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 Introductions  Career/College Readiness Diploma  Gold Medallion Honors Diploma  International Baccalaureate Diploma Summary-pgs. 11-16 of Career.

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2  Introductions

3  Career/College Readiness Diploma  Gold Medallion Honors Diploma  International Baccalaureate Diploma Summary-pgs. 11-16 of Career Planning and Education Guide (CPEG)


5 Graduates are recognized for: meeting entrance requirements for most Missouri universities start comparing four-year colleges and universities now for admission requirements.

6 Graduate with Honors! Graduates receive honors and are recognized for: completing a rigorous program meeting all entrance requirements for the University of Missouri system as well as most universities nationwide.

7 Graduate with Honors! Graduates receive honors and are recognized for: completing a rigorous program meeting all entrance requirements for the University of Missouri system as well as most universities nationwide.

8 Available with ALL diplomas and at each high school.  Tuition paid to any of Missouri’s 2-year public community colleges or vocational-technical schools  Scholarship options to some 4-year universities Sign up at your high school when you pick up your schedule.

9 Who should go for A+? EVERY STUDENT!!! Prepare for college and career success both ACADEMICALLY & FINANCIALLY!

10  How Do I Decide? (p. 18) › Do I have A’s or B’s in the class(es) I’m considering taking? › Do I have 95% or higher average attendance? › Do I score well on tests? › Am I organized and turn in completed homework? › Can I plan and prioritize my time? › Does this class interest me?

11  English Language Arts I or Honors ELA  World History or Honors World History  Physics or Honors Physics  Math Course  See the helpful chart on the next slide…

12 Current CourseNext Year 8 th Grade Math or Challenge 8 th Grade Math Algebra A Algebra I (Algebra I - Repeat) Geometry or PreIB/Honors Geometry Geometry or Challenge Geometry Algebra II or PreIB/Honors Algebra II

13 Freshman Course Selection Worksheet ½ credit = Semester Classes 1 full credit = Full Year Class




17 Alternate Classes  Must be filled out.  Include semester and full-year courses.  Alternates will be selected for you if not completed on this part of the form.  Select carefully!! If first choice course request is replaced with alternate, there might not be an option to change your schedule.

18 Your Middle School Counselor will work with you to collect your forms and Northtown Counselors will return to visit with each of you personally regarding your plan and choices. High SchoolDate and TimeLocation Northtown 3/5/15 3/6/15 Northgate Eastgate

19  Advanced Credit › Campus Based › eCampus Courses  Credit Recovery

20  Every student will receive a MacBook Air  How will this be used to support learning?  What if it becomes a distraction?

21  Students must attend class at least 90% of the time – about 4 days per class  Class grades are dropped by 5% in specified increments  Students can appeal  Parents must contact school to verify absences for an appeal

22  What are they?  Why should my student participate in these?  How do they retain their eligibility to participate?

23  IB/IBCP  Diverse Student Population  Open Campus  Community Support

24  Activity Night and Curriculum Night!  May 19 th  5-7 pm  Norclay Building

25  Ask your middle school counselor.  Ask your current teacher(s) for subject area advice.  Ask your parent/guardian.  Go to the North Kansas City Counseling Website:  Call your high school and ask for the counseling office.  NKCHS: 413-5903


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