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Teaching on Charity 1. People spiritually equal but different dharma depending on Varna. It is a duty. 2. Doing dharma means good Karma. Unit 5 Justice.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching on Charity 1. People spiritually equal but different dharma depending on Varna. It is a duty. 2. Doing dharma means good Karma. Unit 5 Justice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching on Charity 1. People spiritually equal but different dharma depending on Varna. It is a duty. 2. Doing dharma means good Karma. Unit 5 Justice and Equality Justice=fairness, equal provisions/opportu nities Injustice=unfairness, lack of freedom/human rights Prejudice- prejudging/dislike before you know someone Discrimination Treating someone differently base on a prejudice Equality Wealth Poverty Responses to Injustice 1. Pray 2. Collect/Give Charity 3. Fast 4. Organise campaigns 5. Pressure Government 6. Non-violent action Teaching on Charity 1. Duty to look after others (Stewardship) 2. Jesus taught it/demonstrated it e.g. Good Samaritan/ healing 3. Practical help given, not just money e.g. Running hostels, soup runs, visiting housebound. 4. Love thy neighbour. 5. Seen as helping Jesus and God Examples of Charity 1. Christian Aid “We believe in life before death”. 2. Helps 60 countries in LEDC’s 3. Long term aid 4. Offers funding, training and supplies to help people help themselves so things change. 5. Senegal-Reforestation, animal fattening, literacy and management classes, well digging. (prepares for self-sufficiency. Examples of Charity 1. Food for Life (ISKCON) 2. Attachment to wealth hinders attaining Moksha. 3. 60 countries, provides vegetarian food. 4. Offers food, companionship and advice. 5. Short term relief during natural disasters e.g. Floods in Mozambique 6. Over 400 free meals each day to homeless in London Authority means... People who are in charge/make laws/power over others Fairness means... same opportunities and rights Unfairness means... prevention of same opportunities/ rights Why Prejudice? 1. Selfish 2.Ignorant 3. Experience 4.Fear 5. Parental / 6.Peer pressure Types of Prejudice & Discrimination 1.Racism (colour/race) 2.Ageism (old/young) 3.Disability 4.Sexism (male /female/ orientation) Teaching on Prejudice & Discrimination 1. All life is sacred, connected and relies on others 2. Each group (varna) has a certain dharma. 3. Ahimsa discourages discrimination 4. Karma and dharma expect tolerance. Teaching on Prejudice & Discrimination 1. Jesus taught against 2. Good Samaritan, show agape 3. God created all equal Needs are -things which are required without which it would mean extreme poverty e.g. Food, shelter, warmth. Wants are – something craved, without which no hardship 1. Wealth is impermanent 2. Not owned but loaned by God 3. Duty to help others and be generous & compassionate 4. No greed or bribery 5. No dishonesty 6. No illegal or harmful ways to gain money (artha) Teaching on Wealth and use of resources 1. Money of no lasting value 2. All is loaned from God 3. Material wealth should be shared with others 4. Generosity needs to involve sacrifice. 5. Money does not give meaning 6. No greed, gambling, unfair or harmful methods of gaining money. The work of one INDIVIDUAL against prejudice “I was hungry and you gave me food...” (Matt 25:40) “Love one another” (John 13:34) “The gods have not ordained hunger to be our death...those who will give find none to comfort them” (Rig Veda 10:117) “There is neither...male nor female; for all are one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28) “To resist without bitterness To be cursed and not reply To be beaten and not hit back” (MLK:- Non- Violent Creed) “Perform your prescribed duty”. (Bhagavad Gita 3:18) Attitude towards/Role of Women 1. Jesus did not 1. Women have discriminate specific dharma 2. Men/women 2. perform worship @home Equal before God 3. Don’t need own 3. Women possessions (husband/son) Ordained (priests) 4. India recognises equal In some Churches rights Trained Christian minister who was influenced by Gandhi (ahimsa) Began the Civil Rights Movement Organised non-violent protests and campaigns. Involved media so people saw injustices Took part in /organised marches Supported boycotts (BUS) Assassinated 1968

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