messages very quickly and very efficiently with other liberals who she has met
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 15 during her life (her consulting group). After making a comment to the conservative person, the conservative person subsequently hesitates for a moment and looks off into space while also
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 16 "consulting" with subconscious spiritual messages very quickly and very efficiently with like minded conservative people who she knows (her consulting group). The liberal and the conservative
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 17 each feel some warmth during the encounter because even though they are not talking directly to a close friend, their good friends are involved indirectly in the conversation through the automatic
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 18 subconscious spiritual communication process. Now imagine that you put two people who are similar to each other (both liberals) in a conversation. There will be a strong energy flows being as the two like-minded
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 19 people are each getting good vibrations from their consulting groups through exchanging subconscious spiritual messages and are also receiving good vibrations from each other. If you have a situation
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 20 where the consulting processes of two people match very closely, people who observe them may say that they have "good chemistry".
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 21 The concept of the consulting group is very
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 22 similar to the concept of the soul. Our consulting group members are people who have allowed us to access their souls and who we have allowed to access our soul.
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 23 Linking and Embedding Your Spiritual Graphics If you are familiar with the world of computer graphics, you already know about the concepts of linking and embedding. When you want to insert a graphic into your
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 24 document, you can choose to link it in such a way that the graphic shows up in your document but is actually stored somewhere else on your computer or somewhere else on the network. If you choose to embed the graphic
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 25 in your document, the graphic will become a permanent part of your document and it will reside in your document. In a large company several people may link to a particular graphic which
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 26 resides on the company network. If the company chooses to update (or change) the graphic, the next time a person opens their document, they will have the latest version of the graphic. If they embed the
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 27 graphic, the next time they open their document, they will get the version of the graphic that existed when they created their document originally.
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 28 There is a strong similarity between the linking of computer graphics and the dynamics of the automatic subconscious spiritual communication process.
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 29 But while your computer program goes out on the network to access the latest version of the desired graphic, human beings go out on the "spiritual network" to access spiritual information (thoughts and
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 30 feelings) from other people. When the automatic subconscious spiritual communication process works correctly for people (when they link to others spiritually rather than embedding), they are
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 31 constantly receiving updated, dynamic, and real- time exchanges of subconscious spiritual information with other people who they know by accessing their spiritual
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 32 information through the spiritual network. Those people who are not able to automatically exchange spiritual
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 33 information with other people have a tendency to embed spiritual information from other people into their souls. For this reason they have trouble keeping up strong relationships with other people. But
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 34 embedding the spiritual information of another person in your soul (and embedding your spiritual information in the other person's soul) is not quite the same thing as embedding a graphic in a
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 35 document that you are working on. When you embed a graphic in a document that you are working on and the graphic changes on the network, you will have exactly the same graphic in your document
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 36 that you had before. When you embed the spiritual information of another person in your soul and you or the other person goes through some sort of a change, there is some updating of the "spiritual
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 37 graphic" that you have in your soul of the other person (and some updating of the "spiritual graphic" they have in their soul of you) that takes place.
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 38 The people who are capable of linking their spiritual graphics with other people do sometimes get themselves into situations where they will allow another person to develop low level exchanges of spiritual
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 39 information with them (they will unknowingly allow this person to start a "relationship" with them where the spiritual information is embedded rather than linked). This often happens in business
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 40 situations where a salesperson, for example, might feel that it is important to form a temporary spiritual bond with their client so that they will be able to influence the client when they need the client to do something that
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 41 they want them to do (such as when they need the client to sign a contract). These people know how to use spiritual links to influence the client's thinking at that crucial point where the client might be
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 42 tempted to back out of the deal. Usually, the client does not believe deep down in his or her soul that they could have any sort of a real relationship with the salesperson who uses this type of low level spiritual
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 43 connection to help make a transaction go more smoothly. For this reason, the client will not put forth any subconscious spiritual energy to try to keep their low level spiritual connection with the salesperson alive
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 44 after the transaction has been completed. But people who are only capable of low level exchanges of spiritual information with other people (those people who embed the spiritual information of other people
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 45 in their souls and who embed their own spiritual information in other people's souls) will more or less bring this person into their soul and will subconsciously "introduce" them to all of the other people who they have
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 46 met during their lives in these types of situations who they have embedded into their soul, and who they have tried to embed their own soul into. Some sort of permanent low level dynamic real-time exchange of
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 47 spiritual information probably does take place between the salesperson and the person who tends to embed spiritual graphics (rather than linking them), but it would most likely only be a very low level of
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 48 spiritual exchange that neither person would be consciously aware of.
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 49 The Presence of Others Everyone begins the process of exchanging their subconscious spiritual thoughts and feelings with other people shortly after they are born. Some of the spiritual information they
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 50 "pick up" from other people early in life may contain cultural and religious myths that have no basis in fact but those cultural and religious myths will seem magical to them and they will allow those myths to go deep into
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 51 their souls because the myths will come into them in a magical way (through the automatic exchange of subconscious spiritual information with other people). As they are growing up they will tend to form
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 52 strong spiritual links with people who are similar to themselves (they will allow them deep access to their soul) and they will form not so strong spiritual links with people who are not similar to
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 53 themselves (they will only allow them partial access to their soul). If they meet people who have weak spiritual abilities, they will begin the process of exchanging their subconscious spiritual
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 54 thoughts and feelings with them but they will have trouble maintaining useful spiritual links with them. Those individuals who have only weak spiritual abilities never seem to develop the ability to effectively
The Philosophy of Exotischism The Essence of the Soul 55 exchange spiritual information with other people. They send mixed and distorted spiritual signals out to the world and the world sends mixed and distorted spiritual signals to them in return.
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